From ???@??? Thu Jun 01 01:27:30 2000 To: From: Brad WaddellSubject: Movie Updates Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> From: Estrella Lee Here's information that was posted on the VH1 page, THE MONKEES: DAYDREAM BELIEVERS Hey! Hey! They were plucked from obscurity to become the Pre-Fab Foursome and turned into a musical sensation with massive hits like "I'm a Believer" and "Steppin' Stone." They brought the playfulness of pop to television screens throughout the late '60s. Taking on the roles of Davy, Micky, Mike and Peter, Jeff Giddis, George Stanchev, L. B. Fisher and Aaron Lohr get on the last train to Clarksville. **AIRS 6/28** Estrella -- If I had a dollar for everytime I had a dime... +++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Barb VH1 just had a behind-the-scenes clip of the Monkee movie and announced that it will air Wednesday, June 28 at 9pm, 8pm Central Time. It's part of a summer series called Movies That Rock. Barb Tarcza +++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Sammi Tork" For those of us in Canada who get the Star! channel, Sunday at 9:30pmEST, Movie Television will show a behind the scenes look at the cast and the movie. In the promo, they showed the guy playing Mike talking about his role and the movie. Samantha ++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Davy's Dream Web - There's a new book signing date listed on the news page and a new tour date has been added as well. I hope all of you have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!!! Coahoma To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Jun 01 02:18:14 2000 To: From: Brad Waddell Subject: New Monkees CD Set! Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> Rhino Handmade will release a new 80 track 3 CD set of the recording sessions of the Headquarters album culled from 70 hours of tapes. It will be available for purchase in a limited quantity only on the internet web site: The release date will be announced on the site about 6/14 - we will let you know when the release date is official. To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Jun 07 13:28:18 2000 To: From: Brad Waddell Subject: Tork story, Movie clips Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> From: from Tork's Through Monkeeing Around Monday, June 05, 2000 TV reruns of The Monkees and an upcoming made-for-TV movie based on the 1960s pop phenom are about as close as we'll ever get to seeing the band perform together again, according to original Monkee Peter Tork. Tork tells TV Guide Online that he's still hopping mad at former bandmate Michael Nesmith for suddenly dropping out of the band's last U.S. reunion tour back in March 1997. Tork, who stays in touch with former Monkees Davy Jones and Micky Dolenz, says he hasn't spoken with Nesmith since the snub and says that the odds of another reunion are "very slim." "Michael's in a force field of his own and not much gets in there," says Tork. "I think everybody's good and angry at Michael and I think justifiably. All he did was inform the manager, 'I don't think I'm gonna make it.' Yeah, right. Well, suit yourself, pal, nobody can force you." Tensions between the band members come as the Monkees are enjoying yet another resurgence in popularity. VH1 is preparing a Monkees Behind the Music (June 11) and TV-movie (June 28), and TV reruns of The Monkees are now airing in syndication as part of the Screen Gems Network (check local listings). "If you had told me back then that the show would be in reruns and people would be calling me for interviews on the matter almost 35 years later, I would have gone, 'Oh yeah? That's kind of interesting,' " says Tork, 58, who today tours with musician James Lee Stanley and with the group Shoe Suede Blues (see "There is no more personal satisfaction in playing for 5,000 or 20,000 or 100,000 than there is in playing for 20 or 30 or 100 or 150," he says. "I get off as a musician playing in the blues band, which is not the case with the Monkees. I would do the Monkees if the money was right, but for the same money I would do the Shoe Suede Blues every time." Rich Brown ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Davy mention in a story about infomercials: Mr. Somach was one of the early pioneers in the development and production of so-called long form music infomercials. He worked with Wolfman Jack on the first ever 30-minute music infomercial promoting Solid Gold Rock `n Roll, which sold in excess of $15 million. He followed up with Sixty Greatest Hits of the Sixties with Davy Jones of the Monkees. +++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Amy Bell" From: "The Learning Kingdom" To: "Cool Word of the Day List" Subject: Cool Word: Davy Jones ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for May 31, 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Davy Jones [n. DAY-vee JONZ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailors call the spirit of the sea Davy Jones. This personification of the bottom of the sea was often considered malicious, a sea devil. The most common usage of this noun is in the expression Davy Jones' Locker. Someone who is thrown overboard or buried at the bottom of the ocean is said to have gone to Davy Jones' Locker. While there are some who may have wished this fate on Davy Jones of the Monkees, there is no connection between the television star and sailor lore. One suggestion is that there was a pirate named Davy Jones who made his many victims walk the plank. Another suggests that a barkeep named Davy Jones kept a drugged rum in his locker that he would serve to unsuspecting customers who would find themselves enlisted in a marine venture when they woke up. The most likely explanation is that Davy is from St. David, a patron saint called upon by Welsh sailors, and that Jones was inspired by Jonah (the biblical figure swallowed by a whale). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: (Video clips of the new Monkees movie for PC users:) I was one of the biggest skeptics, but judging from the clips I just saw, I am SOOOOOO looking forward to this movie! Nothing we haven't heard before, really, but seems to be done very well. Heavy on the drugs and girls content. My favorite line from the clips: During Davy's audition, one guy says "Think of how many teen magazines that face will sell." The other guy says "Think of how many teen magazines he'll have to stand on to be seen." Enjoy! Leisa +++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Robbie White The new issue of Goldmine Record Collecting has a short (3/4 page) interview with Davy Jones. Robbie White ++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Band 6" This sad news is just in from Ellie Sumiyoshi in Japan: Hi, Just want to let you know the news. Unfortunately it isn't a good one though. Mr. Daisuke(Akio) Inoue, a songwriter of "Dance Gypsy" committed suicide on 30th May. Ms. Reiko Yukawa who wrote a lyrics of the song had worked together with him for many years. He was a great, talented songwriter who wrote more than 1,000 top hits includes numerous CM songs and Japanese pops. He'd taken care of his wife who has neurosis for over twenty years. But, tragically had he also been suffered from detachment of the retina and could scarcely see music these days. In Japan, we say that it rains when a man of virtue died. Literally it's raining now and so was the day the former prime Minister, Mr. Keizo Obuchi passed away. I sincerely pray his soul may rest in peace. Yours, Ellie Sumiyoshi To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Jun 07 23:19:15 2000 To: From: Brad Waddell Subject: Micky Show, Tork on TV Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> From: "maggie mcmanus"
Here's a piece of news just sent to me tonight by Jeff Gehringer:
The American Cinematheque, a film preservation group with its own theater on
Hollywood Blvd, is having a "Mods and Rockers" film festival in a few
weeks. Among the '60s films they'll show is the Monkees' "33 1/3
Revolutions Per Monkee" TV special, plus the unaired pilot. Micky Dolenz
will be in attendance to discuss the project after the screening. The
Monkees event is July 2 at 2 pm, at Grauman's Egyptian Theater, 6712
Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA, and you can buy tickets in advance at the
box office. Also, on the evening of July 2, Micky will take part in a 60's
Tea party concert---that's a separate event with a different set of
instructions for buying tickets. The web site for all the information is
Now, from me:
New concert dates:
Davy Jones, August 5, Veterans Park, Bay City, MI
Micky Dolenz w/the Teen Idols Tour, September 16, Charlotte Coliseum,
Charlotte, NC, 704-357-4801 box office
From: "Band 6"
News for fans in the UK
Peter is due to be on The Big Breakfast show on Thursday morning - on
Channel 4
Also on Saturday he is due to be interviewed on London Live -
the Rhona Cameron show - 94.9FM
Look out for the web-cast of Peter and James Lees show at the Borderline in
a week or so.
Chris Conway will be support them on their 3 dates starting tomorrow - Why
not drop in to the Chris Conway Homepage
Cheers - see you at the shows
Kirk & Sue White
From: Lisa Manekofsky
For those of you who have access to BBC Radio 4, you might be interested
in tuning in to the July 12th broadcast of the comedy panel show "I'm
Sorry I Haven't A Clue" (which airs at 6:30 p.m. UK time and repeats on
Sunday, June 18th at noon). Friends who were at the taping for this
episode report that the Monkees song "I'm a Believer" was used in a
round of "Pick Up Song". For those of you who are unfamiliar with the
show, I'll explain that this round involves one of the contestants
singing along with a recording of a song. The volume of the recording
is then turned down while the contestant continues to the sing, in an
attempt to be in time with the recording when the volume is eventually
turned back up. Since the contestants are all comedians the results of
the game are usually quite funny. The performance of "I'm a Believer"
was especially amusing, given the fact that the live audience at the
taping spontaneously joined in by providing the "da doo doo, doo doo's"
between the lines.
Here's hoping that this round is included in the actual broadcast!
From the new American Cinematheque newsletter ( 323 466 film for recorded information. Ticket purchasing 323 461 2020 x123 Visa/MC accepted.
Los Angeles area Dolenz news:
Sunday July 2nd at 2pm
On the large screen:
33 1/3 Revolutions per Monkee, plus the episodic pilot episode, plus monkees rarities. Discussion following with musician/actor Micky Dolenz
Sunday July 2nd at 6pm to 10pm
British Style, the 2nd annual Mods and Rockers English Tea Party and movie.
