From ???@??? Fri Jun 13 02:45:50 1997 To: monkalert From: Brad WaddellSubject: Nesmith News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m *** Nesmith News On-Line *** June 1997: Michael has done interviews where he has stated that he is working on the screenplay for the upcoming Monkees movie. He is not expected to perform live in concert with the Monkees at all following his apperance on the UK tour. No Monkees albums are currently in the works, but Nez reports that he is working on a new solo album featuring a "latin country" sound. His VideoRanch web site continues to get his attention, with a recent find of old LP's of "The Prison" in the original box, cassette tapes of "Live At The Palais" and 45's of "Rio". Of visual interest, Nez was seen for the first time since 1971 in public without a beard (clean shaven) on a UK talk show. In fact, on other UK talk shows he did before and after this one, he had grown it back. A video clip of this can be seen on The Monkees Home Page listed below. It is downloadable in QuickTime format. May 1997: Since deciding not to tour with the Summer Monkees shows in the USA, Michael has thrown himself fully into working on the web site marketing his own line of products. He has just announced availability of the entire set of Television Parts episodes, as well as coffee mugs and other items will soon be available on his web page for on-line ordering. In addition, he has moved the Neftoon Zamora web page to Videoranch and added a new 7th Chapter. The final book form of this work with the remaining chapters will be available in December from St Martens Press. New Neftoon page: Michael Says: "There are six more chapters of Neftoon which will be published later this year. These seven are the only chapters which will be published at Videoranch for now. Of course the links which are here will not be published with the hard copy of the book, so it works out in a strange way." "As those of you know who have been following Neftoon from the first, this draft, which is nearly final, has changed dramatically from the first time I posted. I hope you enjoy the rest of it when it comes out. I deliver to the publisher (St.Martin's Press) the end of June. It'll be out in time for the Holidays I'm told. Thanks for all the email and words of encouragement." *********** This report brought to you by The Monkees Home Page: and The Michael Nesmith Home Page: autoresponder created by Brad Waddell. From ???@??? Fri Jun 13 21:37:55 1997 To: monkalert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Web Update: Michael Nesmith Clean Shaven! Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m The Monkees Home Page has been updated. Along with a bunch of new fan links and a new interesting article about original fans from the 60's, we have several video clips of all 4 Monkees being interviewed in England on TV and for the first time ever in public since 1971 Michael Nesmith is clean shaven - no beard at all, no facial hair! Lots of fun, dial it up now at: Thanks! Brad From ???@??? Sun Jun 15 13:54:20 1997 To: monkalert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Concert news Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4DMP&M From: hpantuso TicketMonster SUX!!! I spoke to them on Thursday and they said the Philly tix were going on sale on Friday, 6/20. Well, they were wrong. They went on sale yesterday (6/13). Thank you Little John for letting me know!!! {{big hug}} So when I called today, the TM operator kept telling me NO they weren't on sale yet, but when she punched up a request for tix, they came up. Unfortunately, there were no pit seats left, but we got row B (the 2nd row after the pit). Also, anyone wanting to go to Mt. Airy Lodge: you do NOT have to pay for the weekend package. Regular tickets just for the show are available, and went on sale today. You can call TM or order 'em on-line. It's a general admission type show, and I think the tix were $30. this is an unconfirmed tour date, please verify it if you are in GA: Monkees at Chastian Park in Atlanta Sept 20th. password=4dmp&m From: John Moore If you are going to the Philly show, tickets are NOW on sale, not on the 20th as reported by TicketMonster to others who called Thursday - I ordered my tickets today. TicketMonster: 215-336-2000 (where I got mine) Mann Box Office: 215-878-7707 (they open an hour later, so I went TM) Tickets: $50 - "The Pit" (Orchestra Pit I assume) - only scattered seating, I tried to get 3 together and they couldn't do that. $30 - I got 3 in the 2nd row of section A which is right behind the orchestra pit and is still covered and close enough to be able to see pretty well. $25 - Not sure, assume these are lawn seats (you sit on the grass, no lawnchairs, if it rains you are in a mud bath) This is a