From ???@??? Fri Jun 04 13:35:37 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad WaddellSubject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Autumn Trenton On VH1's web site under "Reviews" is a review of The Monkees' Greatest Hits. The address is And is reprinted here without permission The Monkees Greatest Hits Rhino Records -- 1999 In a post-Milli Vanilli music world, the fact that The Monkees were manufactured by a studio seems trifling. They could sing, and eventually played their own music too. Hits like 'I'm a Believer' are now firmly established in the pop canon, as its writer, Neil Diamond, is at constant pains to remind us. Greatest Hits charts the pre-fab four's meteoric rise to fame. The early years -- spanning two TV seasons and four albums -- are heavily represented. All the sparkling chart toppers are here from '(Theme From) The Monkees' to 'Valleri'. Also included are lesser-known tracks like the Michael Nesmith-penned 'Mary, Mary' and [Micky] Dolenz's 'Randy Scouse Git'. If less infectious than the signature songs, these are solid pop concoctions, and worth a listen. Rhino also boldly includes the 'Porpoise Song' from The Monkees' doomed psychedelic film Head, prescribed as much as scripted by a young Jack Nicholson. The last few tracks, written during the occasional reunion, are curiosities best appreciated by the devotee. The real reason to buy Greatest Hits is the same one that made their name in the first place: damn catchy pop songs that are the Happy Meals of the 60's. -- Amanda Henry ® and © 1998 MTV Networks. Autumn +++++++++++++++ From: Nick Kelly There is a Monkee mention on the Nick at Night home page today, in a section titled "On This Day In TV History": June 4, 1967: "The Monkees" won the Emmy for "Best Comedy Series." Check it out at Emmet The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jun 07 14:14:18 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Lenora Dolenz-Daltrey" I just ran into the middle of what appears to be a retrospective of past summer concerts on the Today show and there was a clip from the Monkees 22 August 1997 appearance -- it was "I'm A Believer" and I'm pretty sure it was NOT on the aired show because I don't recall that one being aired. I just looked in the cable guide and it is on the show "Time and Again" and it's at the VERY beginning (it was 1:06 A Central time when they came on). It's listed as repeating at 3 AM Central time (4A Eastern, 1A Pacific), on MSNBC Lenora +++++++++++++++ From: I was watching TV when my aunt told me to switch channels...on MSNBC, they have a show called Time Again and they were rerunning a part of when The Monkees were on in 1996. It was Davy, Peter, and Micky...they were singing "Daydream Believer." ~Claire~ The Heart And Soul Website! The Tom Everett Scott Website! The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jun 07 16:04:07 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Just writin to let everyone know, since I haven't seen it posted, yet. I was watching the "Brady Bunch True Hollywood Story" on the E! network on Sunday night when there wasn't anything else on (I used to be a huge fan a few years ago, just so ya know). Anyway, they started talkin about how they began to bring in celebrities for the increasingly popular show. I hit my *RECORD* button as fast as I could, and what d'ya know? Our own Davy Jones was mentioned, and they showed a real short interwiew clip with him talkin' bout the show. I thought people out there would prolly like to know this, I thought it was cool. Also, watch you local listings, they'll prolly run the special at least once or twice more. Also, don't forget our guys are gonna have their own special! WHOOHOO! So if ya missed the Bradys, be sure not to miss that... Thanks, y'all for listining again, I'll pop up when I have some more news from my couch potato brain of mine... Peace, and love to 'ya, Paige21 (AKA Lydia) P.S. I had a lot of fun at the TMB concert (Lancaster, FYI), guys! I hope all you who came, did, too. Email me to let me know if you'd like to swap pics with me, none of mine came out during the concert, and I'd love to have some... The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jun 07 17:21:13 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Christie Hey everyone, Yeah! It's the summer! :) Anyway... For those who have not seen the commercial, a AIWA commercial saws some nuns (?) looking out at the ocean or sea while "I'm a Believer" plays in the background. Also of note, QUICK! Run out of your house and go buy the issue of Teen People that is the "Yearbook Special". On one of the pages (I'm not quite sure which -- I flipped through this magazine at the store but didn't have the money to buy it then) is the picture of Davy Jones and Marcia Brady (I assume publicity shot for Davy's Brady Bunch appearance) in large size. Very cool. I was extremely happy to see a Monkee mention. Love to all, and remember, peace & love & Monkees. -- Christie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jun 07 21:25:13 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m Nick at Night Cable network is having a Marsha Brady Marathon Tuesday night, and it will feature the Brady Bunch episode with Davy Jones. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Jun 09 17:08:32 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Torka" This just in from Tadg: Please pass the word that Shoe Suede Blues will appear at a free concert on July 4th in Monterey Park, CA at the Barnes Park Ampitheatre. It is the official "City of Monterey Park 4th of July Party". Our set is scheduled from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. ***** Also, Henry Diltz's web site got a mention in the July '99 issue of "Yahoo Internet Life" magazine. On page 64, their "E-Z Shopper" section has a very complimentary paragraph about Henry's web site ( I went out and visited the site, and he's got three Monkees pictures posted. You can order an 8x10 print for $39, or a Diltz-signed 11x14 for $300 (or a limited edition 16x20 Diltz-signed print for $500, if you've just got a load of cash lying around begging to be spent ). They also have Henry and Gary Burden's CD-ROM "Under The Covers" for $39. ==Torka ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Would a fly without wings be called a walk? The Cybrary Reading Room Torka's Home For Wayward Girls ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Amanda Laws Austin Powers (Mike Myers) Will be seen in a red top that is just like the ones The Monkees wore In the 60's. This will be seen in the movie "Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me" Coming out June 11, 1999 For more into and a photos go to: -Amanda ~Amanda +++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Brian Cummings I just wanted you to know that there is a new AIWA commercial that features the song "I'm A Believer", as it shows a group of nuns looking out on to the ocean. I just thought that you might be interested cause it is a cute concept about the nuns believeing and what not, while also using the Monkees! And just for your F.Y.I., I saw this commercial on MTV around 2:35 Eastern Standard Time. brian The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Jun 11 01:05:32 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Kay Sheehy The June 3, 1999 USA Today did an article around the Backstreet Boys, but highlighted "Teen idols through the years" (Ken Barnes, USA Today). The Monkees were listed for 1966, with a Teen Idol Status of "Prefab scream idols for kids too young for the Beatles", Basis of Adult Appeal "None at the time; later nostalgic status boost", Destiny "Endlessly recurring reunions." Momma Kay The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Sat Jun 12 12:43:45 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Austin Powers Monkee Flood Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Hi Everyone! I just wanna tell ya'll I went and saw "Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me" last night at my movie theaters' sneak preview, and I'm sitting there laughing, when all the sudden, "I'm A Believer" comes on!! I was blown away. It's pretty groovy, they do play nearly the whole song! :o) ++++++++++++++++ From: In the Friday 6/11 USA Today, the Monkees are mentioned in an article on Mike Myers and his inspirations for various parts of "Austin Powers; the Spy who Shagged Me." According to the article, the inspiration for the psychedelic dancing in front of day-glo backdrops between scenes was "The Monkees 1960's TV Show, which was in itself a ripoff of "A Hard Day's Night"". I knew I liked Mike Myers for a reason. Peace, Robin--Mom +++++++++++++++++++ From: "R&T" The Monkees appear in several ways in the new Mike Myer's movie "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me." Although it is not on the soundtrack album, "I'm A Believer" is played during one of Austin's romps. Shortly after that, there is an outdoor record display. David's "Colpix" album can be seen in the first row. A man is browsing the record display and is holding the "More Of The Monkees" LP. - Robert F. ++++++++++++++++++++ From: Carrie Gross Okay guys, in The Spy Who Shagged Me, there's at least three Monkees things. In one part of the movie, Austin is wearing an orange velvet Monkees shirt. There's also a scene where they play "I'm a Believer." When the action is taking place in the 60's, Basil Exposition has a haircut that somewhat resembles Mike Nesmith's haircut. Just thought you'd all like to know, and maybe those of you who have not seen the movie yet will go see it! ~MaybeChild +++++++++++++++++++++++ From: John or Bonnie Verrico BY POPULAR DEMAND... deadline for party tickets for the Red, White & Shoe Suede Blues Fan Party has been extended until June 25th! Come dance the night away with Peter Tork & the Shoes Suede Blues band! Additional tickets have been printed for the Red, White & Shoe Suede Blues Fan Party, which will be held on Saturday, July 10, 1999 from 10:00pm to 1:00am at the Washington Marriott, 1221 22nd Street NW, Washington DC. Party goers will also receive a half-off coupon for Shoe Suede Blues' Sunday night gig (July 11, 1999) at