At 6pm re-live the British Invasion with a must see encore of last years smash raveup movie GO GO MANIA. At 7:30pm Brits and Yanks bury their differences and celebrate Co-dependance day with a Mod Tea Party.....60's music by the all star band "The Shag-a-delics" featuring Spencer Davis, Andy Summers, Micky Dolenz. Bruce Gary (The Knack) and many more top brit and american rockers.
See web site or call for pricing.. (note last year the tea party sold out almost immediately)
(do not use my email or name as the person reporting)
To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit
The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to:
For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Jun 08 12:22:46 2000 To: From: Brad WaddellSubject: VH1 update, Tork interview Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> From: VH1 Hi. I work at VH1 and found your site while searching the web. I just wanted to let you know of some upcoming specials that will be airing on VH1. Behind The Music: The Monkees, will premiere on Sunday, June 25th at 11am and 9pm (ET/PT). Also, VH1’s 4th original movie, "Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story," will premiere on Wednesday, June 28th at 9pm (ET/PT). We are very excited about these specials and hope you'll tune in. We welcome your comments and feedback, so feel free to e-mail us at We also hope you'll pass the word along to fellow Monkees fans. If you'd like to see some photos, movie clips, and production notes from the director of "Daydream Believers," check out The direct link to the site is: We hope you'll tune in to Behind The Music and Daydream Believers. Enjoy and thanks for watching VH1. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Band 6" Message from Band 6 - 8th June, London, England. Peter made an appearance as guest of the day on The Big Breakfast on England's Channel 4 TV station, live from London. He wore black denim jeans, black boots and an open-neck black, blue and yellow/orange shirt. Looked really cool and awake considering it was 7:20 am. Peter talked with presenter Lisa Tarbuck about the UK tour and how Chris Conway (described by Peter as a fine acoustic singer/songwriter) will open the show with a set, followed by James Lee Stanley, followed by Peter. Then Peter and James will do a set as a duo and finally Chris will join them on stage for a final song. As well as promoting the tour Peter spoke about the reality of musicianship in the Monkees and how all of them are musically talented, the truth about him leaving the Monkees and NOT buying himself out of the contract, and the success of the various Monkee re-unions down the years, culminating in the UK tour of 1997. After his interview (which also included some flirting with Lisa!) Peter stayed in the studio and could be seen throughout the remainder of the programme at various times in other segments, and participated in the morning reading of national newspaper headlines, holding up the front pages. He looked gorgeous with his short spiky blond hair and beard and seemed very relaxed and happy to be on the show. Sue & Kirk Band 6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Craig Frankowski" Last night on the CBS TV movie "Now & Then", starring Rosie O'Donell, Demi Moore, Melanie Griffith, Christine Ricci, Rita Wilson, & Other cast members. There was a bedroom scene where one of the girls was brushing her hair out and talking, when the song "Daydream Believer" started playing. Hope you got a chance to see the movie. Terry To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Jun 15 22:53:42 2000 To: From: Brad Waddell Subject: New Monkees CD release on Monday! Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> From: Rhino Handmade Rhino Handmade Early Warning Number 14 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Greetings Earthling! This Monday, 19 June 2000, at Noon Pacific Daylight Savings Time [1900 UTC], we will begin taking orders for THE MONKEES 'Headquarters Sessions'. This is an 84-track 3-CD set which contains 60 PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED recordings and which also, most delightfully, includes the complete original MONO version of the album on compact disc for, as they say on TV, "the first time anywhere". Lovingly compiled by longtime MONKEES Archivists/Experts Andrew Sandoval and Bill Inglot, THE MONKEES 'Headquarters Sessions' collects almost four hours of unique audio insight into the 'Headquarters' album recording process including almost three-and-one-half-hours of alternate takes, demos, backing tracks, recording session audio hijinx and MONO masters never before preserved