benefit for the Philadelphia Zoo and WOGL (local oldies station) 10th Anniversary party so I'd expect 'OGL and the zoo to advertise it and tickets to start selling quickly once that happens. Still no info on what other acts may be there. From: (Ramona L. Hicks) I called the Von Braun Civic Center in Huntsville, AL at the number that is listed on the Home Page. It is a recording with no information about the Guys and they erase all the messages left without listening to them (It stated this in the message). It did give an 800 number that I know is good at least for Florida and Alabama, but it is large ticket office located in Birmingham and is only answered between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. CDT (btw, they had no info either). So I then called information for Huntsville and asked if they had another number listed and was given (205) 551-2383. I called, but unfortunately they are only in the office between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.CDT, so I'll call back next week. From ???@??? Sun Jun 15 13:54:42 1997 To: monkalert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Web Update: Michael Nesmith Clean Shaven! Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m The Monkees Home Page has been updated. Along with a bunch of new fan links and a new interesting article about original fans from the 60's, we have several video clips of all 4 Monkees being interviewed in England on TV and for the first time ever in public since 1971 Michael Nesmith is clean shaven - no beard at all, no facial hair! Lots of fun, dial it up now at: Thanks! Brad From ???@??? Wed Jun 18 13:42:36 1997 To: Monkees Alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: videoranch Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m Nez has started selling autographed original 1976 copies of the "Rio" 45 on - for $100! I was amazed that, at $25 a pop, he was able to sell out the cassettes of "Palais." (I bought my used LP for only $6.95.) I guess he'll sell out of these too. Pretty good businessman, that nez! Glenn From ???@??? Wed Jun 18 14:18:35 1997 To: Monkees Alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: videoranch Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m Nez has started selling autographed original 1976 copies of the "Rio" 45 on - for $100! I was amazed that, at $25 a pop, he was able to sell out the cassettes of "Palais." (I bought my used LP for only $6.95.) I guess he'll sell out of these too. Pretty good businessman, that nez! Glenn Here are some new tour dates from Pollstar. Too check it yourself you can go to: 06/20/97 San Francisco CA Candlestick Park 07/05/97 Del Mar CA Del Mar Fair 07/25/97 Kingsport TN Funfest 07/26/97 Louisville KY Cardinal Stadium 07/27/97 Cleveland OH Palace Theatre 08/01/97 Merrillville IN Star Plaza Theatre 08/02/97 Rosemont IL Rosemont Theatre 08/23/97 Washington DC 9:30 Club 08/24/97 Beverly MA No. Shore Music Theatre 08/26/97 Westbury NY Westbury Music Fair 08/27/97 Hampton Beach NH Hampton Beach Casino 08/29/97 Cohasset MA So. Shore Music Circus 08/30/97 Hyannis MA Cape Cod Melody Tent 09/18/97 Myrtle Beach SC Palace Theater 09/19/97 Greenville SC Peace Center 09/20/97 Atlanta GA Chastain Park Amphitheatre 09/22/97 Memphis TN Mid-South Fair 09/24/97 Bloomsburg PA Bloomsburg Fair From ???@??? Wed Jun 18 17:22:03 1997 To: Monkees Alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: New Release: Making of Justus Video Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m Rhino Brand New Release Today: Justus - The Video Join The Monkees for a half-hour of new videos from their recent reunion album "Justus." Includes 6 songs (Admiral Mike, Circle Sky, Oh What A Night, Regional Girl, Run Away From Life, You and I) plus exclusive newly filmed behind the scenes footage! R3 2352 Stereo $14.95 Order from Rhino Direct: 800-432-0200 Tell them you heard about it from the Monkees Internet Fan Club! The video is reportedly already on back-order. Reviews: By Brad Waddell This video is very well done. The song videos are different from the ones they did for the ABC TV special. The footage of the Billboard Live concert is great, and the backstage filler really is the guys being themselves. I thought they missed a great joke in Davy's bribe routine by not doing a close-up of his eye or something so he could have gotten his money's worth! Best moment - Mike mugging fir the camera during his solo, and Peters Pizza quandary. A must-see if you want to see what the 4 are like today. From: npsandauer Some comments about the Justus Video: GREAT!!! ENTERTAINING!! TOO SHORT!! ) What was the deal with the nekkid chick at the end holding the cymbal? That was a bit on the strange side, in my opinion. Coulda been one of Micky's chickies ! Most creative video - Run Away From Life.... beautifully cut in with scenes from Head The glasses bit: VERY funny... i can see Mike's dry wit all over the skit. Also funny: Davy's bribe for the closeups ! Peter doesn't eat pizza, but WHY doesn't he eat tomatoes?? Somebody ask him that, ok? Saw a LOT of listers and personal friends in the audience section of video, most predominately, in the Circle Sky video... Howze about a viewing party on IRC when everyone gets it... or whoever *is* gunna get it.... i HIGHLY recommend it.... - Griz From ???