Here are some neat nez quotes from the usenet: >Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 14:37:10 -0700 >From: Net News Filter >Subject: michael nesmith Article: alt.folklore.urban.148165 Michael Nesmith wrote, I did NOT invent Tipp Ex. I invented wheat. The powers of the governement are in a huge conspiracy to keep my royalties from me. Not to worry. I have the same lawyer as the guy who invented the intermittent windshield wiper. Not much longer now. Article: alt.folklore.urban.148166 Michael Nesmith wrote, : Re some email I received. Mom invented Liquid Paper. This is mentioned in _Mothers_of_Invention_, a pretty good book, listing dozens of women who accomplished amazing things in an atmosphere that wasn't exactly nurturing. Mrs Nesmith, incidentally, is described as being a "terrible" typist, and simply made a virtue out of necessity when all the other office girls wanted some of her correcting fluid.