From ???@??? Tue Sep 01 14:29:04 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad WaddellSubject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: "Lt. Jen Hallik" At 12:30 E, on Win Ben Stein's Money, there was a Monkees category. I was channel surfing, so I didn't catch the first question, but what I did see is as follows: Contestent #1: Peter Tork? Ben Stein: No, I'm sorry. Con #2: Michael Nesmith? BS: No. Con #3: Dave...? Dave? BS: No, I'm sorry, the answer is: Micky Dolenz Next question is... what popular correction fluid was invented by the mother of Monkee Michael Nesmith? Contestant #1: White-Out? Ben Stein: No, I'm sorry. Next? Con #2: Liquid Paper. Ding, ding, ding. Anyway, it's not very much but it brightened my day. Unchanging, Lt Jen :)) (the first question was: Who was the drummer for the singer/actor tv group the monkees?) The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 01 19:39:36 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: (Maddeleine Star) Hey today at 4:00pm eastern standard time there was a brief mention of Michael Nesmith on the animated series Steven Spielburg's Pinky and the Brain on the Wb Network. I was watchng it wit my friends, and I was the only one who caught onto the mention. Pinky said that he hoped Mike Nesmith would be joining them this time. ++++++++++++++++++ From: On Road Rules last night on Mtv, one of the girls, Susie, was in a bar with this autrailian football player, and she compared him to Davy Jones in a little interview segment. She said "remember when Marcia was dashed up (i think that's what she said) by *Davy Jones* on the Brady Bunch?" i thought you all might like to know about that little mention =) luv ya ~allison The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 01 22:35:32 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: "Seikyo" At a Keith Haring exhibit in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, I got to see Keith Haring's official Monkees fan club card. There was also a piece of binder paper with two pictures of Davy glued on. At the top, it said, "I love Davy Jones". If anyone wants to catch it, the exhibit will end on Sept. 8, and admission is free on Tuesdays. The mention was in the very front section of the exhibit. Not much, but interesting. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 01 22:43:11 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News: Micky Dolenz Interview Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: debbie schwensen Dear Monkee Fans, I am the author of the book "How To Be A Working Comic: An Insider's Guide To A Career In Stand-Up Comedy." It may not sound like it fits in with the group, but there is a chapter you might be interested in. I interviewed quite a few "big name" acts for the project, (Drew Carey, Jeff Foxworthy, etc.), but one of my biggest thrills was interviewing Micky Dolenz. I wrote a section about appearing on television and the power of sitcoms - and who better to talk with about the lasting effects than comedian Micky?? Along with a photo I took of him backstage after a recent concert, the book contains a insightful interview about The Monkees, their comparisons to The Beatles and The Marx Brothers, Micky's thoughts about the past, present and future, info about his favorite songs to perform, his comfort wearing the "Monkees hat" and efforts not to be typecast once the series left the air. If you think fans would like to read this exclusive interview, the book will be out in mid-September and is currently listed on If you'd like to contact me, (I'm typing from a relative's house right now), my E-Mail is Thanks! Dave Schwensen The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Sep 03 10:48:52 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Doris & Dan This rather lengthy New York Times article on male beauty mentions several celebrities, including Davy. Peace, Doris From the New York Times: Tuesday, August 31, 1998 Nothing Becomes a Man More Than a Woman's Face By NATALIE ANGIER A timeless movie scene some of us wish we could forget: Leonardo DiCaprio climbing to the bowsprit of the "Titanic" and crowing, "I'm the king of the world!" The latest word from scientists: He may have a point. Or, rather, a fetching bit of roundness. In a new study of facial attractiveness, researchers from Scotland and Japan have found that, much to their astonishment, people of both sexes prefer feminine-looking men over rugged, manly-miened men. When shown a series of computerized photographs of young men whose images had been manipulated to make them look either more masculine or more feminine than the norm, viewers designated the artificially feminized faces as somewhat more attractive than the average faces, and more appealing by far than the masculinized versions. The results, which appeared in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature, held cross-culturally, whether the faces shown or the people passing judgment were Japanese or Caucasian. The scientists had predicted that such traditional hallmarks of male dominance and maturity as a big jaw, square face, prow nose, and heavy brow would prove impressive to men and irresistible to women, who in theory are ever on the lookout for their alpha mate. Instead, appraisers seemed drawn to a touch of girlishness -- slender nose, cupid's lips, lightened brow, adorable chin. In other words, Leo