on compact disc. It will be available in an individually-numbered limited edition of 4,500 copies. Or, to put it another way, One Thousand One Hundred Twenty Five Per Monkee. We all know the story. From their pre-fab inception THE MONKEES albums were the brainchild of the marketing division of the television arm of a motion picture studio. And at the head of this arm was the foot of Don Kirshner. THE MONKEES started being Actors playing the parts of Musicians singing songs written by and selected for them by Others. That some of them were, in fact, already Actual Musicians In Real Life was merely amusingly anecdotal to The Machine which churned out their New Episode Every Week. In 1967, this changed. After a series of creative tug-of-wars, Mr Kirshner was relieved of his responsibilities for the creation of MONKEES' music and Michael Nesmith, Peter Tork, Davy Jones and Micky Dolenz were -for the first time ever- given creative control over the making of a MONKEES album. They were now in reality just as they had always been on the small screen: A Band. The album they were about to create was, of course, 'Headquarters'. 'Headquarters' was originally released on 20 May 1967. A month later it was Number One on the Billboard Hot 100. One week after that it was replaced at the top of the chart when THE BEATLES released 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'. 'Headquarters' then went to Number Two where it remained for almost the next three months. And telling you that brings us back to this Rhino Handmade release which we now most humbly -yet most heartily- present. 'Headquarters' was recorded, as most albums are, in layers. For example, percussion tracks are recorded separately from guitar tracks which are also recorded separately from vocal tracks. Then, to make the final stereo (or mono) recording, all of these multi-tracks are mixed down to two stereo tracks (or one mono track). THE MONKEES 'Headquarters Sessions' collects all of the vocal masters that were not included on the original stereo album as well as all of the surviving vocal demos and a few tracks with vocals which were never completed. However, the beefy middle of this tasty digital triple-decker is the collection of PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED instrumental backing track sessions (both for familiar and previously unknown compositions), rehearsals, spoken word oddities and studio chatter and, to top it all off, the MONO masters in an originally proposed, but ultimately unused, running order. The Archivists at The Rhino Handmade Institute Of Petromusicology have wrapped up all of this Unheard Audio Splendidness in a gatefold digipack with a 32-page booklet filled with photographs, a day-to-day chronology, track notes as well as other appropriately interesting ephemera. We invite you to put on your headphones (or turn up your speakers) and put yourself smack dab in the middle of RCA Studio C in Hollywood and enjoy the making of 'Headquarters' as only THE MONKEES, their producer and their engineer had heretofore ever been able to do. THE MONKEES 'Headquarters Sessions' is available in an individually-numbered limited edition of 4,500 (four thousand five hundred) copies. It is not distributed to any store on the planet. It is distributed directly from us to you. It is available only from The Archivists at the Rhino Handmade Website at: The complete track listing for THE MONKEES 'Headquarters Sessions' is at the bottom of this e-mail. And sound samples for every track will be available on the Rhino Handmade Website this coming Monday at Noon Pacific. Up next from The Archivists is our JACK WEBB release. I told you last time that we hadn't forgotten about it. So please get ready to be thoroughly astonished. And to, of course, recite your Miranda rights. Always Microgroovingly Yours, R W Hand Curator Rhino Handmade Institute Of Petromusicology e-mail: [Mr Hand does indeed read each and every e-mail you send but, regretfully, cannot always personally answer each one.] ---------- THE MONKEES 'Headquarters Sessions' Catalogue Number: RHM2 7715 ALL TIMES APPROXIMATE DISC ONE: [Approximately 78:30 Total Time] 1. So Far Out, She's In TRACKING SESSION Takes 1 & 2 4:01 2. The Girl I Knew Somewhere (First Version) TRACKING SESSION COMPOSITE TAKES 1 TO 16 8:49 3. The Girl I Knew Somewhere (First Version) MASTER BACKING TRACK TAKE 22 2:54 4. All Of Your Toys REHEARSAL 1:52 5. All Of Your Toys TRACKING SESSION COMPOSITE TAKES 1 TO 10 5:31 6. All Of Your Toys MASTER BACKING TRACK TAKE 20 3:13 7. The Girl I Knew Somewhere (Second Version) TRACKING SESSION COMPOSITE FEATURING TAKE 15 3:22 8. The Girl I