@??? Thu Jun 19 16:09:22 1997 To: Monkees Alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: radio alert TOMRROW - SF CA Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m For the San Francisco Bay people, the Monkees will be in-studio guests on KFRC-FM (99.7) on the Goss and Garrett show between 6-10am.... obviously to promo their show at Candlestick that night... happy listening!! The radio appearance will be TOMORROW (Friday) June 20... From ???@??? Thu Jun 19 16:09:33 1997 To: Monkees Alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: concert update - NY Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m A few minutes ago, I called the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City to see if there was any information about the August 21st concert, since it was still listed as "tentative" in the Monkee Fanzine list of concert dates. Prior to this, all I got was a recorded message with upcoming events, and no mention of the guys. However, today, I got a real person! She told me that the concert is indeed on, and tickets for this concert go on sale June 23. $45 for the floor, $38 for the mezzanine. From ???@??? Sat Jun 21 13:54:08 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees SF Show Reviews Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m From: npsandauer Subject: Candlestick review First off, the info about the KFRC radio thing was bogus... turned out a REAL Monkey was in the studio... this was AFTER I called to confirm the Monkees were gunna be there... there's some real dorks at that station... sorry to whomever got up early to hear that.. The Game: Set List: Clarksville I'm A Believer Little Bit Me... That Was Then... Girl I Knew Somewhere For Pete's Sake (gotta disagree with Wally... i loved the fact Peter sings this) Valleri Goin' Down Nice To Be With You I'll be Back Upon My Feet Higher and Higher Circle Sky Pleasant Valley Sunday Daydream Believer Auntie Grizelda Steppin Stone No Time >All you listers who went to the show. How about some details. >Any songs from "Justus"? Absolutely none.. no references, nothing. >Did Micky play guitar or drums? Both.. he switched off. >Did Davy play guitar? Yes, on some of the songs. >What new songs performed? None. >Whats new for merchandise? Exactly the same as last year... not as much even.. tour program, a tee shirt, a key chain, a picture... that's about it. >Any new costumes? Nope. Peter wore a GIANTS jersey... looked GREAT on him ... Davy was dressed in white shirt and pants.. Micky wore the same tee shirts as Billboard Live (the galaxy one). Misc Notes: Peter played *some* of the drum and cymbal parts on I'll Be Back Upon My Feet. They had a power failure during Steppin' Stone (couldn't hear a thing, but they played on) and finally came back for the last tune Goin' Down... All the guys had high energy for the show... crowd loved it... BUT, it is basically the same exact show as last year... nothing new, nothing exciting, nothing ground breaking... i would think LONG and HARD about spending $40-$50 on multiple shows... *especially* if you've seen it last year... just my opinion tho... - Griz ==================================== Auntie Grizelda's Homepage for the BEST selection of Monkees audio/video ==================================== From: WALLY Subject: Monkees win - Giants lose Well, This was my first "Monkees oldies revue" show and, considering the forum, it wasn't too bad. I had a killer seat, about halfway down the first base line in the fourth row. (my little secret - if you look and act like you belong then no one will question you. The "I BELONG here" attitude {almost} always works). The announcer introduced them as "Davy, Peter and Mike" (what an interesting show THAT would be) and the drove out to the stage in a purple GTO. ( rad car, but no Monkeemobile). The stage was set up at the edge of he outfield grass with rows of PA speakers in front. The sound was about what I expected - wind blown and echoey, but pretty good in some parts. The head mikes HAVE to go. They sound exactly like shit - tinny and too much drop out from the radio frequencies. The crowd was really enthusiasic. They should consider adding a REAL San Francisco date to the tour. Tha lady I was sitting next to was with her husband