238 From: Brad WaddellDate: Tue Apr 3, 2001 2:48am Subject: Monkees back on TV (once!) - Ent Weekly I'm off to the Vegas and Phoenix Monkees shows, I'll send out another alert when i return! By the way, there are lots of new tour photos up on the web page now. See ya! brad www.monkees.net ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Kim Monkees - One Man Shy Type: Syndicated / Sitcom Duration: 30 min Description: Peter escorts a debutante to her coming-out party. Airing: Fri 4/13/01 8:30am EST This is showing on my local UPN station, which runs Screen Gems Network programming in the daytime. It would be nice if this was the start of SGN re-running the show, but it's probably just part of some theme for the day. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Stefanie The new issue of Entertainment Weekly has a small Monkee mention...in their Time Capsule paragraph, they review the date of March 30, 1967 and say.. "MUSIC, The Monkees (a.k.a. the Prefab Four) swing as their LP's 'More of the Monkees' and 'The Monkees' reside at Nos. 1 and 3, repectively on the Billboard chart." Stefanie ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Karen Brostrom" Brad, I live in Chicago and am planning on going to the Monkees show in phoenix on Friday 4/6. I have three tickets but my two friends from Tucson are not able to go to the show so now I need to sell two of the tickets. The seats are located in Section A2, Row 10 and they cost me $58 a piece. Do you know of anyone in the area looking for tickets? I desperately need to sell these seats. You can pass my email address onto anyone who may be interested. Thank you so much for your help. My email address is somesay1@h... Karen +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: SuzanneTigger http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/2001/Apr-01-Sun-2001/living/15733957.html Brad, In searching for a Los Vegas concert review I came across this interesting article. Thought you might want to read it. Sue Sunday, April 01, 2001 Copyright c Las Vegas Review-Journal COLUMN: Mike Weatherford Strip needs new genre Micky Dolenz of the Monkees had a request: "Why don't you ask your readers to coin a term for a show that is somewhere between a musical and a concert?" Funny, it was the second time that day the subject came up. It's actually something that, with any luck, will be discussed more on the Strip. Dolenz was talking about a plan to take the Monkees to Broadway in a theatrical musical. "There was an old famous Broadway show, which became a (1941) movie called `Hellzapoppin.' I guess you would call it a musical, just a slightly different form. Musical variety, something like that." David Caldwell -- who works for Broadway producer Richard Frankel -- moved to Las Vegas a month ago to try to talk the casinos into similar ideas, including a revue based on the career of rock impresario Don Kirshner. I mention this coincidence not to get caught up in semantics, though I admit the phrase I've been using for Cirque du Soleil or De La Guarda -- "nonverbal theater" -- is a little dry. No, I mention this because, by any name, this sounds like a genre we could use. Caldwell reminded me how dreary the showroom scene really is by the way you can basically put every main-room offering into one of four categories: 1. Magic. 2. Traditional revues or production shows. 3. Singing and/or comic impressionists. 4. Avant-garde or nonverbal performance art. Sure there's a couple of square pegs, such as Clint Holmes and the original musical "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus." But basically, the Strip works within defined genres, and three out of four don't much need the English language. That's a trend Caldwell doesn't believe you have to fight. He's not trying to pitch the hotels "book" musicals such as "Damn Yankees," which for various reasons are a hard sell. Instead, he's shopping "The Rocky Horror Show," a pop musical so well-known that Asian and European patrons sing right along. One potential problem is that the wrong shows or third-generation companies may have made it to town first, prematurely souring entertainment buyers. The Rio hosted "Footloose" to mediocre response last year. "Fame" is due at the Aladdin April 18-22 and may fare better. But out-of-town critics were far more gung ho about "Momma Mia!" -- a show that uses ABBA songs for a score. And the Who's "Tommy" never got a fair shake here; it finally arrived last year at Community College of Southern Nevada A longtime Pink Floyd fan had a great idea he doesn't mind giving up for free, since composer Roger Waters would probably never go for it anyway: "The Wall." Here's one of the best-known albums in the world, offering a nightly dose of requisite Vegas spectacle when the wall collapses. Call it what you will, just call me when it opens. Mike Weatherford's entertainment column appears Tuesdays and Sundays. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Maryann Treppiedi Jacobs You know, I hate spreading negative reviews like this, but then again, I do so LOVE it when you guys jump all over the perpetrator, so I'm throwing another bone your way. :-) A friend (who was at the Monkees' Friday Taj Mahal concert and had a blast) sent me this review from the Press of Atlantic City. While it doesn't seem quite as scathing as the DC review (at least he was kinder regarding physical descriptions of Davy and Peter... but not so nice about Micky), still, here is yet another idiot with no research skills passing himself off as a reviewer. Among other little issues (uh, like the series' air date!), you'll see one song title he totally botched (how could anyone get that wrong even if they'd never heard it before - his screwy title makes NO sense whatsoever!), and a couple others that are off. Also, at the bottom I have included two links to pages with responses to the review - both well written (I don't know the reporter's e-mail address, but then I haven't really looked for it on the site, either) Have fun... By JOHN CURRAN For The Press It must be the reruns. How else to describe the scene Friday night at Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort's Xanadu Theater, where a sellout crowd of screaming, sign-waving fans - many of them young women and girls who weren't even around in the 1960s - welcomed pop legends The Monkees? It was like something out of Beatlemania: They rushed the stage to give bouquets of flowers to Micky Dolenz. They squealed like love-struck schoolgirls when Davy Jones shook his mop top. Groups of women stood in place at their seats, swaying and singing along. They held signs: "Hey, Hey, We Love The Monkees" and "I'm Your Homecoming Queen," for example. The latter was waved by a girl who was 18 at most, wearing a tiara and a beauty queen's sash across the front of her dress. The show, for my money anyway, was pure dreck, a bloated 2-and-a-half-hour sham perpetrated by a made-for-TV band that had no musical talent when they were cast as rock stars in the 1965 television show and, miraculously, have just as little now. The only one of the originals with any chops was Michael Nesmith, and he is conspicuously absent from this 35th anniversary tour. Worse still was the fact that Dolenz, Jones and Peter Tork spent much of the time trying to prove that, yes, they really can play the music and sing the songs Guess what? With two or three exceptions, they sounded positively awful. Then again, it's not my money. Critics get paid to go to shows like this, we don't pay for the tickets. Maybe I was the only one in the 1,460-seat house that felt this way. Taking the stage three minutes late for the scheduled 10 p.m. show, The Monkees' eight-man backup band stood beneath their logo, an orange neon sign in the shape of a guitar, with "Monkees" inside. The band whetted the rabid crowd's appetite, playing an instrumental medley of the group's hits. The place erupted when Jones, Dolenz and Tork strolled on stage and lit into "Last Train to Clarksville," one of a handful of their true pop masterpieces. Tork, 59, looked trim and healthy, his sandy-colored mop top replaced by a receding hairline with a spiky perm. Jones, 55, looked substantially the same, just older, with shoulder-length brown hair. But the years have not been kind to Dolenz, 56, who looked considerably heavier all over, his long hair replaced with a close-cropped, slicked-back 'do that tried mightily to cover his thinning top. They played "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You," another of their big hits, with Jones on lead vocals. The crowd's screams came in waves, triggered either by a favorite lyric or some stage posing by Jones. The backing band sounded great through "Here Comes Tomorrow" and "Randy Scouse Git," before Tork sang lead on "Auntie Griselda," one of The Monkees' goofy filler tracks. Then came "Mary, Mary," "Girl" and a screeching Dolenz-led rendition of "Going Down," followed by Little Richard's "Lucille" and "Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher," both sung by Tork. Dolenz reminded the crowd about the time when Jimi Hendrix was the band's warm-up act, and when a fan near the front nodded her assent, as if she remembered, he replied: "Aw, c'mon, you weren't even born yet. Your mother wasn't born yet." After that came "Since I Fell For You," a blues wail sung by Dolenz that was absolutely atrocious. The show could have been cut by an hour and lost nothing. Filler like "Lucille," "Since I Fell For You," Jones' campy rendition of Louis Jordan's "Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby?" was pointless - and painful to listen to. Then there was the bit where Jones called the keyboard player and drummer to center stage so they could imitate Edith and Archie from "All in the Family." It had nothing to do with the music, or anything else, and had people in the crowd looking at each other as if to say "What gives?" The highlights were "Shades of Gray," "Valleri" and "I'm a Believer," all of which came before The Monkees broke at 11:10 p.m. and gave the stage over to Natural, a new boy band from hitmaker Lou Pearlman. They played a 35-minute set that was big on Backstreet Boys-style choreography and vocals. When The Monkees returned, they played "What Am I Doing Hanging Around?" and "Take a Giant Step Outside (You're Mine)," which sounded nothing like the original. "Daydream Believer" got the crowd back on its feet, singing and swaying, before "I'm Not Your Stepping Stone" and "Pleasant Valley Sunday" rounded out the set. Nostalgia is one thing. But unlike many of the oldies acts out there, The Monkees really didn't have a prime They were a flash in the pan, four struggling actors who got lucky at a casting call and rode it for all it was worth. Charging people $40 and $60 a ticket for a "reunion tour" 35 years later seems ridiculous. But not everyone feels that way, obviously: Saturday night's show was sold out, too. ---Maryann Treppiedi Jacobs http://www.ladyshutterbug.com LETTERS TO THE EDITOR REGARDING THIS ARTICLE: Hey, hey: Don't bash Monkees Regarding the March 18 John Curran review of the Monkees concert in Atlantic City: Curran obviously failed to do his research, as he had several song titles wrong and couldn't even get the proper title for "Higher and Higher,'' a song made famous by Jackie Wilson. And, contrary to Curran's reporting, each Monkee had musical experience before joining the band; they weren't merely four actors who "got lucky in a casting call.'' It's a shame that there is to this day a contingent in the media that still doesn't "get'' what the Monkees were and are about. They never pretended to be anything more than what they were from the start. I was at the concert and I thought their vocals were superb. The Monkees are still a breath of fresh air and set a good example for our children, while Puff Daddy and Eminem disgrace themselves in their recordings and in court. MARK THOMPSON Wilmington, Del. Curran too hard on the Monkees I am sure that John Curran was very impressed with his own review of the Monkees concert. But he confuses serious fine art with people having fun. The kids who are the fans of the Monkees, my 12-year-old among them, go to these concerts because they enjoy them. The Monkees, for their part, seem to enjoy them, too, based on the obvious warmth with which they return their fans' affection. I think it's great that a bunch of modern kids have taken so strongly to this '60s group. The tickets don't cost a fortune; the show is clean, and the performers are nice. My daughter got a kiss from Davey at the recent concert and loved the show. I am sorry that the show offended Curran. Perhaps he should confine his future critical efforts to musical groups who are passing themselves off as serious artists and avoid subjecting himself to the offensive sounds of people just having fun. My daughter does not understand why he wrote such a nasty article. Neither do I. Be proud of yourself, Mr. Curran, that you were able to pull a little of the smile off of a child's face. Great contribution to the paper, sir. SCOTT C. MARSH Malaga ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Krista Kegerreis Brad, Would you please post this for me? Thanks! To anyone who attended the Monkees concert in Easton PA: If anyone took pictures and wpuld be willing to share them with me I would really appreciate it. I will gladly pay for them. I took plenty of pictures, but unfortunately I was having trouble with me flash, As I was afraid of they came out too dark. I was really disappointed that my shot of Micky and the birthday cake did not turn out. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely. daydreambelievin@y... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reviews: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Callie AKA Blush Las Vegas Concert! Oh, the joy! I just got done writing a six page concert review to my friends, but I've shortened it a good deal for you guys. :) Saturday, March 31, my three little sisters (ages 14, 15, and 16), and my folks (hey, we wanted drivers!) my friend Candace (20), her little sister (15), and I (20) went to Las Vegas to see the Monkees. We were so stoked! We're all big fans, and this was a dream come true! We didn't know where our seats would be until we picked up our tickets, and I was kind of scared that they'd be a bit away from the stage. I wanted to be noticed. Oh, how I wanted to be noticed. So I came up with this clever idea about two weeks before the show. Why not dress in a way that HAS to be noticed? Monkee Men! Candace and I had already made T-shirts to wear, so I proposed the idea to the sisters. They were a bit hesitant. What teenager wouldn't be? Go to a concert dressed in red tights, black shorts, a long-sleeved, red turtleneck with a pink `M' on it, and a black cape? But it wasn't hard to convince them. I set right to work at making costumes. Jump back to March 31. We got to Vegas and got our tickets. Row D. As we were wandering around the casino, Candace said to me, "Callie, I keep seeing all of these posters for the concert, and they all say that it's the final tour. I have an extra $50 and I'm so tempted to get tickets for the 10:30 show as well." I was having similar thoughts, so we went to get more tickets. The lady said that she did indeed have extra tickets and then said that they were first and second row. Then (get this) she asked if that was okay with us! OH MY GOSH! We asked if we could exchange our 8:00 tickets for 10:30 ones, so that my sisters could be front row as well. The lady said that that would be fine, so I ran to find my dad and get the tickets from him. Candace and I ended up keeping our aisle Row D seats for 8:00, and then we got everyone front row seats for the 10:30 . Candace and I would be front row, stage right, and our sisters were front row, stage left. So we'd be separated from the Monkee Girls but we would still be front row Blah blah blah...At 6:45 Candace and I headed towards MGM. The theater is set up with tables, so row D was actually a lot farther back than you would have imagined. We could still see alright, but there was no way the guys would have seen us. We were SO happy we had gotten those other tickets as well. The show started with Natural, and they were awesome! But then, THE MONKEES CAME OUT!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!! They did the Monkee walk, and Last Train to Clarksville started. I was dying. It was unreal! I couldn't contain my happiness! Candace just kind of sat there, letting it all soak in. She wanted to save her energy for the second concert. I eventually calmed down and did the same thing. They skipped out on a lot of songs. I guess if they have two shows in one night, they make them shorter. So I didn't get to hear Peter sing Can You Dig It, which was a bit of a bummer, since that's my favorite song of his. Oh well. We'll skip on now to the little break before the second concert. Candace and I went out into the casino and found our sisters. They were in their costumes, and looked great. The time came to go into the theater again. As we're waiting for an usher, right to our left was this guy in a colorful Hawaiian shirt, talking to the head usher. The bright shirt guy looks at the Monkee Girls and says, "What is this?" I said, "They're Monkee Men! Or Women. Whatever." He turned to the head usher and said, "Let these girls backstage after the show." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! We all go take our seats and try to be patient. Candace and I had a much easier time of it, since we knew what to expect. But we were still so stoked, because we were right AT the stage. I had my knees touching the stage, and I could lean forward and put my arms on it. Yadda, yadda, yadda...The Monkees come out. They're doing the Monkee walk, and Peter looks over at our sisters, who are on their feet screaming, and points them out to the other two! Since he was on their side of the stage, he was making faces at them the whole time! The lady next to me (never met her before, but she was so much fun!) and I stood up and were cheering so loud!! Micky was right there!! His mic stand was no more than five feet away from us! When they brought out the timpani drums for Randy Scouse Git, we were going crazy! You should have seen my sisters! Micky sure did! He looked over at them and grinned. Then he looked at the rest of the audience and said, "Watch this." He looked back at our sisters and said, "Cucumber!" They screamed so loud! The guys were laughing at them! Peter gave them this adorable look and said, "You guys are such suckers!" Then Peter did Auntie Grizelda! He was doing this dance all around the edge of the stage. The lady and I jumped up and were screaming! We were reaching up every time any of the guys came close to us. Micky was such a tease! He'd reach his hand out to touch ours, and then pull it away last minute. All of the guys were so funny! The lady and I kept looking at each other and laughing. OH! During Steppin' Stone, Micky came over to us. He pointed right at me! I don't remember what line he was singing, but he was pointing right at me, smiling! He was so close! I reached my hand out, and he started backing away! But he had the cutest mischievous look on his face, so it was easy to get over it. Plus, since I'd been to the first concert, I knew he would come over to shake hands after the show. Poor Peter was sick. Occasionally he'd cough in the middle of a song. I felt bad for him! And I was afraid that he wouldn't come backstage to meet us all! He's my favorite Monkee! There were all kinds of other really cool parts! Micky sang this awesome blues song called Since I Fell For You. He did a wonderful job on it! I have never had so much fun in my entire life! I was dancing, screaming...You can't imagine the joy! I was SO close to all of them! After the last song, they walked around the stage grabbing people's hands. Before that, the only one that touched anyone's hands was Davy, and that was mostly our sisters. But Micky came straight over to Candace and I and shook our hands. He looked at Candace and said "Thank you!" She had been yelling, "We/I love you Micky!" through the whole show. He looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back. Then Peter came over. We reached out our hands, and he reached his out, but then turned away really quickly and coughed. Candace and I looked at each other and said, "Poor Peter!" He was so sick!! But he turned back and took our hands. Sure, he had just coughed into his, but it was Peter germs! That made it alright. Then Davy came. The lady next to me started freaking out! He opened his arms wide, came right at her, and gave her a big huge hug. She was so happy, she started screaming. He pulled away and held his ear. It was funny, but he didn't make it to me, because he was rubbing his ear for so long. Then they all got together and walked away. And so the concert ended, and it was time for backstage!!!!! The Hawaiian shirt guy (the tour manager, I assume) came through the door to let in pass holders. A lot of other people were gathered trying to get in as well. He said, "Monkee Girls only!" I said, "And sisters! Our names are on the paper!" So we ran through. We were warned that the Monkees might not come into the room. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. I was starting to get a little worried. But then someone said, "Here comes Peter!" Peter walked into the room, saw our girls, and paused. He got this huge grin on his face and said, "MONKEE MEN!" Then he proceeded to tell the whole room about how there were a couple episodes where they dressed up as super heroes and said, "This looks like a job for...Monkee Men!", and that the girls were wearing costumes JUST like them. He walked right over to us and started signing autographs. I asked if I could get a picture of him with my sisters, and he said, "Sure!" He seemed to really liked the costumes. As they were getting together to pose I was telling about how we tried to make them look as genuine as possible. But then I started feeling like I was rambling, so I shut up and took the picture. But Peter was cool. We got a pic of him with Candace and I as well. It was great! I mostly just sat there and listened and watched. He's so cool! Eventually he got up to go. After Peter left we sat around for another minute or two, and someone said, "Davy and Micky aren't coming. Everyone needs to leave." NO! How could this be? Peter was so sick, and yet he came! But I'm sure Micky and Davy had their reasons for not coming. Oh well. I got to go backstage and meet Peter! Why should I be upset? I'm so lucky! And it was a great show, and I had a ton of fun. I'm going to be on a high for years to come! (pictures of the Monkee Girls with Peter will be scanned soon...let me know if you wanna see! (hundredpapes@h...) ) Callie AKA Blush +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Laurie Nason What a dissapointment it was to meet Mickey and Davy yesterday in Las Vegas. I had some surgery and came home a day early just so that I could meet them. I stood on the line to get an autograph and it was so impersonal. They never even looked up to see who they were signing for. I asked Mickey a question and Daveys response was "just another ploy to make the line run longer" I was shooed away by the big guy standing there. It was just a yes or no question. I was standing behind the stage when it was all over. ( i have friends that are on the stage) We asked for a quick picture as they were walking back to the Limo, (only a very few people standing there) and they waved and kept walking. I used to be SUCH a big fan, and was so hurt by this. If there were an address on this site i would mail my autograph back to them. Laurie Nason +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Mallory Brad, My name is Mallory, and I went to the first concert in Las Vegas. It was great! I started to cry at the start because I was so happy! Peter and Micky were really funny. Davy was really cute. I am only 12 but I love them. After the concert there was a guy saying that if you had backsstage passes to go this way. My mom and I thought we would follow them and this lady followed us. We got to the entrance to see them and the people with passes went in. There manager asked if we had passes and we said I wish. My mom was talking to him and she told him I was there biggest fan, he replied "no she's not". My mom then said "well one of them"! He said he would check to see if there was any room and he came back and let me, my mom, and this lady back! There were no more than 12 people there. Then Peter and Micky walked in and I was so happy. They signed my picture and our tickets. I wondered where davy was so I asked. He said he might be coming, then about 10 minutes later he walked in! He signed all my stuff too! I got my picture taken with all of them seperate. They all put there arms around me and peter hugged me!!! It was the best night of my life!!! Would you please put this in the newsletter! Thanks, Mallory To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos and Collectable rare items, visit www.monkees.net The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: bradpager@m... For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: alert@m... for an automatic response. Thanks! 