rules! So, too, do the likes of Johnny Depp, Matt Damon and Ralph Fiennes, and Paul McCartney when his top still mopped, and his Monkee clone Davey Jones, and the young Elvis in white and the young Brando in buff, who were both so pretty you could swear they wore Maybelline. Far from putting a man at a competitive disadvantage, it seems, femininity may be a source of sexual and social strength. "Our team has been working on this study for four years," said Ian Penton-Voak of the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland. "When it was found early on that there was a preference for feminized male faces, nobody believed it, so we did it again, and again. The preference for a feminized face keeps coming up." Most recently, he added, "we've even replicated this work among hunter-gatherer tribes in the Amazon." Penton-Voak, an author of the report, is a graduate student in the laboratory of Dr. David I. Perrett, a professor of psychology. In the same study, the scientists also found that viewers preferred ultra-feminized women's faces over either average female faces or those that had been slightly masculinized. That result, at least, was in keeping with their expectations. The new report adds to a growing body of evidence that beauty may not be restricted to the eyes of a beholder, and that a sense of it may be more innate and less culturally fungible than people care to believe. At the same time, the results underscore that the meaning of beauty is still up for grabs and open to any number of Kiplingesque Just-So interpretations. Perrett and his colleagues speculate that women might choose feminine-looking men as their mates because such men give the appearance of being sensitive, honest and potentially reliable fathers. "It is quite interesting that people like feminized male faces," said Dr. Stefano Ghirlanda, a zoologist at the University of Stockholm in a telephone interview. "But the significance of the work is not clear. We understand so little about what faces mean, or what the information content of any particular feature may be." In the latest experiment, the researchers started with the assumption that people would find most appealing those faces that displayed "sex-appropriate" signs of ostensible genetic and reproductive fitness, and that the more obvious the signs, the more attractive the face should be. Thus, an attractive female face should look unmistakably female, which means it has been shaped by sufficient stores of estrogen, the principal hormone of female fertility. Estrogen is thought to help make the bottom half of the face narrower than the top half, for example, and to make the cheeks high and round. And because female fertility declines sharply with age, female attractiveness has also been linked to signs of youthfulness, including wide, bright eyes (the pupils of the eyes shrink with age, the corneas get ever cloudier, and the upper lids tend to droop), a small nose (being cartilage, the nose continues to grow throughout life), and full lips (lips lose their connective tissue and thin out over time). By comparison, the male hormone testosterone is known to enlarge the jaw and to thicken the brow and upper bridge of the nose. If a woman is looking for a man who is clearly a man and who brims with male hormones, she theoretically should be drawn to a face with a comparatively square jaw and strong brow. In other species, the traits and behaviors that males use to attract females, like being able to grow a long, showy tail or to sing a complex melody, are also under the control of testosterone. In addition, if a woman is looking for a mature man who hypothetically has the resources to invest in her and offspring, she should care little for youthfully full lips or wide eyes. To test the degree of masculinity or femininity preferred, the researchers began by making computer composites. For each ethnic group they studied, they took photographs of 20 men and 20 women in their early 20's, digitized the images and defined 174 salient features -- for example, nose-tip -- as "facial landmarks." Those features were then used to calculate a single image of an average white man and average white woman, or average Japanese man and average Japanese woman. The scientists defined "masculinity" and "femininity" as the measurable ways that the composite images of the two sexes differed from one another. "This seemed the best and most logical place to start," Penton-Voak said. A group of 50 students and university staff members in Scotland and a similar number in Japan served as judges. Sitting at a computer console, the appraisers could manipulate the images with a mouse, morphing the pictures in either a more masculine or feminine direction. All the features would change simultaneously as the mouse moved, which meant that the appraisers did not have the option of shaping features to their particular liking -- say, by enlarging the jaw of the man while keeping his nose and brow comparatively slender. In the end, the judges preferred, on average, significantly feminized female faces for both sexes. Female faces were rated as most attractive when they were about 20 percent more feminized than the female norm, while male faces were judged most appealing when they were about 15 percent more feminine than the standard male composite. Interestingly, when people were rating the faces of their own ethnic group, they