and kid and was kinda ambivalent at first, but when they showed a close up of Davy on the Diamond Vision she let out a big sigh and said "Oh my ghod, it's DAVY" and let off a long suppressed teenage scream. Her kid and hubby's jaws dropped to the floor. I liked the song selection. All the hits plus a bunch of others such as Goin Down, Auntie Grizelda, For Pete's Sake (for pete's sake, let Micky sing it!), The Girl I Knew Somewhere and Circle Sky. The sound on the main speakers went out during Stepping Stone but they kept playing, although you could barely hear it through the stage monitors. When it came back around to the chorus the crowd sang it real loud and the boys all got a big thrill from it. There were some relly funny crowd shots shown on the big screen. My pesonal favorite was "Petermaniac Paul" FREAKING OUT. It's nice to have a few thousand other people laughing at him too. When they finished, they jumped back into the car and drove around the field. They all jumped out just past home plate and ran the rest of the way off. It was a fun show with great crowd reaction and I wish they would come back and play for real. By the way, the ball game was good too. The Giants cane back from a 7 run deficit to tie it up in the bottom of the 9th inning on a Barry Bonds home run, only to lose 11 to 7 because Dusty Baker didn't pull the "throwin in the dirt hack-ass soon to be selling used cars in Ames, Iowa Doug whats his name pitcher" out of the game. A whole bunch of home runs and some great catches wasted. Too bad, cause San Diego whupped Colorado and we coulda picked up another game. Oh well, thats baseball - anything can happen. WALLY *&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*& Modern society without organised religion would be like a crazed maniac without a chainsaw &*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&* From ???@??? Sun Jun 22 22:49:06 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m Monkees News from Monkee Business Fanzine Updated: June 23, 1997 ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** Monkees Concert Schedule Addition: August 8, Crystal Grand Music Theatre, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 608-254-4545 cancelled: Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley at Milwaukee Summerfest cancelled: Peter Tork solo show, July 3, in San Rafael still tentative: Peter may or may not show up at James Lee Stanley's July 12 solo show; James expects to have 2 backup musicians with him still tentative: Monkees July 24 show in Huntsville, AL We apologize for the delay in updating this section. We kept expecting that a whole bunch of additional concert dates would be sent to us any day and we figured we would update it then. The lack of additional concert dates is as puzzling to us as it is to you. ***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW***NEW*** Micky Dolenz, Davy Jones, and Peter Tork celebrated the Monkees' 30th anniversary with a concert tour that ran throughout 1996. For 1997, Michael Nesmith joined them for a spring concert tour of Great Britain and Ireland. While Monkees fans expected that Michael Nesmith would join the Monkees' 1997 U.S. tour, Monkees manager Ward Sylvester now tells us that there is NO possibility that Nez will join the guys for ANY concerts this summer. Nez tells us that "the producers of the movie have asked me to write the screenplay and I would stay home and do that in order to get the film out," in the same way that Nez spent last summer working on the Monkees "Justus" album. Ward says, "There are no plans or even discussions about further live appearances to include him. I really can't speculate on what might or might not happen beyond that. What we thought last September is not what what we think now, so who knows what we may think in 1998? Eventualities eventually eventuate." Meanwhile, Davy, Micky, and Peter will go out on the road this summer with their back-up band. Only a partial schedule has been announced thus far; more dates will be posted as they are announced. June 20 Candlestick Park, San Francisco, CA (preceding San Francisco Giants baseball game), 415-467-8000 July 4 Sunset Station, Las Vegas, NV, 702-547-7777 July 5 Del Mar Fair Grandstand, Del Mar, CA, 619-792-4252 July 19 Celebrity Theatre, Phoenix, AZ, 602-267-9373 July 24 * Von Braun Civic Center, Huntsville, AL, 205-551-2345 July 25 Funfest, Dobyns Bennett Stadium, Kingsport, TN, 423-246-7552 July 26 Cardinal Stadium, Louisville, KY (in conjunction with a Louisville Redbirds baseball game), 502-361-9121 July 27 Palace Theatre, Cleveland, OH, 216-771-4444 July 31 Michigan Festival, East Lansing, MI, 517-845-2080 Aug. 1 Star Plaza Theatre, Merrillville, IN, 219-769-6600 Aug. 2 Rosemont Theatre, Rosemont, IL, 847-671-5100 Aug. 3 