239 From: Brad Waddell Date: Thu Apr 12, 2001 10:14pm Subject: New Monkees Tour Date! New Tork CD! New Monkees DVD's! Monkees on TV! Nothing from the promoters yet, but Monkees Summer tour dates are slowly leaking out. We have heard about them doing more US dates and then the UK - who knows where they will show up next? Stay tuned! The Vegas show was way too short, and the audience was dead. I was glad we went to the Phoenix show, the concert in the round with the spinning stage was great, and they put 3 Nez songs back into the set, as well as For Pete's Sake, an excellent show - though I can't get used to "I'm a believer" leading into the acoustic set, unless there is a break in between. Great show as always! Happy to meet all of the fans! brad +++++++++++++++ From: BeckiHogsten@a... I'm a HUGE fan from Lexington, KY who recently had the amazing opportunity to see the guys at the Columbus Palce Theatre show and thought that would be my last chance this year. However, in my local paper they have THE MONKEES listed to appear at our new local Lexington Legends Ballpark on MAY 27th SUNDAY and this is confirmed on the Kentucky Connect Website!!! Is anyone aware of additional dates being added to the tour!?! I am presently trying to obtain additional info and will let you know, but if anyone has heard anything, please email me and let me know!!! Becki Hogsten Thanks ++++++++++++++ From: "Robert P. Scaglione" Hey Brad and everyone! Brad, I sent an e-mail to you yesterday saying that I heard on the radio that the Monkees and the Beach Boys were going on tour this summer. Well, I e-mailed the DJ that said this and here is what he wrote back: At this point it's just a rumor, but it looks like there will be a Beach Boys/Monkees tour this summer. Beach Boys are in Sarasota June 7 for two sold-out shows, then they're off for a tour of Europe. Don't have any details, but will let you know as soon as they're available. Thanks for the email, and thank you for listening. I just wanted to pass this along! I hope the concerts are great and everyone if having a blast! My fingers are crossed for a summer tour! Laura Scaglione +++++++++++++++++ From: Knos Hi: Did you know that the brand new CD: ONCE AGAIN is now available by Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley. It can be ordered through Beachwood Recordings. Here is one of the links: The Official James Lee Stanley Web Site www.jamesleestanley.com Let me know if you need more info. Regards, Knos +++++++++++++++++ From: "Valorie Winn" Hi! Screen Gems is airing an episode of The Monkees on Friday the 20th. I went to their web site to look at the schedule, but they didn't have one. So I don't know which episode or if it will be on again, but i just wanted to make sure that everyone knew. Valorie +++++++++++++++++ From: Estrella Lee The following is an article I found from the Albuquerque Journal that contains a telephone interview with Peter about The Monkees' concert. Here's the link to see it in a better format: http://www.abqjournal.com/venue/289674venue03-30-01.htm Estrella - - - Friday, March 30, 2001 Be a Believer By David Steinberg Journal Staff Writer The bubble-gum pop group that started out life as a made-for-TV boy band is coming to Albuquerque almost 35 years after its first episode aired. Well, at least three-fourths of the aging, ageless Monkees - who spawned the hits "Daydream Believer," "Last Train to Clarksville" and "I'm a Believer" - will be at Kiva Auditorium for its concert Thursday. Davy Jones, Mickey Dolenz and Peter Tork, three of the original Monkees, will be there. Michael Nesmith, the fourth Monkee, hasn't gone on the road with the band since the late 1960s, except for a 1997 tour of England and Ireland. Are they aging? Tork, for example, just turned 59. "I've had a bit of a cold recently. I'm fighting it off with echinacea and Vitamin C," Tork said in a phone interview from Columbus, Ohio. "But my voice seems to be doing OK.... Overall, my voice is probably in better shape than it's ever been. Mickey is singing way better than he's ever been. He's an astounding machine if you just want a pure pop singer who can do almost anything with his voice. "And Davy sings pretty little ditties that get the hearts aflutter," Tork added. Are they ageless? Do graying guys still get groupies? Tork had a quick sociological take on the Monkees' audiences. "There are screaming young things, screaming middle-age things and a few screaming old things," he said. "Some of the original Monkees fans are now mature, responsible adults. They've brought their children and some their grandchildren. There are a substantial number of kids in single-digit years, an awful lot of teen-agers and a lot of attractive 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. It's really an astounding thing." What may be just as astounding is that the Monkees keep going out on tour and fans keeping paying to see them. After tours in 1967 and '68, the Monkees took a tour break through the next decade. The Monkees sans Nesmith returned to the road in 1986, '87 and '89, then up and out again in 1996 and '97. LIFE ON THE ROAD Tork loves this business of touring. "It has its compensations like nobody's business," he said. "Right now I'm reclining in a kingsize bed in a suite in a hotel in Columbus, Ohio. I'm sipping French roast decaf, which is my favorite stuff, and I've got three TVs in the room." Nice gig. The peripatetic life of a musician is still entertaining for Tork. And he keeps his hand in other musical projects. He performs with the band Shoe Suede Blues, which opens for the Monkees, and is in a pop-music duo with his singer/songwriter friend James Lee Stanley. Tork, a Washington, D.C., native who lives in Los Angeles, said he's a born entertainer. Truly. Even before he was in school, Tork said he remembers thoughts he had about being in show business, or at least wanting attention. "I remember, age 4, I didn't know at the time but I did notice it was pretty much, 'Hey ma, look at me.' I really wanted to be seen. Getting attention is part of what I am," he said. Tork studied piano from age 9 to 14. By that time he had learned to play a guitar and a five-string banjo. In high school and in college, Tork played French horn. A few years later he migrated to the Greenwich Village folk scene playing bass in clubs and coffee houses. Whether Tork, nee Thorkelson, was being threatened with eviction from the city or whether it was a fantasy for something much less sinister, he indeed left New York for the West Coast. "I was instructed to leave town by agencies unknown, unseen, unheard but I understood very clearly.... Whatever it was, I was given to know it was time," Tork said. By the end of June he was in Los Angeles and within six weeks of having arrived, Tork was auditioning for a planned TV show called "The Monkees." The NBC-TV show debuted on Sept. 12, 1966, with him in it. SHOW CLOTHES As Tork gently approaches 60, he isn't shy about dressing up in outrageous outfits for this reunion tour. And he will get heaps of attention. He comes out on stage in something that might be from an old Monty Python episode: "I wear a three-quarter coat of red velvet and big brass buttons cut in the continental version of the American Colonial era. And red brocade pants. There's an anachronistic touch of red patent leather, gum-shoed sneakers." Dolenz, Tork said, walks out in a Johnny Cash three-quarter-length black coat, black slacks and black boots. As for Davy, why he's striding out in a gray sparkle suit. Ooo-eee. During the course of the show, however, the winsome threesome change into something comfy - pullovers. And comfort is what Tork finds on stage, perhaps now more than ever. "We're insulting to each other in a really friendly way," he said. "Davy has sometimes been an amazing improviser, but as a whole we're so much more comfortable, laughing and goofing off and doing tunes." +++++++++++++++ From: "Grant Taylor" Hi, Slated for release on 22nd May, 2001 is Rhino's first DVD of The Monkees television series (apart from the already available "Our Favorite Episodes"). The first DVD will carry Volumes 1 & 2 and retails for $19.95. Episodes contained are as follows: Here Come The Monkees / Picture Frame / Alias Micky Dolenz / Hillbilly Honeymoon (Although 6 episodes per disc would have been nicer!!) Catalogue number: R2 976025 Cheers Grant Taylor +++++++++++++ From: "Michelle" From: "William Naylor" I'm writing from BBC TV in England to let you know about a major 8 part documentary series on the history of 20th century popular song. The last programme in this series - to be shown on BBC2 on Saturday 5th May (at 8.15 pm) - will open with a sequence on The Monkees. Unfortunately, there's nothing new in the way of Monkees footage but it does feature part of an interview with Micky Dolenz. The series is titled 'Walk on By - The Story of Popular Song' will be shown (possibly under a different title) later this year on the Bravo channel. I hope you might have a way, via your website, of alerting Monkees fans of the series. I think they might find it of interest. Many thanks William Naylor ++++++++++++++ From: Niall Hood On Tuesday, April 24th, dren records will release: Pap Nez: A Loose Salute To The Work Of Michael Nesmith. A tribute album that recognizes the songwriting and arranging of Michael Nesmith's career as both a solo artist and as a member of The Monkees. Stylistically, the album's foundations are in alt-country, power pop, and that early seventies southern California sound. The album will be available exclusively through Miles of Music (www.milesofmusic.com) for the first month, after that, it will be available elsewhere, such as at Amazon.com. "Michael Nesmith ain't some Monkee. Well, he was, but he's also a pioneer of country rock and of music videos, and a visionary television and film producer. To paraphrase one of his many hits: Listen to the man." -Ben Fong-Torres, Former Senior Editor; Rolling Stone Author; Not Fade Away and Hickory Wind: The Life and Times of Gram Parsons Some of the artists and bands paying tribute to Nez: John Jorgenson: of The Hellecasters and The Desert Rose Band, session guitarist for Bob Dylan, Elton John, etc. Western Electric: includes Sid Griffin, formerly of The Long Ryders; "trippy with a twang" L.A. Times Simon Raymonde: formerly of The Cocteau Twins The Mary Janes: includes Janas Hoyt, session violinist for John Mellencamp John Beland: session guitarist for Linda Ronstadt, Johnny Cash, Arlo Guthrie, Dolly Parton, etc. The Heavy Blinkers: "the baroque style of Wilson and his co-composer Van Dyke Parks" MTV, Asia Last Train Home: " a very likable mixture of bluegrass, country and folk-rock" -Chicago Sun Times Frog Holler: "the ensemble playing is exhilaratingly organic." No Depression Sixty Acres: "some of the best rootsy rock" Washington Post Some of the songs on the album: Different Drum Listen To The Band You Just May Be The One The Girl I Knew Somewhere ++++++++++++ From: Carlisle Blessing I was visiting www.timbuckley.com today, and in the 'video' section, there is a clip of Tim playing Song to the Siren from the Monkees episode MIJACOGEO. just passing it along, Carlisle ---------- "Reebersacken Reebersacken Elephants.... Chickens..." - Davy Jones http://www.shoopies.net http://www.ninetimesblue.com http://www.electricbubbles.com +++++++++++ From: "Sally Carpenter" Some of the reviews for the new "Josie and the Pussycats" movie make comparisons to The Monkees. By the way, the actors in that movie not only don't play their own instruments, they don't even do their own singing. The vocals are dubbed in by Kay Hanley. From the LA Daily News (April 11): "The girls basically run around, squeal and frolic through cheesy montages and what could very well be a record number of brazen product placements. Some of this short-attention-span cinematic shortcutting is redeemed by an infectious giddiness that evokes pleasant memories of The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" or less pleasantly, The Monkees' "Head.". From Daily Variety (April 9): "Borrowing a few pages from Peter Watkins' dead serious "Privilege" (1967) and Bob Rafelson's comic-fantasy "Head" (1968), Kaplan and Elfont [writers-directors] imagine a world in which pre-fab pop stars are manufactured and sold to masses of pliable, trend conscious teens, while shadowy government-corporate co-conspirators manipulate those masses to maintain social order and, more important, a booming economy." ++++++++++++++++++ From: Shempster1 Hi, There is a new Nesmith interview on a show titled "Video Killed the Radio Star" on VH1. Check their website to see if it will air again. He talks about when he started "Popclips" which inturn became the idea for MTV. Check it out. It is has pretty good clips and interview stuff all about the start and continuing