From ???@??? Mon Feb 01 01:17:12 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad WaddellSubject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) The Monkees tribute band HEADQUARTERS will be playing Saturday, February 6th at "John & Peters" club in New Hope, PA. Phone: 215-862-5981. HEADQUARTERS goes on at 10 pm, opening for the band SPARE TIRE. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Feb 01 18:31:30 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Status Change Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m Michael Nesmith, in a radio interview for WOR radio in New York Friday, stated that he is married to Victoria Kennedy, his longtime girlfriend. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Feb 01 23:03:01 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Joe Cooper" I heard that Micky is on Howard Stern on E! The show repeats from 2:30-3 AM. I know this is short notice, but sorry. Coop The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Feb 02 12:11:47 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: I found this on a newsgroup that I am on. I'm not really sure where the person found this but thought it was interesting. Ex-Monkee Mickey Dolenz asks, "Who could possibly be interested in this story that has been told so many times?" That's a comment he made on the subject of a made-for-VH1 movie about his life as one of the Monkees, back in the mid-sixties. Dolenz, who's working as director on "Boy Meets World", "Pacific Blue" and other television shows, prefers to look forward rather than back; he would rather talk about his life behind the cameras. When the Beatles-inspired moptops found their series canceled back in 1968, Mickey relocated to England, spending fifteen years there "reinventing himself as a television director". Dolenz allows that he might be interested in directing the Monkees biopic but adds, "I have moved on, a number of times. Would you want to talk about what you were doing thirty years ago all the time?" ~Claire~ Hey, Hey, It's Micky Dolenz The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Feb 02 18:04:48 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Major Nesmith News! Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m Michael Nesmith won his lawsuit with PBS - watch for news in your local area! Maggie reports that the total is actually 47 million. From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) And here's the full press release! FEDERAL COURT JURY FINDS PBS GUILTY OF FRAUD AND AWARDS $46 MILLION TO EX-MONKEE MICHAEL NESMITH Los Angeles -- In a verdict in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in a case entitled PBS, et al. v. Pacific Arts and Michael Nesmith, et al., Case No. CV 95-0403 BQR, the Honorable Brian Robbins presiding, a nine- person federal court jury unanimously found that the venerable PBS had committed fraud, and awarded ex-Monkee Michael Nesmith and his company Pacific Arts nearly $46 million in compensatory and punitive damages. The verdict stemmed from Michael Nesmith's distribution of the PBS Home Video Library in the early 1990s, including such programs as Masterpiece Theater, Nature and Ken Burns' Civil War. Nesmith, who started a small video distribution company known as Pacific Arts following his Grammy Award- winning music video Elephant Parts in the 1980s, took on the task of establishing a PBS Home Video line in 1990. After licensing the PBS logo from PBS in February 1990, Nesmith, through Pacific Arts, independently licensed dozens of PBS programs directly from producers and single-handedly established the now familiar "Silver Top" PBS Home Video Line, spending millions to do so. By 1992 the PBS Home Video Line was such a resounding success that PBS lavished Nesmith with awards and public accolades, publicly stating that he had succeeded "beyond their wildest dreams." But success in terms of sales volume did not translate into profits. By late 1992, the high cost of marketing and rights acquisition, coupled with the extraordinary start-up costs necessary to establish this new and untested venture, led Nesmith to decide to sell the Library, then estimated to be worth between $10 and $15 million dollars. Fearing that a sell-off of the Library to various distributors might be the "death knell" of the PBS Home Video Line, PBS pleaded with Nesmith not to sell the Library, and promised to work with him to recapitalize the business if he stayed the course. As inducement for him to do so, PBS promised in a letter of February 12, 1993 that if the recapitalization effort failed, PBS would cooperate with him in a "prudent and flexible approach to properly winding down activities in connection with the PBS Home Video Label," and in no event would it cause a "cataclysmic disruption of distribution." Internal PBS notes discovered during the trial revealed that, as Nesmith testified, this meant that PBS would support a sale of the Library and a wind down or liquidation of the business which might take as long as two years. Instead, PBS did exactly the opposite of what it had promised to do in its letter of February 12, 1993. Under the auspices of due diligence for the recapitalization effort, PBS agents were permitted open access to the books and records of Pacific