Music Hall, Cincinnati, OH, 513-721-8222 Aug. 6 Pine Knob Music Theatre, Detroit, MI, 810-377-0100 Aug. 8 Crystal Grand Music Theatre, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 608-254-4545 Aug. 9 State Theatre, Minneapolis, MN, 612-339-7007 Aug. 16 Mt. Airy Lodge, Mt. Pocono, PA, 717-839-8811, 800-441-4410 Aug. 17 Mann Music Center, Philadelphia, PA, 215-878-7707 Aug. 21 Hammerstein Ballroom, Manhattan Centre, NY, NY, 212-564-4882 Aug. 22 Thunder Ridge, Patterson, NY, 914-878-4100 Aug. 23 9:30 Club, Washington, DC, 202-393-0930 Aug. 24 North Shore Music Theatre, Beverly, MA, 508-922-8500 Aug. 26 Westbury Music Fair, Westbury, NY, 516-334-0800 Aug. 27 Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH, 603-929-4100 Aug. 29 South Shore Music Circus, Cohasset, MA, 617-383-1400 Aug. 30 Cape Cod Melody Tent, Hyannis, MA, 509-775-9100 Sep. 13 Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA, 818-777-3931 Sep. 18 Palace Theatre at Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, SC, 803-448-4300 Sep. 19 Peace Center for Perf. Arts, Greenville, SC, 864-467-3000 Sep. 20 Chastain Park Amphitheatre, Atlanta, GA, 404-249-6400 Sep. 22 Mid-South Fair, Main Stage, Memphis, TN, 901-274-8800 Sep. 24 Bloomsburg Fair, Bloomsburg, PA, 717-784-4949 * new and tentative; these dates may change for routing purposes. Remember, these dates are for the THREE guys, not four. Monkees Original TV Series ========================== The Monkees' original TV series returned to U.S. television April 21 with a Monkee Monday Marathon on cable network VH-1. The series is being shown twice nightly, Mondays thru Thursdays, as well as Saturday mornings. Look for commercials for the Monkees' reunion album "JUSTUS" currently airing on VH-1 as well. The Monkees' TV series will also begin airing on Nick at Nite's Summer Block Party, Monday nights from 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm (Eastern time), beginning July 7. The series is currently on the air in Canada, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley Concerts ========================================= Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley are currently on the road with a concert tour to promote their "Two Man Band" album. June 19, Cactus Cafe, Austin, TX, 512-475-6515 June 21, Poor Davids, Dallas, TX, 214-821-9891 June 23, Mucky Duck, Houston, TX, 713-528-5999 (moved from June 20) July 12, Fret House, Covina, CA, 818-339-7020 (this date is scheduled as a James Lee Stanley solo date, but Peter MAY show up for it if there is no conflicting Monkees date--stay tuned) Peter and James tour merchandise includes a new "Two Man Band" tour shirt ($20 plus $2.50 shipping) and a poster ($10 shipping included, 11" x 17"). Quantities are limited. Order from: Beachwood Recordings, 4872 Topanga Canyon Blvd. #223, Woodland Hills, CA 91364. MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. When subscribing, please include your name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, age, and fave Monkee. If you were previously a subscriber, please let us know that, as well. The brand new June March 1997 issue is now available while supplies last. Back issues also available: March 1997, with coverage of Monkees ABC TV special and documentary, $3 Dec. 1996, with complete coverage of Monkees Billboard Live reunion gig, $3 Sep. 1996, with complete tour coverage and preview of Monkees' reunion album "Justus", $3 (Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery on back issues.) [NON-U.S. MONKEES FANS PLEASE NOTE: MBF subscriptions are $13 per year, $26 for 2 years to Canada, $17 per year, $34 for 2 years elsewhere; back issues are $3.25 each to Canada, $4.25 each elsewhere. U.S. funds only by International Money Order only please! IMOs payable to Maggie McManus.] From ???@??? Mon Jun 23 10:50:03 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Micky's Book Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m From: "White, Rob E." A&C Books has Micky's book! Call 1-800-334-7165. It's $5.49. Robbie White ---------------------------- From: Nick Kelly Monkee Mention in EW and it wasn't flattering...... There is an article in the new June 27 issue of Enetertainment Weekly entitled "Rock Quarry", which discussed movies about '60s rock artists that are in development. When trying to explain why these movies are being considered now, the last paragraph reads in part ""there's a segment of the audience that's growing older and becoming tired of movies aimed at 12-year-olds." Wait- does that mean we won't be seeing a big-budget take on the Monkees?" Now being a fan for a over 20 years, I guess I am used to this type of thing, but it still irritates the h*ll out of me. That aside was totally uncalled for. And the funny part is, the guys actually have a project in the script stage. Does Jann Wenner work at EW now? Or is this a personnal vendeta against Nez for taking a stand after the Justus review? I'm not sure, but they will be hearing from me. Their e-mail adress is : I guess it'll never end...... Emmet From ???