liked an even greater degree of feminization of both male and female faces than when they were ranking the faces of a different ethnic group. When asked to associate certain characteristics with masculine or feminine faces, appraisers said that masculinized male faces did look more dominant and mature than the average male face, but they also gave the masculinized faces comparatively lower scores in qualities like warmth, honesty, emotionality, cooperativeness and parenting abilities. The feminized male faces were given top ratings when it came to all the sensitive-guy personality traits. For the female faces, masculinization also lent the women a look of comparatively high dominance and low warmth and trustworthiness, while the feminized faces ranked high in all aspects of sweetness and light. When it came to picking out the aspect of a potentially good mother, though, appraisers preferred the average female face to that of a feminized face. This quirky result raises the question of what, from an evolutionary perspective, a man is choosing if he designates as highly attractive an ultra-feminized face that he does not necessarily think belongs to a woman capable of rearing his brood. Indeed, as Ghirlanda and others point out, the results of the new study raise at least as many questions as they answer. Dr. Perrett and his colleagues suggest that the preferences they have detected show there is a limit to how sexually distinctive, or dimorphic, the faces of men and women can be. In many species, competition between males for the eye of females has resulted in profound sexual dimorphism, the most famous example being the difference between the ostentatious peacock and the drab peahen. By the Perrett scenario, social skills like cooperativeness, honesty and gentleness proved generically desirable in the early stages of human evolution. Because such nurturing traits are associated with femaleness and juvenileness, the appeal of the feminine, youthful look became pansexual, and helped to counter such standard engines of sexual dimorphism as competition between males. But as some critics have observed, the Perrett study does not account for at least one source of considerable esthetic dimorphism in humans: facial hair. None of the men photographed for the study had beards or mustaches. The role of facial hair in human evolution, and why men have it while women do not, remains a mystery. In theory, though, prehistoric men had neither the time nor the wherewithal to shave, and so may have looked as distinct from prehistoric women as antlered male elks do from bare-headed does. The scientific study of beauty is rife with mysteries and contradictions. A number of reports have demonstrated that a composite face is usually deemed more attractive than any one particular face -- that is, a consolidated image of 60 people is voted more attractive than is the image of most of the individual members. The classic evolutionary explanation for the triumph of the norm is that an average-looking person conveys a comforting familiarity, and is unlikely to harbor any unusual genetic mutations. Yet the exaggerated pretty face has been shown to be favored over the average. If the faces of the 15 people rated as most attractive of the original pool of 60 are merged into a composite image, that averaged face outranks the first composite. And if the features of the top-15 composite are then pushed to extremes, by raising and emphasizing the cheekbones, for example, the image is reckoned more beautiful still. What remains to be understood is why one sort of extreme signal, like prominent cheekbones, should be considered alluring, while other extreme features, like a big nose, should be rejected in favor of a mainstream profile. If the norm is the most likely to be genetically healthy, why be drawn to any sign of genetic deviance? Extreme beauty is not necessarily a sign of superior reproductive potential. For instance, there is a genetic condition called androgen insensitivity syndrome, in which a fetus with male chromosomes lacks the capacity to respond to the male hormones its embryonic testes produce. As a result, the fetus's body develops as female. Girls with the condition often grow into unusually beautiful women, with long legs, clear skin, ample breasts and thick hair; a number of famous models and actresses are thought to have androgen insensitivity syndrome. Yet women with A.I.S. lack normal reproductive organs and are infertile. By a cold Darwinian reckoning, their beauty is deceptive. And, hey, Leonardo DiCaprio may not be as sweet as he looks, either, but do his lusting young fans really care? Copyright 1998 The New York Times The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Sep 04 10:33:09 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News: Peter Tork/James Lee Stanley Netcast Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Roseann Flickenger The Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley netcast event sponsored by Songwriters' Monthly "Words on Music" is now archived on the Media Bureau website. Access is available at (NOTE: RealPlayer 5.0 plug-in, a *free* product, is required to access this netcast. Visit for more information on obtaining it.) The netcast features both solo performances by James and Peter and a duet set. It was taped during their appearance at the Fulton Opera House. A limited edition