From ???@??? Thu Sep 04 23:50:49 1997 To: alert From: Brad WaddellSubject: Denver Monkees Alert Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m All Denver people, listen up: Just got off the phone with a Colorado Rapids exec who gave me a schedule of upcoming Monkees radio interviews in Denver to promote the Monkees 9/6 concert at Mile High Stadium (following Colorado Rapids soccer): Thurs 5:10 pm Micky on The Fan, 950-AM Fri 9:00 am Davy on KBPI, 106.7-FM Fri 9:20 am Davy on The Fox, 103.5-FM Fri 9:40 am Davy on The Peak, 96.5-FM Hope you can catch 'em! Hey, someone send me a tape, okay? maggie From ???@??? Fri Sep 05 00:54:59 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: UK Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m From: William Sheehan Thought you might like to know that The Monkees recording of "I'm A Believer" is being used in a TV advertisement for McCain's Oven Chips in the UK. Also, an episode of the TV series "Pacific Blue" featuring Micky Dolenz as a guest star (he played the mayor) was screened on UK satellite channel Sky1 last weekend. Finally, thank Randi for the Nesmith book which I thoroughly enjoyed. Regards, William Sheehan From ???@??? Sun Sep 07 02:08:28 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees in People Magazine Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m From: "Self." Hey Brad, can you put this in the Monkees Alert? A friend called me and told me that there is a Monkees mention in People magazine this week. The one with Diana on the cover. Gia. From ???@??? Sun Sep 07 09:28:06 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees *not* in People Magazine Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m Sorry, don't run out and buy People, we can't find Monkees mentioned anywhere in it! Sorry for the false alarm. Brad From ???@??? Mon Sep 08 21:29:16 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: MonkeeAlert Mailing List Milestone Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m Thank you all for joining the Monkees Alert list, your source for keeping up to date on the latest Monkee news, We are now 1000 members strong and growing. Thanks for your support and enthusiasm! Brad From ???@??? Tue Sep 09 20:22:36 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees New Tour Dates Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m Monkee Business Fanzine Monkees News Update September 9, 1997 ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** NEW TOUR DATES!!!!! October 3-4, Golden Eagle Casino, Horton, KS, 1-888-464-5825 October ???, Boston, MA....we can't tell you where or when YET, we promised the radio station running the event that we'd keep things hush-hush until they make their big announcement on the air on September 18, but you can check here after that date for the info, or you can listen to WBMX 98.5-FM in Boston, or check their website at November 28, Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 717-839-8811, 800-441-4410 New Micky Dolenz Artwork Exhibit Dates: September 12-14, Micky's artwork will be on display at the Monkees Convention at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn, 4222 Vineland Avenue, North Hollywood, CA, and Micky will appear on Sep. 14, call 1-800-BEVERLY or 818-309-9778 for more info. September 19-21, Micky's artwork will be part of the Image Makers Rock'n'Roll Art Expo at the Griffin Center, 415 Hampshire Street, Quincy, IL, 10am to 8pm on Friday and Saturday, 10am to 5pm on Sunday, for more info call Erica Ryan at KZZK/KGRC radio, 217-224-4102 Micky's artwork will tour on weekends throughout October across the U.S. That schedule is being put together now and we will share it as soon as we receive it from Image Makers Art. ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** Davy, Micky, and Peter are on the road with their back-up band while the Monkees' 30th Anniversary tour rolls on for a second year. Michael Nesmith is not joining them---he is staying home to work on the script for the Monkees' proposed feature film. More tour dates are in the works and will be posted as they are announced. Sep. 13 Doheny Days Beach Festival, Dana Point, CA, 714-262-2662 Sep. 15 Western Washington Fair, Puyallup, WA, 206-841-5045 Sep. 18 Palace Theatre at Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, SC, 803-448-0588 Sep. 19 Peace Center for Perf. Arts, Greenville, SC, 864-467-3000 Sep. 20 Chastain Park Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA, 404-249-6400 Sep. 22 Mid-South Fair, Main Stage, Memphis, TN, 901-274-8800 Sep. 24 Bloomsburg Fair, Bloomsburg, PA, 717-784-4949 Sep. 27 Frank Erwin