The latest Tower Pulse magazine, March 1995 includes a review of Michael Nesmith's "The Garden" on page 95. It reads: In 1974, ex-Monkee turned country-pop-eccentric-cum-media-visionary Michael Nesmith confused even his most ardent supporters with The Prison, a concept album that was a bit too, well, comceptual for most listeners to digest. Now, with the ensuing decades having vindicated many of his multi-media brainstorms, Nesmith is back to his old tricks with "The Garden" (Rio, ***). I won't presume to judge the success of the projects short-story-with-soundtrack confluence or the text's musings on the nature of perception, but it's safe to say that the seven exquisitely textured, mostly instrumental pieces that comprise the CD sound quite lovely and unforced. Nesmith's new Rio label has simultaneously reissued The Prison, and that sounds nice too. rated above average. Hope you all enjoy this! Brad Waddell - FLEXquarters | "Reno? Why Reno?" Phoenix Arizona USA | "Rio dummy, Rio De Ginero" | -- Michael Nesmith | Save on long distance! Send me e-mail