LuLu's New Orleans Cafe', 1217 22nd Street NW, Washington DC (next door to the Washington Marriott). With this coupon, the cover charge for Sunday night's performance is only $5.00! Party tickets may still be ordered by pulling the order form from and mailing it, with your check for $20.00 per ticket, to the address on the form. You can also email Bonnie Verrico at for more information. Please note, that as of this date, individuals will be responsible for reserving their own hotel rooms. The party's block of rooms at the hotel has been closed. You can call the Washington Marriott at 202-872-1500 to inquire about sleeping accommodations. ****************** -- Peter Tork & Shoe Suede Blues in DC & Baltimore! Want to know more about it???? Visit !!! The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Sat Jun 12 13:05:34 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Micky in person Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: dave jones Hey gang, I just heard this off the wire at AMM: Micky Dolenz will be making a personal appearance at the Egyptian theater in Hollywood on July 3rd, after a showing of the movie "Head". Teri Garr, also in the movie, is scheduled to appear with Micky, and his pal comedian Martin Lewis is doing a show after the movie. Jack Nicholson has been invited to show up, who knows? I'm trying to confirm all of this, but it looks like it's real. Check it out at: TODJ The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Sat Jun 12 18:37:20 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: John or Bonnie Verrico Just in case you haven't heard about this already, Peter Tork will be appearing at the International Collectable Toy Mega Show on Saturday, July 17, 1999. Peter will be available for autographs only... this is NOT a performance. The toy & collectable show is being held at the Newark Aiport Hilton, 128 Frontage Road, Newark, NJ. Tickets are $12 for adults, $6 for children under 12. Advance tickets are $10 (adults only). The telephone number for the hotel is (973)690-5500. Other guests currently scheduled to be on-hand for the toy show include: Julie Newmar (Batman & our very own "April" from "Monkees Get Out More Dirt"), Ron Palillo (Welcome Back Kotter), Linda Harrison (Planet of the Apes), and Mark Goddard (Lost In Space). Bonnie -- Peter Tork & Shoe Suede Blues in DC & Baltimore! Want to know more about it???? Visit !!! The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jun 21 16:40:44 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m Monkee Business Fanzine Monkees News Update June 16, 1999 PETER TORK Peter Tork and his Shoe Suede Blues band will play on both coasts in July: Date Venue ---- ----- July 4 City of Monterey 4th of July Party, free concert at Barnes Park Amphitheatre, Monterey Park, CA, 5:30-7:30 pm July 8 Full Moon Saloon, Baltimore, MD, 410-276-6388 July 9 Full Moon Saloon, Baltimore, MD, 410-276-6388 July 10 The Red, White, and Shoe Suede Blues Party, Marriott Hotel, Washington, DC, for more info e-mail July 11 Lulu's New Orleans Cafe, Washington, DC, 202-861-5858 Peter will do an autograph-signing at the International Collectable Toy MegaShow, July 17, at the Newark Airport Sheraton Hotel, Newark, NJ. The show runs 10:30 am to 7 pm, and Peter will sign from 11 am to 5 pm. Admission at the door is $12 for adults, $7 for kids under 12. Discount advance tickets are priced at $10 for adult and $7 for kids under 12, and advance ticketholders will be admitted one hour early at 9:30 am. Discount advance tickets are available by sending check or money order to K&S Promotions, 1020 Arlington Road, New Milford, NJ 07646. For more info or directions, call 201-261-4982 or 201-261-8803. K&S Promotions says an ADDITIONAL FEE WILL BE CHARGED for autographs, but the specific amount has not yet been announced. Other celebrity guests at the show include Julie Newmar, Mark Goddard, Ron Palillo, and Linda Harrison. DAVY JONES Davy Jones was to have co-starred again this year with Peter Noone and Bobby Sherman on the Teen Idols concert tour, but in early April Davy announced he would be leaving the tour immediately. Davy will NOT appear on any Teen Idols dates this year. Instead he will play a number of solo shows with his band: Date Venue ---- ----- June 18 Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY, 315-363-0096 June 25 Flamingo Casino, Kansas City, MO, 816-855-7777 July 4 "Fourth of July, Stars in the Sky" free outdoor festival, Newport News, VA, 757-926-8451 August 1 Bland's Amusement Park, Tipton, PA, 814-684-3538 August 6 Palace Station Hotel/Casino, Las Vegas, NV, 702-367-2411 August 14 August Fest, at Wolf Lake, Hammond, IN, grandstand concert free with $3 general admission to the festival; call Hammond Parks Department at 219-853-6378 for directions August 15 Itchycoo Park '99: The Camping Experience, Arts, Crafts & Music Festival, Manchester, TN, toll free 1-877-ITCHY99 or see the website August 21 Foxwoods Resort Casino, Ledyard, CT, 860-312-3000 Sep. 4 WBIG Labor Day Show, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, DC; free tickets