Center, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX, 512-477-6060 Oct. 3-4 Golden Eagle Casino, Horton, KS, 1-888-464-5825 Oct. ??? Boston, MA, to be announced Oct. 21 Arizona State Fair, Phoenix, AZ, 602-258-6711 Nov. 8 Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA, 818-777-3931 Nov. 28 Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 717-839-8811, 800-441-4410 Nov. 29 The Concord, Kiamesha Lake, NY, 914-794-4000 (hotel guests ONLY) Remember, these dates are for the THREE guys, not four. Stay tuned for new additions to the tour schedule. Monkees Original TV Series ========================== The Monkees' TV series was due to air for eight weeks as part of Nick at Nite's Summer Block Party, but was pulled from the line-up prematurely after five weeks. If you wish to write to complain and request the show be returned to Nick at Nite, the address is: Nick at Nite Viewer Services 1515 Broadway, 37th floor New York, NY 10036 You can still catch the Monkees' TV show on VH-1 three late-nights a week at 2 am Eastern time. The series is currently on the air in Canada, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. When subscribing, please include your name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, age, and fave Monkee. If you were previously a subscriber, please let us know that, as well. The current September 1997 issue is now available while supplies last. Back issues also available: June 1997, with coverage of the 4 Monkees' UK tour and MBF's 20th Anniversary, $3 Dec. 1996, with complete coverage of Monkees Billboard Live reunion gig, $3 Sep. 1996, with complete tour coverage and preview of Monkees' reunion album "Justus", $3 (Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery on back issues.) [NON-U.S. MONKEES FANS PLEASE NOTE: MBF subscriptions are $13 per year, $26 for 2 years to Canada, $17 per year, $34 for 2 years elsewhere; back issues are $3.25 each to Canada, $4.25 each elsewhere. U.S. funds only by International Money Order only please! IMOs payable to Maggie McManus.] maggie ----------------------------------------------- Brads Note: It is reported that Nickelodeon has promised to bring the show back on the air if 1000 people write in, so keep that in mind! ----------------------------------------------- I was watching inside edition and they were doing how the Spice Girls auditioned and got to be the Spice Girls then they said if this sounded familar it was probably because you remembered the Monkees. Just thought I'd let you know. tom From ???@??? Wed Sep 10 10:18:23 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees Brewing Java? Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m From: Bernita Myers My husband forwarded this to me. His grad student had sent it to him because of the Java comment. excerpt from Edupage, 7 September 1997: MICROSOFT'S SIMONYI ON JAVA -- "IT'S THE MONKEES ALL OVER AGAIN" Microsoft applications creator Charles Simonyi says Sun Microsystems' Java language falls in the same category as Lisp, Smalltalk, Ada and all the other "revolutionary" languages that claim to boost programmer productivity: "It's the Monkees. They had a few hits and then disappeared. Java will be the same. It will be totally forgotten. Microsoft is the Beatles." Simonyi says Sun's claims to have solved the problem of programming component software are suspect: "These problems have not even been solved at Microsoft, in one company. How could anyone solve it across the Net?" (Forbes ASAP 25 Aug 97) Brads Comment: FYI Java is a programming language for web interaction with end-users. Microsoft believes it will not work as claimed and offers it's own proprietary solution. I don't think the analogy works, but there it is. ------------------------------------------------- Also - don't forget the Monkees Convention in Los Angeles this weekend - lots of fun stuff to see and Davy, Peter and Micky are expected to perform live. See you there! From ???