poster and t-shirt are being offered to commemorate James and Peter's appearance at the Fulton Opera House in Lancaster, PA on August 29. For more information, visit the Soundwatch website at ---Zan The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Sat Sep 05 20:39:00 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m Monkee Business Fanzine Monkees News Update September 5, 1998 PETER TORK Peter will spend 1998 recording a new solo album. He'll also be playing a number of dates solo and with the Shoe Suede Blues Band: Date Venue ---- ----- Sep. 8 Peter and Shoe Suede Blues at Harvelle's, Santa Monica, CA Sep. 15 Peter and Shoe Suede Blues at Harvelle's, Santa Monica, CA Sep. 22 Peter and Shoe Suede Blues at Harvelle's, Santa Monica, CA Sep. 29 Peter and Shoe Suede Blues at Harvelle's, Santa Monica, CA A Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley netcast event sponsored by Songwriters' Monthly "Words on Music" is now archived on the Media Bureau website. Access is available at DAVY JONES Davy Jones and his band will appear in concert October 3 at Quiet Water Beach Boardwalk, Pensacola, FL, at 8:30 pm. Davy's free concert is part of a three-day free beachside Sixties festival called "The Beach Goes On". For more info, call the beach visitors center at 850-932-1500 or 800-635-4803. Davy Jones is co-starring with Peter Noone and Bobby Sherman on the Teen Idols concert tour: Date Venue ---- ----- Sep. 5 American Music Theater, Lancaster, PA, 717-397-7700 Sep. 6 Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 800-441-4410 or 717-839-8811 Sep. 11 KISN radio's "KIS'N The Summer Goodbye Concert", Oaks Amusement Park, Portland, OR, tickets available at Music Millenium stores or by calling 503-248-0163 Sep. 27 private event, fundraiser for Brooks Teen Crisis Center, Fort Worth, TX, already sold out Oct. 10 Paramount Arts Centre, Aurora, IL, 630-896-6666 Dec. 3 *NEW* Soaring Eagle Casino, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 517-772-8900 Dec. 5 Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater, FL, 813-791-7400 Mar. 28 Macomb Community College, Mt. Clemens, MI, 810-286-2000 MICKY DOLENZ Be sure to watch the September 12 premiere of "The Secret Files of the SpyDogs" on Fox Kids Network. Micky provides the voices of the lead character Ralph and his sidekick Scribble. MICHAEL NESMITH Nez's novel _The Long Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora_ is being published by St. Martins Press in November. Copies should start arriving in your local bookstore in late October. Nez expects to embark on a booksigning tour in November, but no dates have yet been announced. MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Sun Sep 06 22:59:45 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Lenora McCoy I just turned on that new Jeopardy on VH1 -- and AS I TURNED IT ON (flipping channels) there was a question about MICKY!!! It was something like Ami Dolenz' dad Micky was drummer on this TV series. The woman who answered got it right! :-) It's 11 PM Central (it came on VERY early in the show) so it might still be caught on the West Coast (and if someone does, please write down the exact wording. I was too busy SCREAMING -- seriously AAAAAA!!!!!, to pay much attention) The very happy Lenora "Magic Fingers" Dolenz-Tork The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Sep 07 10:40:50 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Lily Adams Hey Monkee Fans, I was watching on MTV the show "Ultra Sound". It was the one about The Video Music awards: uncensored. So I was watching and They Had 2 really quick clips of the Monkees. One clip they showed them doing a little dance on stage (soo cute) and the other clip Was a small clip of them singing I'm a believer( That clip was on the run down of every band that performed ). I'm not sure when they are gonna have it on again but they probably will show it again. So look out for it. Monkee love forever! Lily The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Sep 07 22:31:49 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: The "Ultrasound" clips of the Monkees were packaged in the MTV music awards specials, as they are counting down to this year's awards show on Sept 10th. If the special is going to be on again, it'll be really soon..... The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 08 09:16:18 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Sam Morris The MTV Ultrasound with the Monkees you guys have been talking about is going to be replayed tonite at 6PM Eastern time. For further reference, is TV Guide's website, and it's very helpful if you want to find out if things will be aired again...Keep On Rockin' In the Free World! -Sam The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 08 20:28:33 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: "Joyce L. Burnett" I just received Rhinos new catalog today and it is full of new Monkees items (very exciting ones) including a blanket/throw with the same picture that is on the cover of the Hey, Hey, We're The Monkees hardback tabletop book. They also have several new t-shirts including one with the Monkeemobile on it and also ANOTHER new lunchbox! This catalog is a must see!!! Rhinos phone # to order a catalog is 1-800-432-0020. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 08 23:16:10 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: We were digging through my grandma's attic and I found an old Archie comic book. In the second section it mentions the Monkees: (they get thrown out of a small night club) Veronica: These crumbs don't know music! Why fool around at the bottom? We should start at the TOP! Betty: And how do we perform this miracle? Veronica: Daddy is a personal friend of DON KIRSHNER! Jughead: The man with the Golden Ear? Reggie: He's the guy who developed THE MONKEES! Archie: Man, with HIS record of successes HE ought to know music! Just thought you'd like to see that. I thought it was cute. Tarah, luvs! Let It Be, April There's a little store on Sunset Strip.... The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Sep 10 13:15:39 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Hi, I got this from AOL news, for the complete listing of the top 100 shows, go to I knew you'd all be interested. Debbie UltimateTV Releases Top 100 Prime-Time TV Shows of All Time LOS ANGELES, Sept. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Forget critics and highbrow Hollywood insiders. UltimateTV (, the most comprehensive online site devoted exclusively to television, polled more than 8,300 real TV fans to determine the top 100 prime-time, TV series of all time. In honor of the Emmy's 50th Anniversary, UltimateTV, rated the No. 1 TV web site by USA Today readers, polled TV fans nationwide between August 6, 1998 and September 1, 1998 to establish the definitive top 100 list of TV shows. With more than 8,300 users voting, here are the winners: 1. I Love Lucy Snip, Snip 58. The Monkees Snip, Snip For the complete list of winners, log on to UltimateTV The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Sep 14 13:29:57 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Michelle Clary According to two Monkees episodes will air on VH-1 on September 26 at 4 and 4:30 PM. +++++++++++++++ From: Hooloovoo Today on SpyDogs, the lead dog, Ralph, who is voiced by Micky says the following: "You're on the last train to Barksville and there's no one at the station." c'mon everyone together now... *groan* -Hoo Hooloovoo -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Micky Dolenz - Corey Feldman - Marco Sanchez - Monkees FAQs - Michael Nesmith Lyrics - Dolenz, Jones, Boyce & Hart - --------------------------------------------- Spiral Edge: The Todd Eldredge Mailing List ------------------------------------------- Eagles may soar, but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 15 01:02:50 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Lenora McCoy This is the episode with just Micky. Time is Central. 04:00pm Thu Sep-17 UPN-8 .. BOY MEETS WORLD ...................... 4-4:30pm ... Ser/Sitc "Band on the Run". Cory and Shawn form a bogus rock band to attract girls, then are booked for the school dance. CC, Stereo. Lenora Dolenz-Tork The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Sep 16 01:03:47 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: "Kimberly Pearce Varnum" Sad news David and Teen Idol fans, I just got word the Aurora, Illinois concert has been *cancelled*. You may want to call the Paramount about refunds. The reason given was "scheduling conflicts". Kimberly ************************************************** Every Step of the Way...The Official Davy Jones Home Page Kimberly's site: "If you smile at me, I will understand 'cause that's something everybody everywhere does in the same language." - CSN&Y The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Sep 16 01:08:11 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: "Stephanie Kung" According to the Boy Meets World episode (Rave On) with Peter, Davy, and Micky in it will be showing on Wed, Sept. 23. 4:30pm 44 KBHK Boy Meets World Rave On Type: Syndicated / Sitcom (TV-G)(30 min) Cory and Eric (Ben Savage, Will Friedle) plan to combine a rowdy party with their parents' surprise anniversary celebration -Stephanie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Sep 17 10:33:49 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: October 10th Teen Idols Tour Cancellation I just got off the phone with the Paramount Arts Theater and was told that the show has been cancelled. Letters will be sent to all of us who ordered tickets explaining what we need to do to get our money back. Jen ++++++++++++ From: "Yodi Collins" Greetings, Listers, Ever read a book called 'The Secret Language of Relationships'? Well, I happened to be perusing it on my lunch break today and came across Mike and Davy's photographs on page 769? or so. The book examines relationship types between people based on their respective dates-of-birth. This particular page explored the relationships between two people with the same birthday, in this case, December 30. It was good to see the guys in print but out of the usual context. Check it out. Torkaholism and Monkeemania Forever, The Millenium Rainbow Monkee Vibe Madness at: +++++++++++++ From: Melinda Bruno This was in the September 1998 issue of The Mac Street Journal, the monthly publication of the New York MacUsers Group. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >From the Desktop By Sandee Cohen . . . I want to create the outline of a shape -- let's say a guitar. Then I want to take some type -- let's say the word Monkees. Then I want to do some command that will allow the word Monkees to be changed into the shape of the guitar. And then I want to be able to tweak the points of the guitar and the letters will change. (Hey, Hey, We're the Monkees!) And I want it to happen without adding a heap of points to the word Monkees. Obviously someone did this by hand in the sixties. So shouldn't it be a piece of cake for Macintosh graphics programs? Should be, but isn't. The feature I have described is something called "Enveloping" and the Monkees logo is a perfect example. (For those of you too young to remember the Monkees, may I suggest tuning to Nick at Nite.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Maybe somebody oughta get Sandee a TV Guide. ;-) --The Funky Cold Meldina ++++++++++++++++++++ From: Anna I am watching the Journey of Allen Strange on Nickelodeon now (Sept. 16, 8:30pm, EST) and it mentioned Micky!! This guy, the father, was having a yard sale and was selling a lava lamp. A girl was looking at it and he came over and said, "That is an authentic lava lamp from the 1960's, owned by Micky Dolenz of The Monkees"!!! Pretty kewl, huh? Anna The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Sep 18 22:59:02 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: "J. CORSINO" Just thought I'd let you all know that Amazon is taking pre-orders for Michael Nesmith's novel "The Long Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora" I checked their website tonight. You can get it from Amazon for $17.47 (you can save 30% off the list price). For those who are interested: Peace & Love, Joy The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Sat Sep 19 09:22:40 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: "Samantha Nesmith-Tork" for those of you who are in Canada and get the Space Channel, there is a filler on there called the Conspiracy Guy.. I have yet to know what he guy is talking about cuz he is wearing a Davy Jones shirt.. It's great for a laugh! Samantha The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Sun Sep 20 12:55:31 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m Tuesday night on Viva Variety, the band Shonen Knife will perform their Monkees cover song. It was promoted today saying "see Shonen Knife Monkee Around". Tuesday at 10 on Comedy Central. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Sep 21 15:22:36 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Angel Dolenz Hey Everybody! I was checking up on the Vh1 webpage to see if they were really going to play the monkees and they are! They have them down on the schedule for saturday sept.26 at 4 and 4:30 eastern. Check it out at Monkee peace and love, Angel == "All you need is love"- The Beatles +++++++++++++++ From: Refund for Teen Idols show cancellation on October 10th I just got off the phone with the Paramount Arts Theater after receiving a letter from them on Saturday. The letter does not mention a refund but rather to select another show to see. Don't worry - you CAN get a refund. Just mention that you would prefer a refund when you call the theater. The phone number is (630) 896-6666. Jen :) ++++++++++++++++++ From: Roseann Flickenger Peter Tork and Shoe Suede Blues will be appearing at the following venues: *Every* Tuesday in September and October: Harvelles, 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA Doors open at 8PM, music starts around 8:30PM. Saturday, October 24: American Legion Post #132 143 S. Lemon St. Orange, CA 92856 Performance is at 8PM. For more info call (949) 997-8445 For more information regarding Shoe Suede Blues Appearances, stop by the Official Peter Tork Website at The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Sep 24 10:46:56 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: gary.o' Subject: Monkee Mobile Now Available Ever wanted one of the original Corgi Monkee Mobiles but not wanted to shell out $200 - $400 for it? Well now you can own a much better version of the Monkee Mobile produced by Playing Mantis. Playing Mantis is a company that produces replicas of classic cars and sells them under the Johnny Lightning brand name. They have recently released a new line of 1/64th scale (Hotwheels/Matchbox size) cars from TV shows and Movies of the 60s and 70s. Included in this line are the Partridge Family Bus, a Dragnet Squad Car, Andy Griffith's police cruiser, Starsky and Hutch's Ford Torino, the Blues Brothers Cars from both the original movie and Blues Brothers 2000, the Delorean from Back to the Future, and of course ...The Monkee Mobile!!! And this is no cheap Corgi knock-off either. This model puts the Corgi Monkee Mobile to shame. You really have to see it to believe it. You can either search desperately through Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Target, etc... or just go to and order the full set from them. (Sorry, they don't sell individual cars - only complete sets of 8. But who wouldn't want the Partridge Family Bus!) I ordered a full set of all eight vehicles. They also have a cool set of 4 Cartoon Cars that includes Speed Buggy, the Compact Pussy Cat, the Mean Machine and Barney Rubble's Sports Car. I also ordered these @ Check it out, but do so quickly. These are not going to last long. And in about 20 years they may be worth a lot more than their weight in gold. Peace amigos................Gary-O The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Sep 24 13:59:37 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Randi L Massingill located