Knew Somewhere (Second Version) TRACKING OVERDUB 9. The Girl I Knew Somewhere (Second Version) MASTER BACKING TRACK TAKE 13A 2:58 10. Seeger's Theme DEMO 1:23 11. Can You Dig It DEMO 2:19 12. Nine Times Blue DEMO 2:10 VOCAL Track 12 taken from Rhino compact disc R2 71792 'HEADQUARTERS' 13. Until It's Time For You To Go DEMO 3:04 VOCAL 14. She'll Be There DEMO 2:34 VOCAL 15. Midnight Train DEMO 2:27 VOCAL Tracks 14 and 15 taken from Rhino compact disc R2 72153 'MISSING LINKS VOLUME THREE' 16. Sunny Girlfriend ACOUSTIC REMIX OF MASTER 2:12 VOCAL 17. Sunny Girlfriend TRACKING SESSION TAKE 7 WITH SCRATCH VOCAL 2:35 VOCAL 18. Mr Webster TRACKING SESSION TAKE 28 2:11 19. Band Six STEREO MASTER 0:40 Track 19 taken from Rhino compact disc R2 71792 'HEADQUARTERS' 20. SETTING UP THE STUDIO FOR RANDY SCOUSE GIT 6:18 SPOKEN WORD 21. Randy Scouse Git TRACKING SESSION COMPOSITE 6:28 22. Randy Scouse Git ALTERNATE VERSION TAKE 18 2:25 VOCAL 23. You Told Me MASTER BACKING TRACK 2:25 24. Monkee Chat 2:40 SPOKEN WORD DISC TWO: [Approximately 79:10 Total Time] 1. You Told Me TAKE 15 WITH ROUGH LEAD VOCAL 2:34 2. Zilch PETE TORK VOCAL TRACK 1:06 SPOKEN WORD 3. Zilch DAVY JONES VOCAL TRACK 1:10 SPOKEN WORD 4. Zilch MICKY DOLENZ VOCAL TRACK 1:06 SPOKEN WORD 5. Zilch MICHAEL NESMITH VOCAL TRACK 1:18 SPOKEN WORD 6. I'll Spend My Life With You MASTER BACKING TRACK TAKE 9 2:32 7. Randy Scouse Git MASTER BACKING TRACK TAKE 23 2:40 8. Forget That Girl REHEARSAL 2:56 9. Forget That Girl MASTER BACKING TRACK 2:34 10. Where Has It All Gone (First Version) TRACKING SESSION TAKE 1 2:51 11. Memphis Tennessee 2:09 12. 12-String Improvisation 3:07 13. Where Has It All Gone (Second Version) MASTER BASIC TRACK TAKE 12 2:37 14. Jericho 2:28 Track 14 taken from Rhino compact disc R2 71792 'HEADQUARTERS' 15. Forget That Girl ROUGH BACKING VOCALS 2:36 16. Peter Gunn's Gun 3:40 Track 16 taken from Rhino compact disc R2 71792 'HEADQUARTERS' <1995> 17. I Was Born In East Virginia INFORMAL RECORDING 2:30 VOCAL 18. Forget That Girl REJECTED OVERDUB SESSION 5:10 VOCAL 19. Randy Scouse Git ALTERNATE MIX WITH UNUSED TAG 2:57 VOCAL 20. Micky In Carlsbad Cavern 1:06 SPOKEN WORD 21. Pillow Time TAKE 1 7:22 VOCAL Track 21 taken from Rhino compact disc R2 71792 'HEADQUARTERS' <1995> 22. Shades Of Gray MASTER BACKING TRACK TAKE 9B 3:43 23. Masking Tape TRACKING SESSION COMPOSITE TAKES 6 TO 8 4:50 24. You Just May Be The One TRACKING SESSION COMPOSITE 3:18 25. You Just May Be The One MASTER BACKING TRACK 2:08 26. No Time (First Version) TRACKING SESSION COMPOSITE TAKES 3 TO 5 4:44 27. Blues 4:05 DISC THREE: [Approximately 79:30 Total Time] 1. I Can't Get Her Off Of My Mind MASTER BACKING TRACK 2:31 2. Banjo Jam 4:22 3. Cripple Creek 1:46 4. 6-String Improvisation 0:46 5. The Story Of Rock And Roll (First Version) TRACKING SESSION TAKE 23 2:40 6. Early Morning Blues And Greens MASTER BACKING TRACK 3:07 7. Bach's Tocatta INFORMAL RECORDING 1:34 8. The Story Of Rock And Roll (Second Version) TRACKING SESSION TAKE 5A 3:25 9. Don't Be Cruel 0:45 10. For Pete's Sake MASTER BACKING TRACK 2:16 11. No Time (Second Version) TRACKING SESSION COMPOSITE 4:11 12. No Time (Second Version) MASTER BACKING TRACK TAKE 7A 2:40 13. Just A Game DEMO TAKES 1 To 3 3:51 14. Fever 1:49 15. Sunny Girlfriend MASTER BACKING TRACK 2:34 16. No Time (Second Version) MASTER TAKE 7A WITH BACKING VOCALS 2:27 17. All Of Your Toys MONO MASTER 3:00 18. The Girl I Knew Somewhere (First Version) MONO MASTER 2:36 Tracks 17 and 18 taken from Rhino compact disc R2 71792 'HEADQUARTERS' <1995> 19. For Pete's Sake MONO MASTER 2:10 20. I'll Spend My Life With You MONO MASTER 2:26 21. Forget That Girl MONO MASTER 2:25 22. You Just May Be The One MONO MASTER 2:00 23. Shades Of Gray MONO MASTER 3:20 24. Band Six MONO MASTER 0:38 25. Sunny Girlfriend MONO MASTER 2:31 26. Mr Webster MONO MASTER 2:02 27. You Told Me MONO MASTER 2:22 28. The Girl I Knew Somewhere (Second Version) MONO MASTER 2:36 29. Zilch MONO MASTER 1:05 30. Early Morning Blues And Greens MONO MASTER 2:33 31. Randy Scouse Git MONO MASTER 2:35 32. I Can't Get Her Off Of My Mind MONO MASTER 2:24 33. No Time MONO MASTER 2:06 Tracks 19 to 33 taken from an early alternate MONO assembly of Colgems album COM-103 'Headquarters' ALL TRACKS PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED EXCEPT DISC 1 Tracks 12 and 19 + DISC 2 Tracks 17, 18 and 21 + DISC 3 Tracks 17 and 18 taken from Rhino compact disc R2 71792 'HEADQUARTERS' DISC 1 Tracks 14 and 15 taken from Rhino compact disc R2 72153 'MISSING LINKS VOLUME THREE' DISC 3 Tracks 19 to 33 taken from Colgems album COM-103 'HEADQUARTERS' ---------- To subscribe to this Rhino