@??? Mon Jun 23 14:12:22 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: SF Concert Review Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m From: (Glenn Sadin) The opening to the Monkees' 1997 US tour at Candlestick (3Com) Park in SF was a ball! The Monkees entered the field in a red convertable 1966 Pontiac GTO (similar to the Monkeemobile) to so-so applause from the crowd, most of whom were there to see the Giants take on the Dodgers. They were introduced as "Mike, Peter & Davy" (!!!). The sound was fairly poor for most of the show, as can be expected at a baseball stadium. There was a long delay of sound from the stage to the stands - I heard a cymbal crash a full second after I saw the drummer hit it. When the audience was clapping along to the beat, it must've been confusing to the musicians, as it must've sounded off-beat to them. There was a large projection screen behind third base, which showed close-ups of the Monkees and their band, as well as some of the more enthusiastic fans, including Petermaniac Paul (as Wally mentioned earlier) spazzing out in his full glory. It was quite amusing to hear 35,000 people laughing at his frantic gyrations! I may be mistaken, but I think I saw Amy Dolenz up on the screen, too, so she may have been there as well. Unlike the '96 tour, Micky spent a good bit of the show behind the drum kit, and the rest of the time he played guitar. They were also augmented by another drummer, who I believe is new. The new drummer seemed to be enjoying himself, and was playing a beautiful blue sparkletone Ludwig "Ringo Starr" kit. Davy played a bit a rhythm guitar and Peter alternated between keyboards, guitar and banjo, and played a bit of percussion during "I'll Be Back Upon My Feet." The audience's reaction was fairly subdued during the first 30 minutes, but once they launched into "Daydream Believer," the crowd came alive, and sang along. I saw a 40-something couple slow-dancing a few rows away. For the rest of the concert, the Monkees really held the crowd's attention, which must not be easy in a huge stadium full of baseball fans. During "Steppin' Stone" (which sounded punkier than it has in recent past tours), the stadium PA died, leaving the band barely audible from the stands. The Monkees kept on playing, and the audience started clapping in time to keep 'em going. When the sound came back there was a roar of applause. Despite the poor sound, I enjoyed this performance far more than last years show in Los Angeles, which had far less energy. It was pretty cool to be able to kick back at Candlestick sipping a few Sierra Nevada Pale Ales while digging the Monkees! Oh yeah, the ballgame was great, despite the fact that the Giant lost. (The Monkees' curse strikes again?) :( Glenn *Email me to request my extensive list of rare Monkees tapes & videos. *Read my article about Japanese pop from the '60s!: From ???@??? Mon Jun 23 15:45:47 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: News From Rhino/New Tour Dates Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m VH1, NICK AT NITE AIR ORIGINAL MONKEES TV EPISODES; MAKING OF JUSTUS OUT JUNE 17 -- The Monkees' original TV series is back on the air! VH1 kicked it all off Monday, April 21, with a marathon of back-to-back episodes from 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Until further notice, individual episodes are airing at 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday nights, with an encore broadcast a few hours later at 1 a.m. Check the VH1 Online homepage for more info. Meanwhile, Rhino Home Video's just released The Monkees' The Making Of Justus rockumentary. It features backstage antics and interviews along with choice clips from the TV series, plus new music videos for "Regional Girl," "Oh, What A Night," "Admiral Mike," "Run Away From Life," "You and I," and "Circle Sky." And in July, The Monkees will be featured on the Nickelodeon cable channel as part of Nick At Nite's Summer Block Party. Beginning Monday, July 7 and continuing for eight weeks, six Monkees episodes will be seen on Nick At Nite each Monday night from 8:30-11:30 (time is Eastern; check your local listings). In other Monkees news, Rhino's releasing The Monkees Lunch Box, a limited-edition collector's package, August 12. It's a metal lunch box with four-color printing on the outside; inside you'll find a special video featuring a group member speaking about a favorite episode, followed by that episode. There's also a special Monkees jigsaw puzzle available nowhere else. A $55 value, this is tagged at $39.98 (suggested retail price). And, by popular demand, Rhino's bringing back the massive Monkees Video Box Set on September 16 for a limited time only! You may recall the original run sold out almost immediately a couple of years ago, and this even smaller run is bound to do the same. Shaped like a TV, the box is stuffed 21 VHS tapes containing all 58 episodes of the TV series, the series' original pilot, and the rare 33 1/3 NBC special that aired but once, plus a 48-page booklet. Suggested retail for the whole deal: $399.98. Bug your local video outlet for either of these two titles, or call RhinoDirect at 1-800-432-0020. From ???