phenomenon of MTV. "only a whimsical notion" ++++++++++++++++++ From: Tiffany Spiecker Folio Weekly, a news and opinion magazine available for free throughout northeast Florida, has an article called 'Guilty Pleasures' in its April 10th issue. The author, Danny Kelly, polled several of northeast Florida's musicians regarding music they're embarrassed to admit liking. Mr. Kelly contacted my sister for her response and here's what was printed on page 31 - Anastasia (singer/songwriter): My favorite bad song is "Daydream Believer" by the Monkees. The piano at the beginning kind of catches you, and the melody is goofy, but it's still well done." -Tiffany +++++++++++++++++++ From: Laura 'ello 'ello! I picked up a copy of "Guitar World: Acoustics" today. (No. 41) They have a big thing in it about The Beatles White Album. (With John, Paul, George and Ringo on teh cover) Inside the magazine, on page 59, there is E-Z Guitar notes for "I'm A Believer". And on pages 61-63, is more complicated (?) guitar notes for the same song. I don't play guitar, so, it's probably not too complicated...dunno. Just thought the collectors might like to know about it. :) Peace and Love, Laura +++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Sally Carpenter" On Sunday, April 7, the Los Angeles Times ran an obituary for Larry Tucker. He passed away on Sunday in Los Angeles from multiple sclrosis and cancer. He was 67 years old. The obit reads in part, "Tucker and Mazursky developed, wrote and produced the mid-1960's TV series `The Monkees'." The complete obituary can be read at www.latimes.com/obits. Larry Tucker; Film and TV Producer, Writer Larry Tucker, 67, producer and writer of such films as "I Love You, Alice B. Toklas" and "Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice." Born in Philadelphia, Tucker had an eclectic career working as an actor and a prolific writer and producer for motion pictures and television. After working with humorist Mort Sahl at the Hungry i music and comedy club in San Francisco, Tucker joined Paul Mazursky and began writing for such TV staples as "The Danny Kaye Show." Tucker and Mazursky developed, wrote and produced the mid-1960s TV series "The Monkees" and followed that success with the movies "Alice B. Toklas" in 1968 and 1969's "Bob & Carol," which was nominated for an Academy Award. Tucker's more recent TV shows as writer and producer included the 1980s series "Mr. Merlin," "Jennifer Slept Here," "Teachers Only" and "Stir Crazy." As an actor, Tucker appeared in such films as the 1962 "Advise and Consent" and the 1971 "Angels Hard as They Come." On Sunday in Los Angeles of complications of multiple sclerosis and cancer. ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "~*~* Izzy *~*~" Hi. I just wanted to let you and everyone know that the Monkees' pilot episode will be on TV. The date I have is Friday, April 20 at 8:30 a.m. on UPN. I live in Connecticut, so you might want to check your local listings if you do not live in that state. Monkees Pilot Episode 30 min. In the series pilot, the group auditions for the Sweet Sixteen Party---and Davy falls for a sweet 16-year-old. Micky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork. Rudy: Bing Russell. Vanessa: Robyn Millan. Russell: Richard St. John. Jill: Jill Van Ness. - Izzy ++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Bonnie Verrico" Hi Guys, I can't remember if I sent this information before I left for the Monkees' AZ & NM shows, so I am going to post it again to make sure no one gets lost in New York: Chicago Blues is located on 73 8th AVENUE not Street. This is really important for people to know because the addresses are in two totally different parts of the city. I just received the official paperwork back from the venue, saw the different address & confirmed the correct one with them. Please let anyone you know who is attending the show on April 27 & 28 about this change. Thanks! Bonnie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter Tork & Shoe Suede Blues Spring Tour! April 20-May 6, 2001 www.petertork.com www.shoesuedeblues.com http://electricbubbles.com/shoopies ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Kim The Trouble Network is showing the Monkees at 1:30pm GMT and 9:30pm GMT. This may be Monday to Friday only, or it may be also airing on the weekend. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Anissa" For anyone who is interested . . . Invisible Mom 2 on Showtime East with Micky Friday, April 13 1:00 PM Thursday, April 19 3:00 PM Monday, April 23 4:35 PM Before They Were Rock Stars on VH-1 with Mike Saturday, April 14 5:30 PM Before They Were Rock Stars on VH-1 with Davy Friday, April 20 4:30 PM All information from tvguide.com Anissa ++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Althofft Regarding Broadway musical comedy classifications and names. In the past there've been a number of famous productions (Certainly Olsen & Johnson's Hellzapoppin' is one). I'm partial to: Ziegfeld Follies (Monkees Follies?) Broadway Brevities (various years) Dumbell Review of 1922 (my grandfather was in that one) Broadway Blackouts Midnight Follies or since they've been compared to the Marx Brothers sooo often why not: Monkee Soup (or Soup to Nuts) Monkee Business Monkeeing Around Bananas (with appologies to Woody Allan) or perhaps "No No Nez-ette" (No-No Nanette) +++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Videoranch Foreman" Hi there. It's me, Slim. This email is intended for serious Nez collectors. Last week we Ranch hands spent 3 days going through the Nez archives down in Los Angeles. We found a Nez goldmine. Perfectly itemized, organized, and packed original LPs from the 70s. Beautiful picture-sleeved 45s. 8 Track tapes (Laugh away - we actually sell some to collectors). I believe we even found some 1960s Michael Blessing 45s, but don't hold me to this. Examples of stuff we found: Cruisin' 45s Shrink-wrapped Wichita Train Whistle LPs I Fall to Pieces 45s. Velvet Hammer (Red Rhodes) LPs Television Parts Key Chains Rather than list all the stuff we found, we'd like you to email us if you're interested in anything in particular. Is there something you've been wanting for a while? Let us know. You want a list of available 45s? Let us know. It might take us a day or so after your request to do the research. We will get back to you with availability and prices. We can also scan items and email them to you so you can have a look at them. What about prices, you ask? Depends on the piece. And, we can only sell a small amount of these, because we must maintain the archives. We're really excited Nez has allowed us to sell a few of these excellent items. We hope to find them good homes. To celebrate our discoveries, we're going to sell "The Prison" LP, signed by Nez, for half price ($50.00) for one week beginning today. http://www.videoranch.com/gshop/index.html?t=frindex&c=1 Oh, and you can also call us toll free at 1-866-727-2639 for more info. Get out your turntables! Sincerely, Navajo Slim Videoranch Archivist www.videoranch.com ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "rhurt" Hi Brad,I first want to tell you how much I love the Monkees site and the mail alert service!! I have started my own business, a music collectors magazine called Inner Groove. Below I've listed our website and email address. Our first issue which will go out in early will be a Monkees special issue!! Here's where I need some help to make sure it's a great issue. Could you please mention it in your next Monkees email alert?? I need fans to contribute the following on the 2001 tour, if possible I'd like to cover all the shows I can. I need concert reviews, stories, photos, ect. Anything related to the tour. We want to let the people who really know about the artist to write about them. I feel that mags like Goldmine & Discoveries tend to get too clinical sometimes and you loose that warm real fan feeling. So as I said we want the REAL experts to handle alot of the writing for a change. Our website has all the info on how to subscribe and info on upcoming issues of I.G. I can really use your help to get the mag off to a good start. So please help me if you can. There is a printable form online to subscribe, or anyone who would like one we'll mail them our flyer if they email us there address and also if they mention the Monkees.net site we'll give them a free 25 word ad when they join!! I want to offer you a free subscription for helping me out if you'd like to recieve I.G. I want to thank you in advance for any help you can give us here at I.G. , below are our web address and email.Again thank you. http://www.innergroovemagazine.homestead.com EMAIL: innergroove@m... ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Videoranch Foreman" Hi everyone, We've had so many email responses regarding the items in the Nez archives that it became necessary to send out another email to the Videoranch Mailing List. Sorry for not getting back to those of you who wrote us individually. We went through a lot of what we have and inspected the pieces very closely. We took some time to research the market and get a sense of what these items are worth.Below is an inventory of items we are allowed to sell. It's first come first serve. If you're interested email us or call us at 1-866-727-2639. NOTE! Nez will sign any of these items, if requested, except the Michael Blessing 45. Keep in mind, the shrink-wrap would have to come off in order for him to sign. These items have never been played. Everything's first-hand. LP's: All of these LP's come in their original shrink wrap. Compilation $150.00 Infinite Rider on the Big Dogma $150.00 The Prison in a cardboard sleeve $100.00 The Prison in a box, currently on sale for $50.00 Pretty Much Your Standard Ranch Stash $150.00 And The Hits Keep On Comin' $150.00 Live at the Palais $150.00 From A Radio Engine to a Photon Wing (has "Includes the single "Rio" sticker on the shrink wrap) $175.00 The Michael Nesmith Radio Special $200.00 Wichita Train Whistle Sings $150.00 45's: All of these 45's come in a plain white sleeve, unless a picture sleeve is noted. Rio/ Casablanca Moonlight with picture sleeve of Nez in tux with Rio Dancers $125.00 I've just begun to care/ Roll with the flow $45.00 Rio/ Fat 'n Sassy from Pacific Steele with Red Rhodes doing Rio and JayDee Mayness doing Fat 'n Sassy $50.00 Magic/Dance $50.00 Cruisin'/ Horserace $50.00 I Fall to Pieces, Some of Shelly's Blues, Silver Moon, Joanne Picture Sleeve close-up of Nez' Face $100.00 Cassettes: All of these cassettes come in as is condition. They are still in their original shrink wrap and although we haven't had any problems getting them to play, we cannot guarantee they all will. They're pretty old. From a Radio Engine to a Photon Wing $25.00 Live at the Palais $25.00 Compilation $25.00 Infinite Rider on the Big Dogma $40.00 8 Tracks: The 8 tracks also come in the original shrink wrap. From a Radio Engine to a Photon Wing $40.00 Live at the Palais $40.00 Michael Blessing: Colpix Records Promo 45 . Has "Not For Sale" on Label. Does not have a sleeve. "The New Recruit" on one side and "A Journey with Michael Blessing" on the other. $500.00 Misc: August 14, 1981 BAM Magazine issue #110. Nez on the cover and the cover story with pictures. The story is called "Michael Nesmith A Video Visionary Leaps into the Future". $100.00 Medium Black Nez t-shirt from 70s. It's the Photon Wing graphic of him in the space suit with the cowboy hat and above is "Papa Nez. Never worn. Excellent condition. $50.00 Poster. 30" wide by 23 1/2" tall. Nez in full makeup and white suit from Rio video sitting at a table. Very stylized. Very special. Very rare. Good condition. $400.00 Poster. 3' by 3" Infinite Rider on the Big Dogma. Same art as the LP Cover. Good condition. 200.00 Tapeheads yellow Medium t-shirt. Very cool. Never worn. $35.00 We have not gone through everything. There might be a few more Michael Blessing pieces, some Quad 8-tracks, some Mike John and Bill 45s and some Pacific Steel or Velvet Hammer LPs. We'll email you when we have that info. We got a lot of inquiries specifically about the Television Parts keychain. We also found a pin. We're probably going to auction these. We'll let you know. Yours truly, Navajo Slim foreman@v... ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Kampert, Pat" Brad: Thanks again for all your help. I was flooded with Monkee fans. The article is done and posted at: http://www.chicagotribune.com/leisure/kidnews/printedition/ ROCKIN RETRO WHAT'S NEW? OLDIES! By Patrick Kampert Tribune staff reporter April 10, 2001 Britney Spears, Eminem and other young music stars have competition for the hearts and minds of kid fans -- and the rivals are old enough to be their grandfathers. Retro music, especially '60s music, is a hit with kids. Leading the charge are the Beatles and the Monkees, but they're not the only bands basking in the adoration of a new generation. Tiffany S., 14, of St. Augustine, Fla., says her room is filled with '60s memorabilia, and she has met -some of her musical heroes, like the Monkees, Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits, Paul Revere and the Raiders, the Buckinghams and Gary Puckett. They play at smaller venues and are more accessible than today's megastars. "My friends think it's cool that while the closest they're able to get to their idol is seeing him on TV or reading an interview, I'm able to meet mine," Tiffany says. Justin C., 11, of Lanham, Md., likes many of the same bands that Tiffany does, though he adds the Association, Gary Lewis and the Playboys, the Beach Boys and the Dave Clark Five to his list. So why do kids like music from way before their time? "Music from the '60s is mostly fun, catchy and upbeat tunes that really can get your foot tapping," Justin says. "It's really cool because it's almost like taking a trip back in time." He also likes the lyrics from the era. "It's a nice break from today's music, the majority of which is loaded with curse words and stuff that if you said would get you in trouble," he adds. The retro groove today is also about remaking old songs, like when Britney Spears sings the Rolling Stones' "Satisfaction" and the A-Teens from Sweden redo Abba's "Dancing Queen." Also, new songs are built around old ones. For instance, samples from John Mellencamp's "Jack and Diane" are a key part of recent hits by Samantha Mumba and Jessica Simpson. "Kids pick and choose. They rework the old stuff," says sociologist Stephanie Coontz, author of "The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap." Anne C., 13, of Mill Valley, Calif., doesn't limit her listening to '60s music; she also likes current punk bands such as MxPx and 311. But she says retro music seems more genuine and earthy than much of today's top pop. "I'm a drummer, and computer-generated music has really turned me off to today's music," she says. HEY, HEY ... No retro group can compare with the Beatles' success (7 million copies of the recent "1" disc sold), but another big band from the mid-'60s has been touring this spring and finding young teenagers crowding the stage: the Monkees. "I was at a Monkees concert two weeks ago," says Bethany L., 14, of Pittsburgh. "I jumped on stage near the end of the show and Micky [Dolenz] hugged me -- a major moment in my life." The Monkees are now made up of Dolenz, Davy Jones and Peter Tork (original member Mike Nesmith hasn't rejoined them). They have a big advantage over other old bands: Their TV show has aired repeatedly since its debut in the '60s. Katie P., 16, a student at Niles North High School, discovered the Monkees' old TV show on VH1. "I fell in love with the show and the band instantly," she says. Some fans say the Monkees' positive pop lifts their spirits in a way that current hits don't. "Every time I am down, all I have to do is listen to 'Daydream Believer,' and the same goes for my friends," says Sean B., 14, of Freehold, N.J. Most of the Monkees' recent tour was sold out; the band reportedly was testing the waters for a full-blown summer tour. Here they come ... FUTURE HOTTIES What current artists will be the retro faves of YOUR kids? Here's how we see it a few decades from now: Pearl Jam: A quarter-century after their peak, the kings of angst will return with the hit "I've Been a Depressed Millionaire for 30 Years," a duet between a weeping Eddie Vedder and his electric guitar. Christina Aguilera: The singer will leap back into the spotlight by announcing that she had never been a real person; she was a hologram modeled after "I Dream of Jeannie" star Barbara Eden. "The 'Genie in a Bottle' song was a hint, but nobody got it," Aguilera says. Snoop Dogg and the Baha Men: Sometimes it helps to be a team. So these 2001 hip-hoppers will join forces for the new smash "Who (Forgot to) Let the Dogg Out -- It's a Mess in Here and I'm Not Cleaning It Up." BRADY, BRADY, BRADY! SHOW NABS BUNCH OF NEW FANS TV shows are part of the retro rage too. Take "The Brady Bunch." The '70s show about that very perky family is Nick at Nite's most popular show among kids. The number of young fans surprises actor Barry Williams, who played oldest son Greg Brady on the series. He says that when he does signings for his book ("Growing Up Brady"), half of the fans who show up are kids. "They ask me things like 'What's your favorite episode?' 'What happened to Tiger?' and 'Is Marcia still a fox?' " Williams says with a laugh. Williams thinks kids can relate to the tales about growing up in a family (getting braces, fighting over the bathroom, stuff like that). "It's non-preachy and unthreatening," he says. "It's about communication. It's about our super-groovy fashion statements." Sociologist Stephanie Coontz says that while adults take nostalgia seriously, kids like to have fun with -- and sometimes poke fun at -- the retro fad. She says: "On the one hand, kids in blended families can relate to a blended family like 'The Brady Bunch.' But on another level, it lets kids say, 'We're cooler than the Bradys are.' " +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reviews: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Kellie Arrowood" Davy in Morganton NC Finally the day I have waited for for months came... My mom and I went to see Davy. I was very impressed at the energy he had after being on tour with the Monkees. I have loved the music (solo and group) of the "pre-fab four". Davy did songs from the play "Oliver" I remember being involved with my local theater production of Oliver when I was in high school and I really enjoyed the songs. The band was quite a cut-up too. The drummer and keyboard player were a riot and Davy's stories kept the audience laughing. My mother is a diabetic and she got weak and fell after the show so I didn't realize Davy was signing autographs. We got into the lobby and there was a line but I decided to wait. I was told when I bought my ticket that they had to catch the red eye back to Las Vegas so I hadn't really expected Davy to have time. I am very glad he did. I bought an 8X10" black and white photo for him to sign. They were in a rush and a girl in front of me wanted a hug. A man standing next to Davy said the line had to keep moving and there wasn't time but she begged for a quick hug and Davy obliged. That, I think shows his true character. Finally it was my turn... I had my mom to take my picture while Davy was signing my photo...Then I looked at him and told him "I just wanted to thank you for taking time out of your life to bring pleasure to mine" I kind of stumbled over the words, but he looked at me and said "Thank you so much" he really sounded as if it really touched him (I meant it from my heart) and then out of nowhere he reached across the table and put his arms around me and hugged me very tightly. I never expected him to hug me and I kind of got weak in the knees. Later I told my mom I should have stuck him in my pocket and brought him home with me. ha ha. I really do appreciate the efforts that my favorite musicians put forth to entertain me. To live your life in a fishbowl at the expense of the strain on your private life is commendable. I grew up watching the Monkees and the music has stuck with me and I hope Davy, Mickey, Peter, and Mike live long enough to realize what they really mean to someone like me who is not a groupie but truly grateful at their hard work and sacrifices to entertain the public. ++++++++++++++++++ From: WendyThe1 albuquerque concert Hi Brad and everyone, Just got home from the Albuerque concert. All I can say is "WOW". My family and I drove from Houston, Texas for this concert. When we arrived I called all the radio stations to find out how to get backstage passes. They were all handed out already. Well it wasnt going to stop me! We arrived at the Kiva Auditorium an hour early. I talked to everyone I could trying to get passes. I spoke to the dj from the radio station that was sponsoring the concert and he said he would see what he could do. We had second row seats and I couldn't have asked for better seats!! We were 5 feet from the stage. Peter's group - Shoe Suede Shoes opened up. They were terrific. My children who are 8 and 5 even enjoyed them. Some people in the audience didnt even realize it was Peter up there as he was not introduced as Peter. He was the man from Washington DC. Afterwards they auctioned off a guitar that the three monkees had signed. It went for $2500, and 3 were sold. They were also selling autographed pictures before the show for $25 (which I bought one). Then finally at 845pm the Monkees came on stage. It was nonstop entertainment till 10 something. The crowd in Albuquerque is just like in Houston, everyone just sits there and listens and claps at the end of a song and waits for the next one. ( I am originally from New York and this being quiet during a concert drives me nuts). But anyway, finally at the encore the first row stands up and I move their chairs and grab my kids and stand by the stage!! Then some others follow. They sang all the songs that everyone has mentioned at the other concerts. Even got to hear the tarzan joke. After the show I take my daughter and stand by the door to try and get backstage. I keep telling them that I drove all the way from Houston and would really like for my kids to meet them. Well after groveling to enough people we got to go backstage. My kids were the youngest ones there. There were only 25 people there. Peter came in first he autographed 2 pictures that I had and the monkey that my kids bought before the show. Then we got a picture with him and my kids and I. Then came in Micky, he did the same as Peter. The came in David and he also autographed our stuff and we also got pictures. Then as we were leaving my son went up to Peter to give him a hug, which was on the leg as he is only 5. Peter looks around and says what is that. He looks down and sees my son, my husband tells him that he just wanted to give him a hug. So Peter picks up my son and gives him a hug!! Of course, my husband didnt get a picture of this. It happend so fast. So then we got our last picture of the Monkees with the backup band and then everyone left. We watched the Monkees walk down the corrider to their hotel and we went down the hall to the parking garage. Then my two kids who were soooo tired all of a sudden it hit them as to what had just happened and were wired the rest of the night. Of course so were my husband and I. We had seen the Monkees in 1986 in New York but never got backstage. It was really a nice touch to our trip. Almost forgot, we talked to the promoter and he said that they are in negotiations with Pace concerts for a summer tour. So hopefully they will come to Houston. He was even asking our advice about our pavilion here. All that excitement lasted awhile until our long drive home hit us. We went to Roswell and went to the UFO museum and then had to take a long round about way home due to a sand storm. So we finally made it home and have made everyone here jealous. Can't wait to see them again!!!! ++++++++++++++++++ From: RACWSC I saw the monkees at the star plaza theater on March 25 & it was the best monkees show I have ever seen & I have been going to see the monkees since the firsts show's back in 67. The best set list ever they played everything & more. I hope woolhat saw it because even he would be impressed. ++++++++++++++++++ From: PenguinMV I saw the Vegas shows Friday and Saturday night and snuck backstage hidden in the group of Monkeemen on Saturday night. It was so much fun, but I'm kinda angry at the guys for not coming out. My friend and I waited until nearly 4 AM both days before someone told us they were gone (and believe me, we tried every ploy to get near them) and our only chance to see one of them was when we got backstage. Peter came out for a few minutes and left, and then we were told to leave, that Davy and Micky had been escorted back to their rooms and we had to clear out. It was a great show and was the best night of my life, but I'm awfully frustrated with them. We even wrote them a note explaining we had to leave and all we wanted to do was shake their hands, and we couldn't even get a response with that. We asked Peter and he said he never saw it, although we got our new bud Ben from Natural to give it to one of them and he said he handed it right to Davy. It was a great show though, really fun and I've got the complete story with pictures up on my