on the Videoranch page.... Praise for "The Long Sandy Hair Of Neftoon Zamora," by other authors. "This book rises in the imagination like a fantastical building in the desert. It is an extraordinary assemblage. You simply have no idea what Nesmith is going to spring on you in the next paragraph--ancient stories, new wisdom, or a sudden damn good joke, all held together with the rhythm of prose which flows like music. America may have temporarily mislaid its soul, but luckily it has been found again and returned intact in the pages of this remarkable book." --Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "The Long, Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora is a first rate novel, informed by an imagination that turns the story truly in the direction of myth. To read it is to be enchanted. To have read it is to be haunted. Michael Nesmith is accomplished in several worlds. To these accomplishments he now adds a significant contribution to the world of fiction." --N. Scott Momaday, Pulitzer Prize-winning author "You fear there is no romance left in the world? You fear that the glorious word 'love' no longer means anything other than'sex'? Then you must read this, Michael Nesmith's compelling first novel. It is the ultimate romance, the refreshing balm we need for our utilitarian time; it is just such an...exquisite... relief" --Georgie Anne Geyer, author and syndicated columnist, United Press Syndicate Randi L. Massingill Eye of the Beholder- movie memorabilia search service Join the Classic Movie Stars Mailing List!! Join The Christopher Reeve Mailing List! The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Sep 25 15:05:19 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: Hey All! I was just flipping through my new magizine "Girl's Life" the October/November Issue, and I on page 33 there is a small article (quarter of a page) and a pic drawn by two 13 year old girls. The article says... "Monkees Business" "We know you're thinking, "How can two girls dig a band from 20 years before they were born?" Well, The Monkees are four groovy, hip, psycadelic chaps, and this kind of thing is just "our bag." Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith and Peter Tork are the fab guys who started to stardom by answering an ad. It asked for "four insane boys ages 17 to 21 for a mod long-haired rock 'n' roll group TV series." Although The Monkees were created for TV, their music became a huge hit! "Last Train To Clarksville" and "I'm A Believer" went to No. 1 on Billboard charts. To become a Believer yourself, check out their albums, such as Monkees Greatest Hits and Barrel Full of Monkees. --Anna Lafferre, 13, and Catherine Daniel, 13" Well, thought you'd like to know! :) Email me if you wanna chat Monkees! Luv Sarah The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 29 00:13:58 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: "Stephanie Kung" For everyone in northern CA, tomorrow (Tues) on Mornings On 2 at 7 am, they will be showing a segment with Davy in it. I didn't really catch what it was going to be about, but the said something like "We will be here in New York with Davy Jones of the Monkees." The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 29 11:51:16 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: "Virginia Slater" Subject: VH-1 Rock of the Ages. I'm home from school sick today. I knew the Monkees were coming on VH-1, so I turned on the TV. Just before the Monkees came on, there was a show called VH-1 Rock of the Ages. What they did was show different groups of people certain music videos and asked what they thought of them. One part of the show they did teen idols. They had a goup of teenage girls and a goup of mothers asking each group who they thought was the cutest. One thing they showed was the Monkees "Daydream Believer" music video. Both groups didn't think the Monkees were cute. :( Anyways...Just thought I would share that. Ginny *Papa Nezette* Nesmith Tork Jones Dolenz :) Monkeeholic *<}:) The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Sep 29 18:13:53 1998 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: password 4dmp&m From: On Tuesday, Sept. 29th, on the local television station KTVU, channel 2, in Oakland, Calif., Davy Jones appeared on the local morning show for a brief interview. The interviewer is a local comedian who does the entertainment features for this local show, which is a little like a local version of the Today show, (weather, traffic, national and local news, features, interviews, etc.). Davy was appearing because he was on the cruise ship that the interviewer, Brian Copeland, was visiting, which was somewhere near New York City. Brian asked relevant, intelligent questions! He asked about Jimmy Hendrix, and about the rumor that Charles Manson auditioned. Brian seemed to know something about the Monkees, there was no talk about "playing your own instruments." Davy seemed in a good mood. They talked quite a bit about Davy's Broadway appearances, from "Oliver!" to more current, and the interviewer knew about that. But, it was too short, and Davy and Brian did not get time to talk about what Davy had been doing this year, or what was coming up in his future plans. But overall, a good interview. Thanks! Penny Peck The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks!
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