Handmade Early Warning E-mail List, just go to: To unsubscribe from this Rhino Handmade Early Warning E-mail List, just go to: ++++++++++++++++ From: "Grant Taylor" Greetings, For all Australian fans out there, The E! True Hollywood Stories Monkees documentary is getting its first screening on Australian TV. It has been re-titled "The Monkees Exposed" and will likely be an edited down version filling a 1 hour time-slot. It screens at 6.30pm this Sunday 18th June on Network Ten. Cheers Grant Taylor +++++++++++++++++++++ From: Kat Message-ID: On ESPN I learned that there is going to be a commercial campaign and Day Jones will be on it. I saw it on Access Hollywood..very funny! Sorry..beautiful information learned! Peace Out! Kat To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Sun Jun 18 00:43:36 2000 To: From: Brad Waddell Subject: Head on AMC Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> From: "Cindy Bryant" Thanks to Shanie for this item! Hey All! Just wanted everyone to know that "Head" is going to be on T.V. American Movie Classic's (AMC) is showing a marathon of great rock movies hosted by Roger Daltry. "Head" is going to be on Tuesday, July 4th @ 4:45a.m. and 2:00p.m. (both times pacific.) (There is also a special the same weekend hosted by Ringo Starr which is supposed to have clips of Head in it) To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Sun Jun 18 16:14:54 2000 To: From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees VH1 Ad, Dont forget New Monkees CD Tomorrow! Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> From: Nick Kelly There is a half page ad for the VH-1 Monkees movie in the June 23 edition of Entertainment Weekly, on page 92. The verbage reads: "Before Backstreet Boys.....Before 'N Sync.....The Monkees. The rise and fall of the original boy band". The picture is a recreation of the pose from the Headquarters LP, but with matching shirts. The ad looks like a good omen as to the accuracy of the film, as only 3 of the guys are smiling. Emmet -- Keep up to date with the latest activities and gig schedule of "Gear"! Join the Gear Update email list. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Don't forget, Monkees Headquarters Box Set goes on sale Monday at Noon at - not in stores! To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jun 19 02:51:16 2000 To: From: Brad Waddell Subject: Tork Tour Dates Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> From: Bonnie Verrico Greetings all Peter Tork/Shoe Suede Blues fans! Peter & the band will be heading out on tour again in MD, NJ, and PA from July 8-15, 2000. Here is the current itinerary: Shoe Suede Blues "Summertime Blues" Tour 2000 Sat, July 8th Private Corporate Event (not open to the public) Sun, July 9th Where: Hemingway's, Pier One Road, Stevensville, MD (over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge from Annapolis). Time: 5-9pm Phone: 410-643-8825 Price: NO cover charge or tickets!!! All Ages Welcome. Mon, July 10th Where: Upstairs at Tierney's, Valley Road, Montclair, NJ (more details to come) Time: 10:00pm-1:00am Price: $10.00 in advance or at the door. Under 21's must be accompanied by Parent or Legal Guardian. Young children under 10 are unable to attend (the details of the contract are being finalized. I will post phone number and exact address within a few days.) Tues, July 11th Private Event, Habitat for Humanity (not open to the public) Wed, July 12th Benefit Concert (OPEN to public), High School Chapter of Habitat for Humanity Where: Legends Resort, Route 94, Vernon NJ Time: 8pm-11pm Tickets: $20 per person. All ages welcome. Contact: Mr. James Walsh, 914-355-3024 for tickets directions, airport & hotel information. The proceeds gained through this concert (and other fund-rasing activities) the VTHS Chapter of Habitat for Humanity plans to accomplish three goals: 1) to purchase some building supplies for which they have an immediate need; 2) to be able to form a group of students who will go out into the community to educate people on the needs of the less fortunate and what they can do about them; and 3) to continue saving funds that will allow the students to travel to underdeveloped countries to build badly-needed homes. Thur, July 13th Big Dave's Thirsty Camel, 1 Sullivan Trail, Tannersville, PA (Poconos) Time: 9:30pm-1:30am (approximate) Contact: 570-620-1844 Price: $10.00 (proceeds going to a PA Chapter of Habitat for Humanity). Call in advance or pay at the door -same price. Ages: Pennsylvania State Law prohibit under 21's to be in a bar after 10pm without being accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. we may try to