@??? Mon Sep 15 22:11:54 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Latest Monkee News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m Monkee Business Fanzine Monkees News Update September 15, 1997 ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** NEW TOUR DATES!!!!! October 3-4, Golden Eagle Casino, Horton, KS, 1-888-464-5825 October ???, Boston, MA....we can't tell you where or when YET, we promised the radio station running the event that we'd keep things hush-hush until they make their big announcement on the air on September 18, but you can check here after that date for the info, or you can listen to WBMX 98.5-FM in Boston, or check their website at November 28, Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 717-839-8811, 800-441-4410 New Micky Dolenz Artwork Exhibit Dates: September 19-21, Micky's artwork will be part of the Image Makers Rock'n'Roll Art Expo at the Griffin Center, 415 Hampshire Street, Quincy, IL, 10am to 8pm on Friday and Saturday, 10am to 5pm on Sunday, for more info call Erica Ryan at KZZK/KGRC radio, 217-224-4102 Micky's artwork will tour on weekends throughout October across the U.S. That schedule is being put together now and we will share it as soon as we receive it from Image Makers Art. Davy Jones solo concert: Davy will appear in concert October 17-18 at the Lady Luck Casino in Bettendorf, Iowa, with shows at 8pm and 10pm each night. For further info and tickets, call 319-359-7280. YOU MUST BE 21 TO ATTEND THIS SHOW. ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** Davy, Micky, and Peter are on the road with their back-up band while the Monkees' 30th Anniversary tour rolls on for a second year. Michael Nesmith is not joining them---he is staying home to work on the script for the Monkees' proposed feature film. More tour dates are in the works and will be posted as they are announced. Sep. 15 Western Washington Fair, Puyallup, WA, 206-841-5045 Sep. 18 Palace Theatre at Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, SC, 803-448-0588 Sep. 19 Peace Center for Perf. Arts, Greenville, SC, 864-467-3000 Sep. 20 Chastain Park Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA, 404-249-6400 Sep. 22 Mid-South Fair, Main Stage, Memphis, TN, 901-274-8800 Sep. 24 Bloomsburg Fair, Bloomsburg, PA, 717-784-4949 Sep. 27 Frank Erwin Center, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX, 512-477-6060 Oct. 3-4 Golden Eagle Casino, Horton, KS, 1-888-464-5825 Oct. ??? Boston, MA, to be announced Oct. 21 Arizona State Fair, Phoenix, AZ, 602-258-6711 Nov. 8 Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA, 818-777-3931 Nov. 28 Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 717-839-8811, 800-441-4410 Nov. 29 The Concord, Kiamesha Lake, NY, 914-794-4000 (hotel guests ONLY) Remember, these dates are for the THREE guys, not four. Stay tuned for new additions to the tour schedule. Monkees Original TV Series ========================== The Monkees' TV series was due to air for eight weeks as part of Nick at Nite's Summer Block Party, but was pulled from the line-up prematurely after five weeks. If you wish to write to complain and request the show be returned to Nick at Nite, the address is: Nick at Nite Viewer Services 1515 Broadway, 37th floor New York, NY 10036 You can still catch the Monkees' TV show on VH-1 three late-nights a week at 2 am Eastern time. The series is currently on the air in Canada, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. When subscribing, please include your name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, age, and fave Monkee. If you were previously a subscriber, please let us know that, as well. The current September 1997 issue is now available while supplies last. Back issues also available: June 1997, with coverage of the 4 Monkees' UK tour and MBF's 20th Anniversary, $3 [NON-U.S. MONKEES FANS PLEASE NOTE: MBF subscriptions are $13 per year, $26 for 2 years to Canada, $17 per year, $34 for 2 years elsewhere; back issues are $3.25 each to Canada, $4.25 each elsewhere. U.S. funds only by International Money Order only please! IMOs payable to Maggie McManus.] maggie From ???@??? Wed Sep 17 10:56:38 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees on Australian TV Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m From: "Sherita T" Hello all! I am not sure how many on the list are from Australia, but I thought I would post this anyway... The Monkees have started on Channel Seven!!! I was flipping through the channels, and I saw the last of the pilot ep. I must warn you though... the eps have been editied!! Davy's screen test was cut out completely, but Mike's was still there. I didn't see the whole thing so I don't know how much else was cut, if anything. But the show comes on Sunday at 4:30pm on Seven in Melbourne (and Victoria). I am not sure if it comes at a different time in the other states. But the web page for Seven is It lists everything that comes on Seven, according to state. Also, for those who don't know, the guys also come on 6 days a week on TV1 (which is a cable channel). They are shown Mon-Fri at 6:30am and 5pm. On Sat, they come on at 11am. (Weird aside, they come on either immediately before or immediately after the Munsters... is there some strange Monkees-Munsters link I don't know about, except for that Butch Patrick was in the Xmas ep????? Hmmm, I wonder...) Okay, that is all from me. I am going back to the Lurkers' Wing... Sherita From ???