Arts by Nesmith. But as internal PBS memoranda revealed, PBS "looked at virtually all [Nesmith's] producer contracts for the purpose of determining the termination potential for each title." Days later, a schedule of how to terminate every license in Nesmith's Library was circulated at PBS, and PBS began "quietly" soliciting other distributors to take over the Library, the underlying rights to which PBS now intended to own itself. Although not one distributor other than Nesmith had been prepared to take on the "daunting task" of establishing a PBS Home Video Library in 1990, by the Summer of 1993, as a direct result of Nesmith's efforts to build the Library from scratch, PBS found literally a dozen distributors who were now interested. PBS did not tell Nesmith about these potential buyers, choosing to keep this information "quiet." Next, PBS prepared a 3-page script to be read to producers with titles in the PBS Home Video Library to solicit and coordinate them in a mass termination of the rights underlying Nesmith's Library. The mass termination was scheduled to occur on Monday, Columbus Day, October 11, 1993 in what came to be known at the trial as the Columbus Day Massacre. Columbus Day was chosen because, as the PBS script explained, "since federal courts are closed," Nesmith would not be able to take Pacific Arts into a Chapter 11 bankruptcy to try to stop the mass terminations. The script also warned that no one should terminate earlier than planned because that would tip off Nesmith who could then run to bankruptcy court and tie up everyone else. And in all events, the producers were told to "terminate not later than 10 a.m. Tuesday morning." To keep Nesmith occupied while PBS was coordinating the Columbus Day Massacre, PBS instructed its agents and executives to meet with Nesmith and his staff to assure them of their good faith and continuing negotiations toward recapitalization, while at the very same time, PBS was reading the script to all of the rights holders and coordinating the mass terminations. PBS executives testified that it would have been "stupid" to tell Nesmith what they had planned for him, although one outside consultant for PBS testified that what PBS did was highly unethical. Nesmith testified that had he known that PBS would not honor the promises made in PBS' February 12, 1993 letter, but instead was planning the Columbus Day Massacre, he would have filed a Chapter 11 proceeding "in a New York minute." Having kept Nesmith occupied in phony negotiations while the termination calls were being made, PBS' plan worked. On October 11, 1993 and for days thereafter, it "rained" termination notices at Pacific Arts, and Nesmith's Library was decimated. PBS terminated its logo agreement and demanded millions, eventually suing Nesmith and Pacific Arts. PBS' Chief Financial Officer admitted that PBS did indeed cause a "cataclysmic disruption" of distribution, and PBS' General Counsel testified that what occurred was not the promised orderly wind down. Immediately thereafter, PBS acquired for itself the rights to programs formerly distributed by Nesmith, often at no additional cost beyond what Nesmith had already paid. Turner Home Entertainment agreed to distribute the PBS Home Video Library at retail, and PBS kept the direct-mail operation in-house. Out of the ashes of Pacific Arts, PBS built a $27 million a year video business, accounting for fully 7% of its gross revenues according to PBS annual reports. In its unanimous verdict, the jury found PBS liable for breach of contract, intentional misrepresentation (fraud), intentional concealment (fraud), negligent misrepresentation, and interference with contract. It awarded $14,625,000 to Pacific Arts for the loss of the value of the Library, plus $29,250,000 in punitive damages. It awarded $3 million to Nesmith personally, including $2 million in punitive damages. The case was tried on behalf of Nesmith and Pacific Arts by the trial team of Henry Gradstein and Bruce Van Dalsem of Gradstein, Luskin & Van Dalsem. According to Gradstein: "The verdict established that in court, everyone is accountable, even when cloaked with the imprimatur of respectability. We are all equal in front of the jury, and the simple and yet profound question is whether one person has treated another person fairly and honestly. In this case, the jury found that PBS did not treat Nesmith fairly and honestly, and it sent a message to Congress that something is terribly wrong at PBS. What makes the verdict all the more extraordinary is that Nesmith and his company were actually the defendants in the case while pursuing a counterclaim. The jury unanimously rejected PBS lawsuit and found in favor of each and every one of my clients counterclaims, for a verdict of nearly $46 million." maggie +++++++++++++++++++ From: "Torka" >From the Reuters news service, as reported on the Excite website: LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Michael Nesmith, a former star of "The Monkees" TV series and pop group, has won $46 million in damages in a lawsuit against the Public Broadcasting Service over the rights to a videotape library of PBS programs. In a verdict reached late Monday and announced Tuesday by Nesmith's lawyer, a federal court jury unanimously found