move the show to 9pm-1am so that under 21's without a parent or guardian can at least come for an hour. This is an event run by the venue & local radio stations to raise funds for a Pennsylvania Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Fri, July 14th Briggs Farm Blues Festival AND "Backstage with the Boys" Fan Party Where: 88 Old Berwick Highway (Jct of Routes 93 and 239), Nescopeck, PA 18635 Time: Fan Party 1:00-3:30pm, Festival 5pm-7pm (first act on stage). Festival gates open at 4pm. Tickets: (Festival Only) $12 in advance, $14 at the door per person through Festival Office. (***see special fan party combo ticket information below). Contact: Briggs Farm Concerts, Phone: 570-379-2003, E-mail: Please visit, for info on the other performers, directions, what kinds of food & activities will be available at the festival and more. "Backstage with the Boys" Fan Party Where: Briggs Farm Blues Festival, July 14th Time: 1:00pm-3:30pm Tickets: $30 (includes admission to the Festival (a $12 value!), and a reception backstage with the members of the band. Groups of 3 or more receive $10 off entire order. All ages welcome. Contact: Bonnie Verrico, 301-433-2448, e-mail or Richard Briggs, 570-379-2003, E-mail: for ticket information, or send a letter with the following information: Full Name, Mailing Address, Day/Eve Telephone Numbers, and Number of Tickets required. Enclose a check or money order made out to Fiore Promos Agency. Mailing address for ticket orders is: Bonnie Verrico, Fiore Promos Agency, 2014 Tanglewood Drive, Waldorf MD 20601. Deadline for mail orders is Monday, July 3rd. Tickets are also available through Briggs Farm Concerts. Please call 570-379-2003 for order address. Tickets from Briggs Farm will be available until day of performance. This party is a special "thank you" from the members of Shoe Suede Blues to their fans and will take place before the festival gates are open to the general public. Shoe Suede Blues will perform for approximately one hour on the main stage of the festival, then invite their fans backstage for autographs, pictures, chatting and munchies! Fans will be able to remain inside the festival gates & claim premiere spots in front of the main stage for the band's performance at 5-7pm. Sat, July 15th The Rusty Nail Where: 2580 Haverford Road, Ardmore PA Time: 10:30pm-2am (approximate - venue will also host an opening band, Blank Pages) Cover: $5 per person. Currently negotiating age requirements. Contact: Mr. Chris Braccili or venue staff at 610-649-NAIL for directions, airport & hotel information. This is a return engagement for the band. At the last gig, the place was packed, almost to beyond capacity. It is recommended that fans arrive early for limited seating. Light foods are available at venue. ANSWERS TO SOME FAQ'S: 1. Pictures & video taping will be allowed at all events. Try to avoid getting in band member's faces with flashes, though... for close ups, use 1,000 speed or higher film and no flash. Distant flashes are fine, however please be considerate others who are trying to enjoy the shows. 2. Under 21's.... please call ahead and double-check each venue's policy, in case of any last minute changes or additions! 3. Peter will be glad to sign autographs, take pictures with you, etc... as will all of the guys. But PLEASE, please remember... these guys will be on a week long tour... they are going to be getting pretty tired as it goes on. Just use a little common sense & courtesy when approaching the guys. If they look like they are taking a few minutes breather, let them have their quiet time. I promise that you will get plenty of opportunities to talk with them without overwhelming them! 4. The guys will be bringing some of their merchandise with them on the tour. T-shirts, and more will be available for purchase. Approximate prices (cash only): shirts $15-20, ball caps $10, sun visors $7, CD's $15. Please check with and, or e-mail Fiore Promos at for more information on area, travel and hotels. Hope to see you on the road! Bonnie Verrico -- Shoe Suede Blues (with Peter Tork) Summertime Blues Tour, July 8-15, 2000 Tour Info @! Buy Stuff @! To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jun 19 16:10:24 2000 To: From: Brad Waddell Subject: TV Guide, Contest Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> From: "K.Lyn Baker"
In next week's (June 24-30) TV Guide with the new Real World cast on the cover:
(any misspellings are mine, any factual errors are theirs)
Hollywood Grapevine:
"Hey, hey, we're not the Monkees, but we sure do look like them." That's
what the guys at right (Jeff Geddis, George Stanchev, Aaron Lohr and L.B.