@??? Thu Sep 18 16:53:09 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Nesmith in The Net Magazine Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m In October's issue of "the Net" magazine, there's an article about online shopping, and a big portion of the article pertains to Mike Nesmith's VideoRanch. There are even quotes from Nez himself. Following are the Nez-portions: ---------------------------------- ...Take the case of Michael Nesmith, the singer, songwriter, filmmaker, and ex-ex-Monkee (yes, they're coming back again). Nesmith has a substantial library of music and videos that are available from his Videoranch Web site ( Says Nesmith: "TheWeb site has had this curious halation effect. The outreach from the Internet was much bigger than just computer users. Sombody comes in to the office and says, 'Guess what I saw on the Internet last night?' You can just hear everybody in the office groan. But they mention Videoranch, and other people ask for the telephone number." Nesmith estimates that about half his sales are generated directly through the Web site, while the other half comes from Web-inspired word of mouth. Only about half of the Web site buyers actually use the online shopping agent; the rest use a credit card over the phone or send a check by mail. The bottom line for Nesmith: "The highest tech customers, where it's all done clickety-clickety--that only accounts for about 25%." ...Nesmith acknowledges that Videoranch's online shopping agent--although about as user-friendly as today's technology allows--is indeed not for all people. "The online shopping experience is still pretty clumsy. If you can get on, point and click, know that your merchandise is going to show up in a timely way and that the company you're dealing with is reputable so you know you can send it back if it doesn't work, online shopping has a great future. The guy in the UPS truck shows up and there's your doodad." ...Today you can visit Videoranch and buy a copy of Nesmith's *Elephant Parts*, his landmark video that paved the way for music videos and MTV. Soon, you'll be able to purchase individual video clips and music tracks. Says Nesmith: "I don't think we're at the point where you can download a CD full of stuff. But if a single song is 10 megabytes--and it is--and you can sell that song for a buck and a half to somebody who would like to have it instead of buying 15 songs on a CD, 14 of which they don't want, that seems like a pretty decent service. Part of what I'm doing on the Internet is giving people free samples, before they order the actual product." (You'll find a sample Nesmith doodad--a QuickTime video called "Tale of Inspiration"--on this month's net.disc CD-ROM in the Games and fun section.) -------------------------------------- This was taken from the article entitled "The Shop of Things to Come" by Jon Zilber. Donna From ???@??? Fri Sep 19 14:38:24 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees Convention Recordings Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m From: Joseph Cooper I've decided to sell copies of the tapes that I made from the 1997 Monkees convention. I have: James Lee Stanley solo set Peter's blues set Third National Band (their first set) The "improv" characters (first set) The Monkees at Doheny Days Gary Owens (from 3NB unplugged) and 3NB as the concert was dwindling down. Since I am such a nice person, I am going to offer all of this for $12 if you do NOT want high-bias tapes. If you do want high-bias tapes, it is $16. I am almost positive that we were not allowed to bring in audio, that only Manchester Promotions would be the only one video taping the concert. That is why I do not have video for sale. Email me for more info. Coop ******************************************************* *"And the lawyers never lie!" Micky from Regional Girl* ******************************************************* From ???