page! Http://www.geocities.com/BelgraviaTeenCenter --- Anne ++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Steve Swenerton" April 5th concert in Albuquerque, N.M. I just saw the concert at the Kiva Auditorium and I am so impressed I felt the need to write. The concert was worth every penny and then some. I imagine the thrill of performing is not as exciting when the audience is 30 and above...but the fellas performed as if it were 1967! They demonstrated they're musical vocal and musical talent by vocalizing and playing their own instruments (although I'm not truly convinced that Davy really plays...sorry Davy). Davy is a ball of fire and enthusiasm and truly appears to be enjoying himself as do Peter and Mickey, but Davy seems more sincere. I may be wrong...just my impression. Peter is musically gifted playing numerous instruments and after hearing him sing I wonder why he was not allowed to sing more often on the weekly show. Mickey is the best with his humorous, relaxed style. These gentleman are not the talentless jokes so many have enjoyed portraying them as but three extremely talented lads with talent to spare. If the Monkees travel back this way I will definitly see them again. The bonus this time is that I wanted to see Shoe Suede Blues and I was able to enjoy both bands. It was fun to see Peter hidden under a white hat playing as singing as the member that he is of SSB but not making who he was known. I hope most of the audience realized that we were able to enjoy Peter with his past and his future bands. I am so happy to have finally seen the monkees, a band that I wanted to see since I was 13 and they were in their 20's. Thank you Peter,Mickey and Davey for making one of my long time wishes come true. Ps: Peter is my favorite(always the flower child). +++++++++++++++++++++++ From: POWTOD4 Hello From Phoenix! From Ray Powell Saw the Monkees concert last night and thought it was wonderful! They did a lot of music,covering their entire careers- even pre and post Monkees! I thought they all sounded great and their musicianship has even gotten slicker.The band was loud, but tight(Could've lived without the dancing brass section though!), and it was nice to hear songs like"Take A Giant Step","She Hangs Out","The Girl I Knew Somewhere", and "Porpoise Song". They looked like they were really having a good time,and it rubbed off on the audience-We had a blast! I don't know what happened to the group that had been touring with them-Natural,but I think what we got was much better! Peter and his group Shoe Suede Blues opened the show, and they were great! What a treat! Peter's guitar playing is quite good, and the whole group was very talented. The concert as a whole rates as a 10 with me, and I certainly hope that this is not the end of their careers as Monkees! I've been a Monkees fan all my life(at least since I was just 3 yrs old in 1966-my older sisters had all the records), and last night they made me very proud to be a fan. Love & Peace to all, Ray +++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Janis G. Fontana" I know I have posted this a couple of spots...but if ANYONE has any pictures from the Wallingford, CT show at the Oakdale Theatre, please email me at catperson@b... I am especially interested in anyone who may have shot a pic of my 14 yr. daughter ( who was wearing a leopard cowboy hat), handing Davy a copy of her own Demo CD as he sang "It's nice to be with you" at the edge of the stage. Please contact me if you have a picture of this! Thanks!!! Catperson ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Anna ..." Please post this.... I know it's a little late to be asking, but if anyone else went to the Wallingford, CT show on March 10th, and got any good pictures, could you please email me? I had a camera, but it was awful and I was too far away to get any good pictures. Thanks! Anna jwlennon64@h... To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos and Collectable rare items, visit www.monkees.net The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: bradpager@m... For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: alert@m... for an automatic response. Thanks! 240 From: Brad Waddell Date: Fri Apr 13, 2001 5:59pm Subject: Peter on Radio - Monkees Weekend You can pre-order the first Monkees episodes on DVD with this link: Mnkees Volumes 1 & 2 DVD http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005BJXV/flexquartemonkee Thanks for your support of Monkees.Net! +++++++++++++++++++++ From: Lauren For those of you in the Albany, NY area & surrounding areas, on Monday April 16, Peter will be on the Ric & Jaime morning show on Oldies 98.3 WTRY (www.wtry.com). The morning show runs from 5:30-10:00am, but guests are usually on after 7:00am. The station itself is not streaming on its site at this time. Lauren ++++++++++++++++++ From: Mandy Krueger This goes out to all Monkees fans living in the Milwaukee, WI area. The local Oldies radio station, 95.7 WRIT, is having a Monkees weekend this week in anticipation of Micky performing at Potowatomi Bingo on May 9th. Just thought people might want to know. I know I'LL definitely be listening this weekend. Mandi ===== ~Don't quit just before the miracle~PT ~I either want to be a fool or a king~MN ~It's not about age, it's about life~DJ ~Age only matters if you're cheese~MD +++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Kim Micky on Boy Meets World Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Boy Meets World Band on the Run 30 min. Cory and Shawn form a bogus band to impress some girls. Norm: Micky Dolenz. Larry: Billy Vera. Gordy: Rick Nielsen. Cast: Jhoanna Trias, Jewelie Hull, Micky Dolenz, Billy Vera, Rick Nielsen, Betsy Randle, William Russ, Anthony Tyler Quinn, Ben Savage, Rider Strong, William Daniels Category: Comedy Show times DateTimeChannel Thursday, 26 6:30 PM EST64 DISNEY +++++++++++++++++++++ http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A4645-2001Mar28.html The Monkees: Were They for Real? By Eli Attie Special to The Washington Post Wednesday, March 28, 2001; Page C05 Within the rock canon, the Monkees have the same problem as those tofu hot dogs you stumble across at the supermarket. They look like the real thing. With the proper accouterments, they'd probably even taste like the real thing. But deep down, you just know they're not the real thing. Never mind the fact that Monkees albums routinely featured session work by the likes of Neil Young, Hendrix drummer Buddy Miles and Presley guitarist James Burton. Never mind that they scored four consecutive No. 1 albums in the '60s - more than the Rolling Stones, the Who and the Kinks combined (the Stones had one, the others none). And never mind that they earned enough respect from their peers that a Monkee, Michael Nesmith, joined Mick Jagger and Donovan as invited guests when the Beatles recorded "A Day in the Life." All of which raises the question: Is it really a fatal flaw to be a fabricated boy band? The very existence of "Monkees Music Box" - a four-CD collection spanning 30 years and more than 100 songs - would seem to answer that question in the negative. But the real answer is a bit more complicated. Granted, the Monkees had terrific songs - many, many of them. But the reason for that had more to do with economics than creative energy. With a hugely popular TV show to hype their wares, a songwriting credit on even the deepest album cut was a moneymaking proposition. That's why Carole King, Harry Nilsson, Neil Diamond and scores of Brill Building prodigies competed to get songs on Monkees records. Just consider the fact that in late 1966, "I'm a Believer" sold a million copies on advance orders alone - before anyone had heard it. Be grateful it's their best song; oldies radio would be playing it anyway. The Monkees also had more musical talent than is generally attributed to them. "Headquarters," the one Monkees album on which they play their own instruments, is up to snuff for any '60s pop band. A number of their hits were written by the Prefab Four themselves. Nesmith even went on, ironically enough, to write for other artists (including Linda Ronstadt's first hit with the Stone Poneys, the 1968 angst-pop classic "Different Drum"). Which brings us back to the sprawling "Music Box" - and the idea that the Monkees deserve serious reconsideration, well beyond their hits. For the most part, they simply don't. For every "Daydream Believer," there's a clunker like "For and Zam," an atrociously heavy-handed anti-war dirge. Just as we're clicking our spurs to Nesmith's country-rock eclecticism, our speakers are invaded by Davy Jones's Broadway-style bombast. And inexplicably, after battling their handlers for the right to play their own instruments, the Monkees virtually surrendered it after one album. In truth, a great many '60s bands hired help. The Byrds' "Mr. Tambourine Man" was recorded almost entirely with session musicians. The Stones' first single was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. But what those bands had that the Monkees lacked was a unifying core: common musical passions, a common sensibility, a sense of soul that shone through even if Glen Campbell did play the solo. In the end, that's the problem with the Monkees, rock's first casting-call sensation. They weren't a band, they were an act. When the songs were great, the Monkees were great. When the songs fell short, it was far worse than artistic failure. It was more like the sound of a broken cash register. That being said, for a manufactured band, there's never been better workmanship. The component parts were pretty sturdy, too. The best moments on "Music Box" are a joy to behold. But there's a lesson here for the 'N Syncs and Backstreet Boys of the world: Cling to every fleeting moment of fortune and adulation. And don't wait around for that invite to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. (To hear a free Sound Bite from this album, call Post-Haste at 202-334-9000 and press 8182.) c 2001 The Washington Post Company +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Steven Bradley" Headline news in the English papers yesterday (Thursday 12 April ) was the death of Sir Harry Secombe. One of Britain's best-loved entertainers, his 50-plus years in show business encompassed radio, television and film, appearing in comedy, drama, musicals and as a TV presenter. Sir Harry, originally made famous in the British 1950's radio comedy 'The Goons', appeared with Davy Jones in 'Pickwick', a stage musical based on a Charles Dickens novel. After Secombe's run in London of almost 700 appearances from 1963, the future-Monkee joined the production for a 3 month stint in LA and San Francisco in 1965, playing the part of Sam Weller. This was an ideal opportunity for David, fresh from his Tony-nominated success in 'Oliver!', to showcase himself to the powers-that-be in Hollywood, leading of course to his role in the Monkees. Davy has fond memories of working with Harry. "It was great fun working with Secombe" he recalled in his autobiography, 'They Made A Monkee Out Of Me'. "He gave me a beautiful silver cigarette case when I left, engraved 'thanks for all the laughs and wonderful co-operation. Affectionately, Harry'. Davy, who was to spend much time with Harry and his family, described him as a "wonderful, warm person. I really respect his work". Sir Harry was 79 and had been unwell for a few years. He will be sadly missed by his many fans, of all generations, no doubt including David himself, as a fan, friend and fellow actor. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Bonnie Verrico" Hi everyone! Here's some exciting news for Shoe Suede Blues fans: Coming in April... "EVEN WHITE BOYS GET THE BLUES" ...a new CD from Peter Tork's friend and Shoe Suede Blues colleague, Tadg Galleran. This solo project from the co-founder of Peter Tork's Shoe Suede Blues band includes Urban Blues, Country Rock, Jazz Swing and soulful ballads. To create "Even White Boys Get the Blues," world-class harmonica great Tadg Galleran assembled a "dream team" of musicians who complement his own blues harp and piano work with the grace and strength of seasoned professionals. The CD contains thirteen songs, nine of which were either self-penned or co-written with such luminary Blues greats as James Armstrong ("Don't Kiss and Tell") and Lee King ("Even White Boys Get the Blues"). Of Tadg's skill and talent, Peter Tork writes: "Tadg asks that you pronounce his name to rhyme with "Bad". Typical. Typical of the impish, knowing awareness he brings to the Blues. He has an honest, bluesy voice and delivery and a sly sense of humor; you can relax, the man knows what he's doing. The Blues is awfully easy to simulate, and maybe not very hard to do either, IF you have the soul and the chops. Tadg has both. I recommend him." Peter Tork This CD will be available soon on an Ecommerce website at www.tadggalleran.com. Copies will also be available at upcoming Shoe Suede Blues performances and from the Fiore Promos Agency, Merchandise Dept., 2014 Tanglewood Drive, Waldorf, MD 20601, fiore@e... Bonnie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter Tork & Shoe Suede Blues Spring Tour! April 20-May 6, 2001 www.petertork.com www.shoesuedeblues.com www.shoopies.net To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos and Collectable rare items, visit www.monkees.net The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: bradpager@m... For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: alert@m... for an automatic response. Thanks! 