Fisher) could be singing after starring in VH1's biopic Daydream
Believers: The Monkees Story, airing June 28. Best part of the gig: They
didn't have to play an instrument, just like the real Monkees when they
started. Less than ideal: listening to "Daydream Believer" 200 times. "It
never became tiring," says director Neill Fearlney. "Even my kids loved
(includes pic of the four facing forward in red shirts/grey pants)
Susan Stewart's Hits & Misses:
Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story (Weds, VH1) The Monkees had
self-esteem problems. Who knew? Those crazy '60s cover boys Davy, Micky,
Peter, and Mike were really tortured artists. In this ingratiating
biographical movie, they balk at being treated like the chimps they play
on their slapstick sitcom. Between hit records, the boys (effectively
portrayed by unknown actors) seek the counsel of John Lennon, who tells
them, "You're the greatest comic talent since the Marx Brothers." Now
that's funny. My score: 6 (out of 10) (includes a pic of George in the
white outfit from the Star Collector video)
Music Guide:
Behind The Music (Sun, VH1) The cartoon-like fantasy of the Monkees--the
cute hired faces who became a manufactured band that outsold the Beatles
and the Stones--is a story many times told. But leave it to Micky Dolenz,
who lived that unlikely dream with Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith, and Davy
Jones, to give it an original perspective: "Pinocchio really came alive
at one point." And if the surreal story, told here in clips and
interviews, has irked struggling musicians for 35 years, it's
understandable. As rock impresario Don Kirshner says, "What young men in
America wouldn't have given their eyeteeth to get that gig?" (includes
pic of Davy circa 1998(?))
Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story
The turbulent ride of the 1960s prefab quartet is recalled in this 2000 teleplay.
In 1965, music hitmaker Don Kirshner (Wallace Langham) teams with TV
producer Van Foreman (Colin Ferguson) to concoct a Beatles-type band for
NBC. Musicians Peter Tork and Mike Nesmith (L.B. Fisher, Jeff Geddis) are
cast, along with actors Micky Dolenz and Davy Jones (Aaron Lohr, George
Stanchev), to play the Monkees. Although their self-titled TV show and
songs like "Last Train to Clarksville" and "I'm A Believer" become big
hits, the guys grow frustrated with their teenybopper image and lack of
musical input as they deal with pressures of stardom. (2:00) (includes
pic of Jeff Geddis holding guitar)
From: Sara
I was just at and they have a Monkees contest. 1st prize is the video box set. Check it here
Good luck!
From: VideoRanch
If you have not yet visited Videoranch 3D, I highly recommend you do so as
soon as you have a chance. It's building up and there are new Ranch Regulars
in there daily. Videoranch 3D is the internet's number one destination
resort. It's one thing to be on the internet listening to music and watching
movies by yourself; it's a whole other thing to be doing so with your
We're now taking pre-orders for Timerider soundtrack, on CD. It's never been
out before and Videoranch is selling it exclusively. Composed, produced and
performed by Nez, it's a great rock and roll instrumental album. The regular
price for the CD is $11.95, but if you pre-order it now, you can get it for
$9.95. It will ship to you in mid-July. Once it's in stock, the price goes
up to $11.95. There are 2 mp3 samples for you to listen to at
Repo Man is coming out on DVD in August. We'll be selling the regular
version, which will have a commentary that includes Nez as well as Alex Cox,
the director, and a stack of the cast members. We'll also be selling a
limited edition version of the DVD which comes bundled with a CD of the
soundtrack, a book, all wrapped in a California license plate. The plates
will be numbered. Great collector's piece. If it weren't for Repo Man, I
would never have known the Mayans invented television.
Tapeheads and Michael Nesmith Live at the Britt will both be out on DVD in
the Fall. Timerider next February.
"and the hits just keep on comin'" is in stock. One of Nez' best.
That's all for now. Email me if you need anything. I'm also in Videoranch 3D
a lot during the day, so you can come talk to me in "person" if you want.
Sincerely yours,
Navajo Slim
Assistant to Bubba Crutch, Videoranch Foreman
1807 Second Street
Unit 22
Santa Fe, NM 87505
fax 505-988-3265
From: Al "Joneski" Bigley
While attending a local comic book show, I came across a small-press comic
called ITSI KITSI...It features a Davy Jones 2-page article, as well as an
odd little 2-page strip featuring Davy!
Order yours by ending $4 to: Chris Yambar PO Box 1260 Youngstown, OH 44501
It's fun!
Al "Joneski" Bigley
To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit
The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to:
For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Jun 20 03:18:26 2000 To: From: Brad WaddellSubject: Goldmine, ET Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> The episode of The Brady Bunch with Davy Jones will air on 6/21/00 at 12:30 am ET. The Monkees will be featured on Entertainment Tonight on 06/23/00 at 07:00 pm ET. I got this information from: +++++++++++++++++++ From: Kyle Young There is a half page interview of Davy Jones in the latest issue of Goldmine. It is interesting because not one question pertains to The Monkees. Pick one up! ~Kyle Young To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos, T-Shirts and Collectable rare items, visit The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks!
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