Thu, 30 Jun 1994 22:11:26 Thread 1 of 1 Lines 22 Re: The Garden Respno 2 of 2 michael nesmith at NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 2 : When: End of August is what I hear, with re-issues of other titles : including Prison and Infinite Rider. : Instrumental: Nez says yes :( : Book: no idea. probably. The Garden should be out end of August. There will be two versions. I'm trying to set it up so both will be available at Record Stores. One is a regular CD with a book in a double CD case. The other is a CD ROM without the book. The book is the data part of the CD ROM. Both will be the same price (15.98 SRP) and both will play as regular CD audio discs. (For instance you can play the CD ROM in your car or living room, etc) Yes it's mostly instrumental. There are a few lyrics. I sang a few lines on Peter's new record. So did Mick. Sounded like old times. I think you all will like it. Info on the Garden at 18005385856. nez