241 From: Brad Waddell Date: Mon Apr 16, 2001 11:49pm Subject: More Summer Dates - New "Nesmith" CD From: Mary Mary According to my local newspaper, the Monkees will be doing a show July 8 in Sarasota, FL (my hometown!!) at the Van Wezel Hall! Can't wait to hear it "officially" announced, but I thought I'd go ahead and pass on this early tidbit! Thanks! If anyone lives near this area and might go, please email me and let me know! Mary Mary (dream82298@a...) ++++++++++++++ From: "Shane Worden" Hey Brad, There is a new listing for the Monkees on Pollstar this evening: 07/22/01 Vienna, VA Wolf Trap Filene Ctr. Sunday, July 22 at 8:00 PM Filene Center The Monkees Tickets for this performance go on sale Sunday, April 22 at 12:00 noon. Ticket Price: $27 in-house | $17 lawn Take care! Shane ++++++++++++++++ From: Cathy Hurley Zimmer Jason Nesmith's solo EP debut - "Nomedia" is now on sale on Videoranch's website (under the "Tunes" section): http://www.videoranch.com Track Listing: 1. I See You 2. Still in Love 3. Change 4. Can You Hear Me? 5. My Best Friend There are MP3 samples of the songs on the site, and they sound great! ~cathy ++++++++++++++++ From: "Davy's Dream Web" Davy's Dream Web - http://www.davyjones.net Just Released!! Davy has a book signing tentatively scheduled at Epcot Center, Disney World, outside the American Adventure Theater between the hours of noon and 2 pm. His autobiography and book on tape will be available for sale. It's Sunday, April 29th. Thanks, Coahoma +++++++++++++++++++ From: "Kellie Arrowood" I don't know if you will have time to post this but I am going to send it anyway. The Cartoon Network will be airing the Scooby Doo episode with Davy Jones on Tuesday April 17, at @ 2am EST. The title is Haunted Horseman of Hagglethorn Hall in case you miss it and want to find when it will be aired later on the Cartoon Network. Davy sings a short song during the chase scene. Thanks Kellie Arrowood ++++++++++++++++++ From: Susan Andriano Hi, Brad! I just wanted to let you know I found archival Monkees pictures on a site called Corbis.com. You can look up the Monkees as a group, or look up individual names. It seems to have a lot of pictures from Henry Diltz. Have fun! Sue +++++++++++++++++++ From: "Bonnie Verrico" This just in... The members of Shoe Suede Blues will stop by the Guitar Center at 321-C Speen St in Natick, MA for a brief in-store Meet & Greet on Monday, April 23 from 7:00-9:00pm. The Guitar Center, located in the Cloverleaf Market, will have a small stage set up in their store for the guys to play a few numbers before meeting fans for autograhs and pictures. For more information, please call Dean at the Guitar Center, phone 508-655-6525. Hope to see you there! Bonnie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter Tork & Shoe Suede Blues Spring Tour! April 20-May 6, 2001 www.petertork.com www.shoesuedeblues.com www.shoopies.net +++++++++++++++++ From: "Kellie Arrowood" I found some information about the movie Shrek. It may be interesting to some people. You can access the website at www.shrek.com When you enter the site there will be a screen come up with the shrek sitting and different colored bugs around him. If you click on the bright yellow bug just above his head you can get information about the soundtrack. There are two different versions of "I'm a Believer". One is done by Smash Mouth it is track #2. The second version is by Eddie Murphy, it is track #12. If you have realplayer you can download snipetts of the songs. According to the website, the soundtrack comes out on May 15. I'm not sure when the movie comes out but I do know my local theater is already advertising the movie for May 18. Thanks for reading Kellie Arrowood +++++++++++++++++ From: Rose Eckhoff Ok you all here's the info I promised!!!! Davy Fan's Get-Together Details: Where to Meet: GARDENS THEATER @ EPCOT (in front of stage area where Davy's performing) What Time: 1:00 PM Date: APRIL 28, 2001 (SATURDAY) We'll all go to lunch together somewhere closeby. (Lunch on your own). And no, I don't know if Davy will be there. I've sent him a note but you all know how busy he is!!! Please remember I don't know him personally. I'm a fan just like you all are! I'm looking for ways to get in touch with everyone if I need to! Thanks!!! Rose Eckhoff TravelUnique@g... ++++++++++++++++ Reviews: ++++++++++++++++ From: "DavidTJones.net" Monkees in Tunica, MS It was great to see the Monkees again!!! The last time I saw all three of them was in 1989. The ride to Tunica was worth the long hours to get there!! I was looking forward to seeing them again, and meeting other fans as well. Saturday afternoon I got to meet and get Micky's autograph. He was nice and signed several autographs as well. That night the show was sooo fabulous!!! It was like they have never been apart or aged. The show was in a casino, so the age was 21 to get in. At 8pm, the guys came on stage and everyone went wild!!! They sang songs that I grew up knowing, and singing along with them was the best! I looked around and saw other fans doing the same thing. The band backing up the Monkees were fabulous as well and great people to meet!!!! The concert lasted for two and a half hours straight!! It was ALL Monkees, Natural didn't play this concert at all!!! (ed: they were not old enough to get in the casino! :) After the concert, we got to meet Peter and get our picture taken with him. I got him to autogragh the poster of the Monkees from the casino too. One of my best friends got him to sign a b/w picture for me too. I had gotten Micky to sign that earlier. I'm an orginial Monkees' fan and proud of it!!! Thanks Davy, Peter, and Micky for making this fan's dreams come true!!! ===== Peace & Luv! DavysBlue Davy Jones' Locker http://www.DavidTJones.net (officially authorized by Davy Jones) (and an official member of The-Monkees.net) ++++++++++++++++++ From: "ewebwoman" Phoenix Concert My fiance' and I flew to the Monkees Phoenix show from Los Angeles on April 6th. The show was great. My fiance' took 5 rolls of pictures - not all turned out but there are some good ones. We always seemed to be on the wrong side of the revolving stage and Davy rarely stood still long enough to focus on. The show was incredible. I never got a chance to see the Monkees '67, '87 or '97 concerts (I've been a fan since the beginning) so this was a real treat. The next night we saw Shoe Suede Blues back home in Santa Monica, California. I love their music and we danced for hours. I tried to get Peter to sign the monkey I bought at the concert but he was busy and brushed me off. It kinda hurt my feelings at first but I wasn't going to let it spoil the great time we were having or the memories from the concert the previous night. I've seen Shoe Suede Blues several times before and Peter had always been very nice and gracious to his fans, signing autographs and posing for photographs. He was still sick and must have been tired - I know I was from the traveling and I only went for one night. Anyway, great concert! I'm looking forward to seeing them again this summer. Debbie +++++++++++++++++++++++ From: MRogue hello, I attended the March 25th show at the Star Plaza Theatre in Indiana. Although I took pictures, they turned out of a lesser quality than I would like (160 lens notwithstanding). Did anyone get closer/better pictures at that show?? I am especially interested in decent shots of Micky and Davy, since we were so far left that the only person I was able to get any possible shots of was Peter. (Although I would appreciate some decent pictures of him as well!) If you took any good shots, please contact me at MRogue@a... Thanks!! To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos and Collectable rare items, visit www.monkees.net The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: bradpager@m... For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: alert@m... for an automatic response. Thanks! 242 From: Brad Waddell Date: Mon Apr 23, 2001 10:23am Subject: New tour dates, compuserve news From: Mary Sorry, that is July 28 in Sarasota, NOT July 8! Mary ++++++++++++++++ From: Susan W Chambless Just to let you know... This year's Grammy program has an article about music video celebrating it's twentieth year. Mike Nesmith is quoted in the article and there is a black and white photo. He talks a little about the Monkees. Then mostly about video. He was interviewed since he was the first winner of the Grammy for video of the year in 1981. Susan Chambless +++++++++++++ From: " Sally Carpenter" Today I was reading the Los Angeles Daily News and came across the four page pull-out section "Kid's Daily News." On the back of that section was this advertisement under "acting classes": THEATRICKS FOR KIDS by Ami Dolenz Ages 7-16 SHOWCASE APRIL 28th "Discovering creativity through imagination theatre and art" (818) 501-1014 (Private Lessons Available) I'm sure this is a coinkydink, but in the same section was a children's story called "The Monkey King." ++++++++++++++++ From: Tom Fuschetto HEAD will be shown on the big screen by WILD (Writers In Literary Discussion) on Thursday, May 3 at the Pecan Campus Auditorium at South Texas Community College in McAllen, Texas, which is seven miles away from Reynosa, Mexico. The screening is free. For more information, contact Tom Fuschetto at 956/072-0276 or tomf@s... The WILD homepage address is stcc.cc.tx.us~wild. +++++++++++++++++++ From: "Linc Mann" Does anyone have any information about a reissue of Tropical Campfires on spinART records in June as listed in the current issue of ICE? Linc Mann ++++++++++++++++++++ From: Nez4Ever1230 I wanted to share the news that the April 23, 2001 issue of People Magazine features an article on former heart throb actor Michael Gray. In the article the guys are mentioned as one of the groups that were the most popular in that era. The article is on pages 113 and 114. In my opinion, David, Michael, Micky and Peter are #1!! Thank you, Nez4Ever1230 ++++++++++++++ From: Kim Please note that all times listed are for the East Coast, so check your local listings. From clicktv.com Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story Type: TV Movie / Drama (2000) Duration: 2 hr Description: The story of the hit '60s TV series and the problems that arose during its production. Director: Neill Fearnley Performers: Colin Ferguson, L.B. Fisher, Jeff Geddis, Wallace Langham, Aaron Lohr, George Stanchev Further Information: For further cast information http://www.imdb.com (The Internet Movie Database) Airing: Tue 5/1/01 4:30pm EDT VH1 from tvguide.com Band on the Run 30 min. Cory and Shawn form a bogus band to impress some girls. Norm: Micky Dolenz. Larry: Billy Vera. Gordy: Rick Nielsen. Cast: Jhoanna Trias, Jewelie Hull, Micky Dolenz, Billy Vera, Rick Nielsen, Betsy Randle, William Russ, Anthony Tyler Quinn, Ben Savage, Rider Strong, William Daniels Category: Comedy Show times Date Thursday, 26 Time 6:30 PM EDT Channel DISNEY From my friend Katie: I was watching Fox Family and they did an All Access 24/7 on 7th Heaven. One of the main characters has a video camera and he takes you behind the scenes of the 100th episode. He interviews Peter and gets him to sing a little "Hey Hey we're the Monkees." I couldn't find any specifics about reruns or air dates. This may not be much help but All Access 24/7 comes on Fox Family Friday at 5 & 5:30 and Saturday at 10:30 am. ++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Lorelle Hyland" Australian listers may be interested to know that Davy Jones will be appearing on Entertainment Tonight Weekend Edition this Sunday at 7.30pm on Pay TV's Fox8. Includes other heartthrobs like David Cassidy, Scott Baio and others. Halsten +++++++++++++++++++++ From: Brad Senora Howdy Everybody: Thanks to Brad and Everyone for all your VIP news and info! Special thanks to Shane for the news about The Monkees in Wolf Trap in Vienna, VA. Here's