available only through WBIG-Oldies 100.3 FM, listen to WBIG for more details on how to obtain tickets Sep. 18 Homer Hamilton Amphitheatre, Tennessee Valley Fair, Knoxville, TN, 423-637-5840, concert free with fair admission Oct. 16 St. Anselm College, Manchester, NH, 603-641-7000 Oct. 23 Murphy Theater, Wilmington, OH, 937-382-3643 Dec. 14-19 Casino Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, CANADA, 519-258-7878 March 7-12 Casino Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, CANADA, 519-258-7878 MICKY DOLENZ Micky is working seriously on his directing career in 1999. He recently directed an episode of the ABC-TV sitcom "Boy Meets World", which aired April 9. Watch for repeats: episode title was "Bee True". With Davy's departure from the 1999 edition of the Teen Idols tour, Micky was asked to take his place on the tour, and he accepted the invitation. His dates are as follows: Date Venue ---- ----- June 26 **CANCELLED** Boise River Festival, Boise, ID July 24 North Shore Music Theater, Beverly, MA, 978-922-8500 Aug. 14 Itchycoo Park '99: The Camping Experience, Arts, Crafts & Music Festival, Manchester, TN, toll free 1-877-ITCHY99 or see the website Sep. 4 Six Flags Over Georgia, Austell, GA, 770-739-3400 Micky's artwork is on display now at the new Image Makers Art Gallery of Stars, 61 The Circle, East Hampton, Long Island, New York. MICHAEL NESMITH Nez recently completed a bicoastal book tour to promote his new novel, The Long Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora (1998, St. Martin's Press). He's working on his second novel, and he has been trying to drum up interest in getting his script, "Fried Pies", turned into a feature film. Michael Nesmith's long-running legal trouble with PBS was finally concluded in early February when a federal court jury awarded him a settlement of nearly $47 million dollars. PBS plans to appeal the verdict, a process that could take another two years. MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus ( 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. The Monkees: A Manufactured Image by Ed Reilly, Maggie McManus & Bill Chadwick After 10 years in print, STILL the #1 Monkees reference book! Check it out at ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Amanda Laws On the South Park tape 9 - on the first episode of the tape.. there is a photo of 2 people that was made to look like they were attatched since birth... One of the people in the photo was our very own Micky Dolenz!! ~Amanda ++++++++++++++ From: "J. CORSINO" Hello. A friend of mine gave me a CD-rom: "TV Commericals Vol. 2: the 60's and 70's." Anyway, one of the commercials featured is for Kool Aide with the Monkees. On the back cover it says "Do you remember....Bugs Bunny and the Monkees for Kool-Aide?" Pretty cool, huh? Just wanted to share it with you all. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jun 21 20:16:44 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Ginger Jones" I'm so Happy!! Davy Jones is coming to Kenner, Louisiana! He will be at the Treasure Chest Casino in Kenner. The dates are July 16th & 17th! Both concert are free!! Some of us fans of Davy's have been wanting him to come here:) The phone number for more information is (504) 445-8000. According to, all concert dates are 'tenative'. So, if you're planning on coming, check first before making travel plans. I'm happy because the casino is only about 15 minutes from where I live!! So I will be there!! Hope to see you all there too. Peace! Ginger Jones Love Davy Forever, Ginger "It's not about age, it's about life." ~Davy Jones "You NEVER outgrow Davy Jones." froggi "Don't Stop Believin'" Steve Perry Davy's Dream Web Our chatroom: #PT-DJsgirls port 6667 "Meet and chat with other Monkees fans." The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Jun 22 16:58:49 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Hard Copy Tonight Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Hard Copy had a segment on Ami Dolenz about her supposed nude pictures on a particular website. I didn't catch the site, but Micky was on talking about how unhappy he was about it. Ami said that the girl in the picture wasn't her and the people in charge of the website were making her out to be a liar because she was always saying she had never and would never pose in the nude in front of cameras. At one point when Micky was talking, he said that the people who were doing these types of things were "sick puppies." (this is a repeat of a previously shown segment) The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Jun 24 21:19:58 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "J. M. Harrison" America 1, a cable channel that I've barely heard of is showing a game show featuring Micky Dolenz this week. It's a game show called "Acting Crazy" it came on at 6:00pm CST Chances are he's the guest for the entire week. It's most likely an eighties repeat. If my guess is correct, he should be on again Friday at 6pm CST CCJJ The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks!
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