@??? Mon Jun 23 21:07:53 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Davy at U2 Concert Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m From: This item is from the e-zine "Allstar Magazine": GOSSIP Davy Jones was a happy camper on Saturday (June 21) night at the U2 PopMart show at the L.A. Coliseum. The Monkee joined The Edge onstage to perform "Daydream Believer," which got the surprised crowd of nearly 100,000 gleefully singing along. A few moments after The Edge, who has been playing "Daydream Believer" during the tour, began singing the song, he stopped and said something to the effect of "I think I've been busted" as Jones appeared onstage. That and the acoustic version of "Staring at the Sun" were the highlights of the show... (reprinted without permission, so please don't tell anyone) Also, I heard from someone who was actually in attendance that it really *was* the highlight of the show, with people singing along to all the words..... Life is weird, I tell ya. When is Micky gonna start showin' up at Sex Pistols concerts to sing "Steppin' Stone"? love, tracyb From ???@??? Tue Jun 24 10:15:38 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Micky's Book Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m Addendum to our previous alert: A&C Books has Micky's book! Call 1-800-334-7165. It's $5.49. From: Meg Davis It was listed in their ad in DISCOVERIES Record Collecting magazine that came out last week. Called the company and she said that unless you tell them what publication and what price they don't give you the special rate--apparently their computers don't access the specials or something. So anyone who is ordering should specify to save the bucks!! Meg From ???@??? Tue Jun 24 14:22:57 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees Convention Update Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m From: Cathy Hurley I've been asked to post this information from Donna Bailey (Michael Nesmith Fan Club President). I am not organizing this - so don't email me with questions - Thanks! Attention Monkees Fans!!! Manchester Cowboy Productions presents: THE MONKEES 30TH ANNIVERSERY CONVENTION at the Beverly Garland Hotel in North Hollywood, California Sponsered by Jason Humphreys in conjunction with the Sept 13th Monkees concert at the Universal Ampitheater in Los Angeles, California Event Dates: September 12, 13, 14 - 1997 Ticket prices purchased in advance: $30.00 for one day $50.00 for the weekend Ticket prices at the door: $35.00 for one day $60.00 for the weekend Payable ONLY by money order made out to Manchester Cowboy Productions. Send money orders to: Manchester Cowboy Productions 13710 East Whittier Blvd. Suite 202 Whittier, California 90605 For more information please call: 818-309-9778 Special Guests to be announced soon! From ???@??? Wed Jun 25 15:02:36 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: VH1 Updates Episodes Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m Reported by: "Sara Welliver" Well, I got response from VH1 today about the whole Monkees thing. Here's what they say: Thanks for your note and your feedback. I realize that there have been several nights when The Monkees has been prempted by other specials on VH1. I understand your frustration and will share your comments with the programming dept. I am happy to tell you that on Saturday, July 12 from 1:00-5:00 PM (EST) we'll air 8 new epsiodes of The Monkees. I hope you can tune in. Thanks for watching VH1. From ???@??? Thu Jun 26 07:32:37 1997 To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Davy Jones in Video Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: password=4dmp&m Reported By: Robin-Pickles We just got word the SORETHUMB will be shooting a video which will feature Jones himself, appearing in a cameo. The shooting is scheduled for mid August and will be shot on Long Island, NY. Matt Jamison ENDO Music 24-Concert Hotline: 516-587-THUMB (this is the band with the song "I wanna be your Davy Jones", for details see the Monkees Home Page - New section)
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