Tue, 14 Jun 1994 08:48:26 alt.music.monkees Thread 2 of 6 Lines 26 Re: Q suggestion Respno 5 of 5 nez@netcom.com michael nesmith at NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 2 : -- : Ken Wang : kkwang@seas.ucla.edu LA in the mid 60's was strange. The songs I wrote during that period were uniformly reviled. Producers and such (like Bob Krasnow) wanted me to record "hits"... a kinda of 'buy low, sell high' wisdom... and so rejected my own songwriting in favor of those early singles, etc. Then, when The Monkees came along my songs were only allowed on the records to humor me, the 'music side' of the show having been promised to Tommy and Bobby. However, none of the songs you mention were even considered for the show. Bert and Bob wanted 'hits' too. Of course they were right in some way. I don't think the show would have been the same without the early Boyce and Hart material. Clarkesville WAS a hit, even before we even hit the air. Yet, to this day I have never conciously written a "hit' since I generally ignore the politics and conventions of the times. I wouldn't know a hit song if it bit me. I seem to be getting worse at this too...wait till you hear The Garden. It's all instrumental. So the early material is more about producers trying to catch a hit, rather than the message or artistry of a singer or a song, and that's why it's so poor and why it makes me cringe a little. Baby pictures, but in some weird make-up. nez