@??? Tue Sep 23 17:59:05 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Contest Winner from Convention Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m At the Monkees Convention in Los Angeles, we had a contest in our booth for a free subscription to Monkee Business Fanzine, the greatest resource for details about the Monkees ever created, now in it's 20th anniversary year! Nobody was around when we picked the winner, so the winner is: *** Mick Sievers *** Congratulations, you get 1 year free of MBF sent to the address you gave us on the card. For the rest of you, you can subscribe to MBF now and get all of the details about the Monkees that you need to know for a very small yearly subscription fee. Thanks to all who entered the contest! MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. When subscribing, please include your name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, age, and fave Monkee. If you were previously a subscriber, please let us know that, as well. The current September 1997 issue is now available while supplies last. [NON-U.S. MONKEES FANS PLEASE NOTE: MBF subscriptions are $13 per year, $26 for 2 years to Canada, $17 per year, $34 for 2 years elsewhere; back issues are $3.25 each to Canada, $4.25 each elsewhere. U.S. funds only by International Money Order only please! IMOs payable to Maggie McManus.] From ???@??? Wed Sep 24 09:52:34 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees Tour Update Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m Monkee Business Fanzine Monkees News Update September 24, 1997 ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** NEW TOUR DATES!!!!! October 4, Golden Eagle Casino, Horton, KS, 1-888-464-5825 October 11, Government Center, Boston, MA, free outdoor concert staged by WBMX 98.5-FM in Boston. Some reserved Golden Circle seats near the stage are available for $50 (proceeds going to Children's Advocacy Center) on a first come, first served basis by calling 1-800-MIXFEST. Mixfest is an all-day (11am-7pm) music festival, and the Monkees are expected to go on late afternoon. For exact time, check with WBMX closer to the concert date--listen to WBMX at 98.5-FM in Boston or check their website at Other acts on the schedule for Saturday include Dogs Eye View, 10,000 Maniacs, and Sister Hazel. November 28, Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 717-839-8811, 800-441-4410 New Micky Dolenz Artwork Exhibit Dates: Micky's artwork will tour on weekends throughout October across the U.S. That schedule is being put together now and we will share it as soon as we receive it from Image Makers Art. Davy Jones solo concert: Davy will appear in concert October 17-18 at the Lady Luck Casino in Bettendorf, Iowa, with shows at 8pm and 10pm each night. For further info and tickets, call 319-359-7280. YOU MUST BE 21 TO ATTEND THIS SHOW. ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** Davy, Micky, and Peter are on the road with their back-up band while the Monkees' 30th Anniversary tour rolls on for a second year. Michael Nesmith is not joining them---he is staying home to work on the script for the Monkees' proposed feature film. More tour dates are in the works and will be posted as they are announced. Sep. 24 Bloomsburg Fair, Bloomsburg, PA, 717-784-4949 Sep. 27 Frank Erwin Center, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX, 512-477-6060 Oct. 4 Golden Eagle Casino, Horton, KS, 1-888-464-5825 Oct. 11 Mixfest, Government Center, Boston, MA, 1-800-MIX-FEST Oct. 21 Arizona State Fair, Phoenix, AZ, 602-258-6711 Nov. 8 Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA, 818-777-3931 Nov. 28 Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 717-839-8811, 800-441-4410 Nov. 29 The Concord, Kiamesha Lake, NY, 914-794-4000 (hotel guests ONLY) Remember, these dates are for the THREE guys, not four. Stay tuned for new additions to the tour schedule. Monkees Original TV Series ========================== The Monkees' TV series was due to air for eight weeks as part of Nick at Nite's Summer Block Party, but was pulled from the line-up prematurely after five weeks. If you wish to write to complain and request the show be returned to Nick at Nite, the address is: Nick at Nite Viewer Services 1515 Broadway, 37th floor New York, NY 10036 You can still catch the Monkees' TV show on VH-1 three late-nights a week at 2 am Eastern time. The series is currently on the air in Canada, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. When subscribing, please include your name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, age, and fave Monkee. If you were previously a subscriber, please let us know that, as well. The current September 1997 issue is now available while supplies last. Back issues also available: June 1997, with coverage of the 4 Monkees' UK tour and MBF's 20th Anniversary, $3 [NON-U.S. MONKEES FANS PLEASE NOTE: MBF subscriptions are $13 per year, $26 for 2 years to Canada, $17 per year, $34 for 2 years elsewhere; back issues are $3.25 each to Canada, $4.25 each elsewhere. U.S. funds only by International Money Order only please! IMOs payable to Maggie McManus.] maggie From ???