some more info: Tickets go on sale this Sunday, April 22nd at Noon. Some tickets have already been purchased by Donors, or members. I couldn't find out more details about what tickets were still available, but a Box Office Rep claimed that Wolf Trap has "impeccable" views, even from the lawn seats. Wasn't the Spring Tour the Best?! I can't wait for the Summer Tour! Happy Tours to All! Karen Senora +++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Davy's Dream Web" http://www.davyjones.net Hi Everyone, I received this interesting information from Davy's Daydream Believers and I thought I would pass it along! Have a wonderful weekend!! Coahoma From Davy's Daydream Believers: NEWSFLASH!!! No grandchild for Davy...YET! Sarah Jones McFadden, Davy's daughter, spoke with Davy's Daydream Believers yesterday. She was quite surprised to learn of the news circulating about her being pregnant. "No!", she emphatically told Davy's Daydream Believers. She also added, "I am NOT pregnant, but if and when it does happen, I'll certainly let you know." So for those of you who have heard these rumors, her response should set the record straight. There has also been some discussion about the forwarding of mail that is sent to Davy at his Beavertown address. Davy has not been home to Pennsylvania for any length of time since before Christmas. Because of this fact, he has arranged for his mail to be forwarded. He has done this so that the mail can be sorted for pieces which require his immediate attention such as bills, contracts and other business mail. ALL of his other mail, including letters from fans, is being stored and will be sent to him when he returns home to Pennsylvania. Davy has ALWAYS handled his own fan mail, unlike many celebrities who use mail services. The sheer volume of fan mail he receives makes it impossible for him to answer everyone individually, however, Davy is well known for surprising fans with a personal reply (as many of you can attest to). P.O. Box 400, Beavertown, PA 17813 is STILL the best address to reach Davy and we encourage everyone to continue to write!! Just remember, you may be next person to receive a personal letter from Davy!! +++++++++++++++++ From: "Conni Hilscher" Ticketmaster has announced a Monkees concert at Freedom Hall Amphitheatre in Sterling Heights, MI on 6/29 (Friday) at 7:30 pm. Tix go on sale on 4/23 (Monday) at 10 am. Peace - DHMF +++++++++++++++++++ From: Meacham652 This article was on the home page of compuserv this morning. TV-Made Pop Stars by Stephen Peters When the Monkees made their TV premiere in the 1960s, critics generally scoffed at the idea of a band being created on television. In the 1990s and 2000s, things are different. TV has proven to be a breeding ground for some of the biggest names in the music business, from hitmakers like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera to new hotshots such as O-Town and Eden's Crush. Before blasting her way to the top of the pop charts with hits like "Oops!ƒ?ÝI Did It Again," a pre-teen Britney Spears made her TV debut on "Star Search." By the time she'd turned 11, Britney had landed a plum role as a Mouseketeer on "The New Mickey Mouse Club," where she shared the spotlight with boyfriend-to-be and future 'NSYNC heartthrob Justin Timberlake as well as future pop competitor Christina Aguilera. But while these stars showed up on the tube years before taking on the roles they would become most famous for, many of today's hopefuls have had their climb to the top with millions of people watching their every move. In the last two years, the new reality TV craze has spawned a number of series meant to develop new hit acts. The first of these, "Making the Band," followed the stories of five young men whose dreams of being members of a new pop boy band led to the creation of O-Town. Another popular series, "Popstars," has followed a similar formula to create the all-girl band Eden's Crush. Both groups have enjoyed Top 10 success. With music channel VH1 now pursuing its own take on the idea by following the exploits of four hungry rock groups on "Bands on the Run," it looks like the idea of made-for-TV bands will be around for some time to come. Whether they'll be remembered like the Monkees in 30 years remains to be seen, but for now they couldn't be hotter. ++++++++++++++++ From: "Robert P. Scaglione" Hey everyone! I sent an email to the people at the Van Wezel Hall in Sarasota, FL, inquiring about the rumored Monkee concert that is supposed to be there. They replied telling me to ask the people at Oldies 108 Radio, the sponsor of the show, for more info. I did, and here is what they sent back: Laura... Yep, Monkees at the Van Wezel. But I don't think it's July 1st, seems to me like it's October. I'll keep your e-mail and let you know when the tickets are going to go on sale. Thanks for writing. Jim Davis Market Manager Radio Stations WAMR/WCTQ/WDDV/WSPB/WSRZ/WYNF So it seems that the "summer" tour will go on for a while?!?!?!? Till October! Well, I'll let you know if I hear anything else! Laura Scaglione To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos and Collectable rare items, visit www.monkees.net The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: bradpager@m... For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: alert@m... for an automatic response. Thanks! 243 From: Brad Waddell Date: Mon Apr 30, 2001 7:07pm Subject: New tour dates, radio interview I'm traveling, but the Monkees tour news never stops. It looks like this tour is longer and in bigger venues than the spring tour. Enjoy the shows! +++++++++++++ From: "Anthony Forier" These dates are for The Monkees from pollstar.com Date City Venue Fri 05/11/01 Indianapolis, IN Convention Center Sat 05/26/01 Cleveland, OH Burke Lakefront Airport Sun 05/27/01 Lexington, KY Applebees Park Fri 06/29/01 Sterling Heights, MI Freedom Hill Thu 07/12/01 Holmdel, NJ P.N.C. Bank Arts Center Sun 07/22/01 Vienna, VA Wolf Trap Filene Ctr. Get your Free E-mail at http://themonkees.zzn.com +++++++++++++ From: Kim Hal Blaine will be the guest on Tuesday's Fresh Air program. Check your local public radio station for the time. Otherwise, you can listen to it as soon as it is webbed on the site: http://freshair.npr.org/dayFA.cfm?todayDate=current That is the link that you can use tomorrow. (he was a drummer for The Monkees and Michael Nesmith) ++++++++++++++++ From: MTreppiedi Of course I cannot confirm this yet by looking at either monkees2001.com or monkees.net (I didn't really expect to find it there so soon anyway!), but I just got this e-mail this afternoon from a friend. See my note after her e-mail as well. Although you probably know this already, the PNC Bank Arts Center released the show dates for this summer and the Monkees will be at there on July 12th, but the tickets aren't going on sale this weekend and the prices haven't been released yet. Just a heads-up so you can be on the lookout for it. Other than this e-mail from her, THIS IS ALL I KNOW. :-) It IS on the PNC Bank Arts Center schedule page: http://artscenter.com/schedule.asp Just a little something for those close enough (or able to travel!) to Holmdel, NJ to look forward to! ---Maryann Treppiedi Jacobs http://www.ladyshutterbug.com ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Conni Hilscher" Ticketmaster has announced a Monkees concert at Freedom Hall Amphitheatre in Sterling Heights, MI on 6/29 (Friday) at 7:30 pm. Tix go on sale on 4/23 (Monday) at 10 am. Peace - DHMF +++++++++++++++++ From: "Conni Hilscher" Ticketmaster has announced 2 new concert dates: Sat., 5/26 9PM Cleveland, OH Burke Lakefront Airport TIX ON SALE FRI., 4/27 at 10 AM Sun., 5/28 7:30PM Lexington, KY Applebees Park TIX ON SALE SAT., 4/28 10AM Peace- davyhitmefirst +++++++++++++++++ From: "r_carbone" I very good friend of mine is such a conasouir of rock bands from the 50's thru the 80's that he picked up on an error in the "MONKEES MUSIC BOX four CD boxset. On page 55, the photo is actually BOB SHANE instead of JOHN STEWART. He even went as far as to check his LP collection of " THE KINGSTON TRIO "and found the album " HERE WE GO AGAIN". made in 1959. The same setting in the studio is from the album cover is it not? My friend says he's so upset. hope to here from you. ++++++++++++++++++++ From: Ellen Barnhart "(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone" (as performed by the Monkees) is featured in a new Miller Genuine Draft commercial. I spotted it during last night (4/26)'s episode of ER, about ten minutes or so into the program. A sunbathing woman can't get the bottle open, so a man comes up, opens it, and walks away with the bottle. I have to say, the song fits. ===== Ellen http://committed.to/monkees *Monkeemaniac, Nezhead, etc.* Official Secretary of SYMK And don't forget: Save the Texas Prairie Chicken! +++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Colleen Koskinen" This might be old news, but in case it isn't - High school pictures of Mickey and Mike are on Classmates.com. They have a celebrity section with pictures of famous people way back when. It is in alphabetical order (so look under D and N). The pictures of the guys from high school are very cute! Enjoy! Colleen +++++++++++++++++ From: DrewThomas The Lexington May 27th concert is confirmed. Clear Channel & SFX is handling the show and we have the Monkees confirmed to play at the Lexington Legends Ball Park. If you have any questions, please give me a call! DREW THOMAS, PROGRAM DIRECTOR AND OFFICIAL BEER TASTER WMKJ-FM MAJIC 105 CLEAR CHANNEL LEXINGTON 859-422-1115 ++++++++++++++++++ From: "Davy's Dream Web" http://www.davyjones.net Hello, Just wanted to take a minute to let you know that Davy's long awaited album "Just Me' will be released this week. This album is a compilation of songs written and produced by Davy himself. It will be available through Davy Direct (or mail order) and I will be sending out an update later this week to let you know when it is included at Davy Direct for online purchase. Have a wonderful week, Coahoma ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: EvilChewbacca I've heard about this Monkees convention it LA september 9-10th, at a Garland Hall. Do you have more information about that? Thanks (ed: no, but maybe somebody reading this does?) ++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Estrella Lee" It was reported on a.m.m. that The Monkees will play in North Platte, Nebraska for the state's formerly-primarly country Nebraskaland Days festival on Monday, June 18. I checked out the NLD website and they have TBA on it, so I guess it hasn't been confirmed with the venue (or perhaps the webmaster/mistress). If anyone is interested at this time (tickets will not be mailed after June 5th, so you have some time to wait and see if this gig is confirmed), they have a web site w/ a mail order form you can print out at: http://www.nebraskalanddays.com/ and a contact e-mail for more information: nld@n... Estrella http://members.tripod.com/~s3tar/monkees/ +++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Melhi >I just read that the monkees are coming to colorado to >play at the greeley stampede in greeley co on june 23 For tickets or more information: 970-356-BULL or 800-982-BULL Monday-Friday 8am-5pm The website is still under construction, but you can keep checking back for it to be up: http://www.greeleystampede.org Mel. Nothing succeeds if prankishness has no part in it -Nietzsche- Melhi 101: http://melhi.conk.com +++++++++++++++++ From: "Samantha Tully" I don't know if this is true Monkee news or not, but I just saw Jeff Geddis on TV! It was a show called "Exhibit A: Secrets of Forensic Science", a show that is only shown in Canada I think. Jeff played a killer. The episode name was "Double Jeopardy". I have it on tape and if I get around to it, I'll try to capture some parts on my computer. Samantha www.petertorkisgod.com ++++++++++++++++++++ From: Phillymood Hi - I came online searching for what other shows might be around in July. I just heard the Monkees will be at a free show in Boston on July 14th ( I'm pretty sure it was the 14th anyway...it all happened so quick!) Anyway, I only have found a date for the 13th so far, so just in case you didn't know about this one I thought I'd send it along. I think it was sponsered by Oldies 103.3 in Boston. Thanks for all the info on the site...I'm going back to read more now! Diane To purchase Monkees CD's, Videos and Collectable rare items, visit www.monkees.net The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: bradpager@m... For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: alert@m... for an automatic response. Thanks!
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