@??? Thu Sep 25 13:39:36 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees in Boston Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m I spoke with someone at WBMX radio in charge of Mixfest. If anyone is thinking about going for the $50 reserved Golden Circle seats for the Monkees show (Mixfest, Oct. 11, Government Center, Boston) instead of the general admission free seating, she says there are about 75 GOLDEN CIRCLE SEATS LEFT FOR SATURDAY. Call 1-800-MIX-FEST if you're interested in purchasing one. Proceeds go straight to the Children's Advocacy Center in Boston. She says there's no definite time for the Monkees YET, but they're thinking of putting them on around 3 or 4 in the afternoon Saturday. They'll know for sure closer to the date of the show. maggie From ???@??? Mon Sep 29 14:01:46 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees Tour Update Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password 4dmp&m Monkee Business Fanzine Monkees News Update September 29, 1997 ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** NEW TOUR DATES!!!!! October 4, Golden Eagle Casino, Horton, KS, 1-888-464-5825 October 11, Government Center, Boston, MA, free outdoor concert staged by WBMX 98.5-FM in Boston. Some reserved Golden Circle seats near the stage are available for $50 (proceeds going to Children's Advocacy Center) on a first come, first served basis by calling 1-800-MIXFEST. Mixfest is an all-day (11am-7pm) music festival, and the Monkees are expected to go on late afternoon. For exact time, check with WBMX closer to the concert date--listen to WBMX at 98.5-FM in Boston or check their website at Other acts on the schedule for Saturday include Dogs Eye View, 10,000 Maniacs, and Sister Hazel. November 28, Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 717-839-8811, 800-441-4410 New Micky Dolenz Artwork Exhibit Dates: Micky's artwork will tour on weekends throughout October across the U.S. That schedule is being put together now and we will share it as soon as we receive it from Image Makers Art. Davy Jones: Davy will make a cameo appearance on an upcoming episode of "Sabrina, The Teenage Witch", airing October 10 on ABC-TV. Davy will appear in concert October 17-18 at the Lady Luck Casino in Bettendorf, Iowa, with shows at 8pm and 10pm each night. For further info and tickets, call 319-359-7280. YOU MUST BE 21 TO ATTEND THIS SHOW. ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** Davy, Micky, and Peter are on the road with their back-up band while the Monkees' 30th Anniversary tour rolls on for a second year. Michael Nesmith is not joining them---he is staying home to work on the script for the Monkees' proposed feature film. More tour dates are in the works and will be posted as they are announced. Oct. 4 Golden Eagle Casino, Horton, KS, 1-888-464-5825 Oct. 11 Mixfest, Government Center, Boston, MA, 1-800-MIX-FEST Oct. 21 Arizona State Fair, Phoenix, AZ, 602-258-6711 Nov. 8 Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA, 818-777-3931 Nov. 28 Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 717-839-8811, 800-441-4410 Nov. 29 The Concord, Kiamesha Lake, NY, 914-794-4000 (hotel guests ONLY) Remember, these dates are for the THREE guys, not four. Stay tuned for new additions to the tour schedule. Monkees Original TV Series ========================== The Monkees' TV series was due to air for eight weeks as part of Nick at Nite's Summer Block Party, but was pulled from the line-up prematurely after five weeks. If you wish to write to complain and request the show be returned to Nick at Nite, the address is: Nick at Nite Viewer Services 1515 Broadway, 37th floor New York, NY 10036 You can still catch the Monkees' TV show on VH-1 three late-nights a week at 2 am Eastern time. The series is currently on the air in Canada, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. When subscribing, please include your name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, age, and fave Monkee. If you were previously a subscriber, please let us know that, as well. The current September 1997 issue is now available while supplies last. Back issues also available: June 1997, with coverage of the 4 Monkees' UK tour and MBF's 20th Anniversary, $3 [NON-U.S. MONKEES FANS PLEASE NOTE: MBF subscriptions are $13 per year, $26 for 2 years to Canada, $17 per year, $34 for 2 years elsewhere; back issues are $3.25 each to Canada, $4.25 each elsewhere. U.S. funds only by International Money Order only please! IMOs payable to Maggie McManus.] maggie
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