PBS liable for breach of contract and fraud. PBS said it would fight the verdict. Nesmith alleged in his lawsuit that PBS promised in 1993 to help save his Pacific Arts distribution business. Pacific Arts was deeply in debt after establishing the "Silver Top" PBS Home Video Library, which distributed such programs as "Masterpiece Theater" and Ken Burns' "Civil War" documentary series. Nesmith alleged that the network convinced producers of those programs to terminate their distribution contracts with Pacific Arts and sign them over to PBS. The network then found new distributors for the Home Video Library and built a $27 million business around them, he alleged. "It's like finding your grandmother stealing your stereo," Nesmith said. "You're happy to get your stereo back, but it's sad to find out your grandmother is a thief." Nesmith added: "They lied to me, they cheated me, they made an attempt to get the catalog dishonestly. They were unethical and duplicitous." Stu Kantor, director of corporate communications for PBS, said the network disagreed with the verdict and would fight it in court. "PBS believes that the facts and the law in the case merited a verdict in its favor," Kantor said. "PBS will vigorously contest the verdict." Asked if PBS would appeal the verdict, Kantor said: "We will take every option, including filing motions to set aside the verdict." The jury awarded Nesmith's Pacific Arts distribution company $14.6 million in compensatory damages and $29.2 million in punitive damages. Nesmith personally won $1 million in compensatory damages and $2 million in punitive damages. Nesmith, 56, whose mother invented Liquid Paper correction fluid, became famous in the 1960s as a member of the Monkees, a made-for- television pop foursome who starred in a TV series and the big screen film "Head," which also featured Jack Nicholson. The Monkees, who included Mickey Dolenz, Davy Jones and Peter Tork, also staged concert tours. ==Torka ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? The Cybrary Reading Room Torka's Home For Wayward Girls The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Feb 02 18:45:51 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: I found on AOL News... Subject: PBS Ordered To Pay $47M to Nesmith PBS Ordered To Pay $47M to Nesmith .c The Associated Press By ROBERT JABLON LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Public Broadcasting Service must pay nearly $47 million to ex-Monkee Michael Nesmith and his defunct company for defrauding him in a home video deal that sank the firm. A federal jury decided Monday that PBS went behind Nesmith's back to steal the home video rights to such popular fare as ``Sesame Street'' and the Ken Burns documentary ``The Civil War'' while promising to keep his faltering firm afloat. Jurors rejected PBS' breach-of-contract lawsuit that claimed Nesmith owed the nonprofit corporation millions of dollars. They upheld a counterclaim of fraud, breach of contract and contract interference. ``It's like catching your grandmother stealing your stereo,'' Nesmith said through a publicist. ``On one hand, you're happy to get the stereo back. On the other, you're sad to find out your grandma's a thief.'' Stu Cantor, a PBS spokesman, said the association of public television stations will appeal. ``PBS firmly believes that the facts and the law in the case merited a ruling in our favor and we are frankly shocked at the verdict,'' he said, reading a statement from PBS headquarters in Alexandria, Va. The case is the latest controversy over PBS' aggressive new moneymaking techniques. In the mid-1990s, as Congress threatened deep funding cutbacks, PBS turned to the marketplace, offering among other things expanded commercial spots to corporate donors. Nesmith, 56, was the hat- and sideburns-wearing member of the Monkees, a 1960s music and TV sitcom sensation. Nesmith's company, Pacific Arts, made a deal in 1990 to distribute the PBS Home Video Line. He licensed the PBS trademark and obtained home video rights to dozens of programs from their producers. ``Pacific Arts spent $8 million breaking the market, convincing stores to give up shelf space for this, putting up kiosks in Wal-Marts, things like that,'' said Bruce Van Dalsem, a Nesmith lawyer. By 1993, the videos were selling well, but Nesmith's company was losing money because of the high costs. He decided to sell the rights to the accumulated video library, which could earn up to $15 million and allow him to pay off royalties and other business debts, the lawyer said. PBS agreed in writing to help him recapitalize the business or, if that failed, cooperate in slowly winding down the company to avoid disruption, Nesmith said. While meeting with Nesmith and his staff to reassure them of their good faith, PBS officials were busy soliciting a dozen other potential distributors, Nesmith said. They also convinced the producers of the shows to terminate their distribution contracts with Pacific Arts en masse, Nesmith claimed. PBS obtained the video distribution rights, split them with Turner Home Entertainment and now reaps $27 million per year from the business, Van Dalsem said. Claiming he owed them millions, Nesmith was sued by PBS, Ken Burns' company, public stations WNET-New York and WGBH-Boston and by Children' Television Workshop, which created ``Sesame Street.'' He countersued and the cases went to trial before a single jury on Jan. 4. The jury ruled PBS must pay the other plaintiffs what Pacific Arts owed them. Jurors awarded more than $14.6 million to Pacific Arts for the loss of the value of the video library and nearly $29.3 million in punitive damages. Another $3 million was awarded to Nesmith personally. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Feb 03 12:14:06 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m There is a report about Michael's lawsuit with PBS on the CNN show Showbiz Today on at 12:30 pm Mountain time and repeated tonight at 1 am Mountain time. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Feb 03 12:52:18 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m The Nesmith PBS lawsuit is reportedly on the front page of many newspapers today, including the LA Times, New York Times and Variety. +++++++++++++++++ From: "Randi L. Waddell" LA Times Former Monkee Wins $47 Million From PBS Network By ANN W. O'NEILL, Times Staff Writer The public television network--known for Big Bird, "Masterpiece Theatre" and fund-raising telethons--cheated former Monkee Michael Nesmith in a home video deal and must pay him nearly $47 million, a federal jury in Los Angeles has found. The Public Broadcasting Service initially sued Nesmith and his defunct Santa Monica-based Pacific Arts Corp. over royalties from the prestigious PBS logo, which Nesmith had licensed as he began to build and distribute a video library of the network's most popular programs. At the end of a five-week trial, the nine-member jury unanimously rejected the PBS claim and instead found that the network had defrauded Nesmith. Jurors agreed that after sales perked up, PBS went behind Nesmith's back and stole away the rights to the programs. The verdict was reached Monday and announced Tuesday. A PBS spokesman said the network was "shocked at the verdict" and would appeal vigorously. Nesmith and his lawyer, meanwhile, had plenty to say about their courtroom victory over PBS. "They were so bloody arrogant," said attorney Henry Gradstein. "I'm not the bad guy. I'm the injured party," said Nesmith, adding in his folksy Southwestern twang, "It's like catching your grandmother stealing your stereo. You're glad to get your stereo back, but you're sad to find out that Grandma's a thief." PBS, he added, "was supposed to be the good guys. But the next thing you know, these guys you think are sweetness and light are perpetrating a fraud. And a fraud is a fraud is a fraud." Gradstein said jurors found that PBS acted with "unclean hands" in its dealings with Nesmith, a former pop star who bought his way out of his Monkees contract, produced several cult films such as "Repo Man" and, in 1990, virtually created the multimillion-dollar home video market for PBS. The video market for television shows was in its infancy when Nesmith went to PBS with a plan to buy the rights to its most popular programs and build a home video library that would be distributed in stores. Start-up costs soon left Nesmith's company in financial straits, even though the videos were selling well. Nesmith decided to sell the rights to the video library for up to $15 million, but PBS promised in writing to help him keep his company afloat. According to Gradstein, testimony and internal PBS documents discovered during the trial, the network's executives, instead of helping Nesmith, stole the video rights. The PBS video line now brings in about $21 million a year. Gradstein said that even as PBS executives were sitting at the negotiating table with Nesmith in 1993, discussing how to help his company, they were engineering what became known as "the Columbus Day massacre," a massive termination of Nesmith's contracts with the producers of programs in the video library. Jurors awarded $14.6 million to Pacific Arts for the value of the loss of the library, plus $29.3 in punitive damages. It awarded $1 million personally to Nesmith, plus an additional $2 million in punitive damages. "I told [PBS] not to hit me," Nesmith said. "I told them, 'Don't do it, boys. You know you've got skeletons hanging in your closets. You've done a bad thing here.' I was just prepared to lick my wounds and take my loss. I didn't want to pound these guys into the sand, but that was not to be." Nesmith testified during the trial about "a dark and sinister web woven by PBS." Faced with taking the stand, he said, "I wondered how was I gonna sit up there and explain all this to people who watch 'Nature' and Big Bird? I certainly don't feel like I've won the Super Bowl. This is a heartbreaker on one level. It shakes the foundation of something I thought was a really good thing." Nesmith, 56, is best known as the hat-wearing guitar player with the Monkees, a 1960s music and sitcom sensation sometimes remembered as "the prefab four." He was considered the "smart Monkee." His mother, Bette Claire Graham, invented Liquid Paper, which she sold to Gillette in 1979 for $47.5 million. A year later, Nesmith inherited her fortune when she died. His inheritance financed Nesmith's "Elephant Parts," the innovative video that won the first video Grammy Award. "It's ironic," Nesmith said Tuesday, that the jury awarded him nearly the same amount Gillette paid his mother for Liquid Paper. Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved Randi L. Waddell Eye of the Beholder- movie memorabilia search service Join The Monkees Memorabilia Collectors Mailing List! ++++++++++++ From: "Randi L. Waddell" the total is off by $1 million. Yahoo! News Entertainment Headlines Tuesday February 2 7:54 PM ET Former Monkee wins $46 million in suit against PBS By Dan Whitcomb LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Michael Nesmith, a former star of ''The Monkees'' TV series and pop group, has won $46 million in damages in a lawsuit against the Public Broadcasting Service over the rights to a videotape library of PBS programs. In a verdict reached late Monday and announced Tuesday by Nesmith's lawyer, a federal court jury unanimously found PBS liable for breach of contract and fraud. PBS said it would fight the verdict. Nesmith alleged in his lawsuit that PBS promised in 1993 to help save his Pacific Arts distribution business. Pacific Arts was deeply in debt after establishing the ``Silver Top'' PBS Home Video Library, which distributed such programs as ''Masterpiece Theatre'' and Ken Burns' ``Civil War'' documentary series. Nesmith alleged that the network persuaded producers of those programs to terminate their distribution contracts with Pacific Arts and sign them over to PBS. The network then found new distributors for the Home Video Library and built a $27 million business around them, he alleged. ``It's like finding your grandmother stealing your stereo,'' Nesmith said. ``You're happy to get your stereo back, but it's sad to find out your grandmother is a thief.'' Nesmith added: ``They lied to me, they cheated me, they made an attempt to get the catalogue dishonestly. They were unethical and duplicitous.'' Stu Kantor, director of corporate communications for PBS, said the network disagreed with the verdict and would fight it in court. ``PBS believes that the facts and the law in the case merited a verdict in its favor,'' Kantor said. ``PBS will vigorously contest the verdict.'' Asked if PBS would appeal the verdict, Kantor said: ``We will take every option, including filing motions to set aside the verdict.'' The jury awarded Nesmith's Pacific Arts distribution company $14.6 million in compensatory damages and $29.2 million in punitive damages. Nesmith personally won $1 million in compensatory damages and $2 million in punitive damages Nesmith, 56, whose mother invented Liquid Paper correction fluid, became famous in the 1960s as a member of the Monkees, a made-for-television pop foursome who starred in a TV series and the big-screen film ``Head,'' which also featured Jack Nicholson. The Monkees, who included Mickey Dolenz, Davy Jones and Peter Tork, also staged concert tours. Reuters/Variety Randi L. Waddell Eye of the Beholder- movie memorabilia search service Join The Monkees Memorabilia Collectors Mailing List! ++++++++++++ From: Lenora McCoy All times Central 04:30pm Sun Feb-07 NIK-41 . BRADY BUNCH .......................... 4:30-5pm ... OldS/Sitc "Getting Davy Jones". Marcia promises to get Davy Jones for the school prom. Stereo. ~Lenora~ -- ___[_-,--,-_]___ __[ -~ ~- ]__ I__I __[_-~ ,-- \] /(--)\/\/\/\ __- / / / \ [ 00 ] ======= __/ / [ ] \ ~~~~ //_,,,~~~~,,,_____/ / / >>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lenora "Magic Fingers" Dolenz-Tork Rider of green Dolenth, resident of the weirdest weyr "Scary to cope to have to deal but sometimes it works out, gets real. Don't quit just before the miracle." ~Peter Tork The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Feb 04 21:10:13 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Joe Cooper" There is a small blurb about nez winning the lawsuit against PBS on The Daily Show, to be repeated at 1:30 AM on 2/4. It is actually pretty funny, and they do show a picture of davy in it also. Coop The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Feb 05 11:05:16 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m There is a report about Michael's lawsuit with PBS on the CNN show Showbiz Today on at 12:30 pm Mountain time and repeated tonight at 1 am Mountain time. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Feb 05 23:54:50 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m Davy's show at the Texas Station in Las Vegas (Feb. 9) has been cancelled. :( The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Feb 10 20:13:18 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Kimberly Pearce Varnum" Info on the upcoming Manchester, TN Teen Idol Tour show on August 14th: The venue is actually going to be like a mini-Woodstock. The dates are August 12-15th. There will be over 40 performers there. The tickets are $35 per day or $80 for all four days. The tickets go on sale February 26th. For a more info, check out the website April from Bobby's official site passed this along... May 22,1999 - Texas Gambling Hall & Casino, Las Vegas, NV #702-631-1000 Website: April advises this is a very small hotel & casino - Only 250 rooms - so if anyone plans on going you should make reservations now. peace and love, Kimberly ********************************** Every Step of the Way..An official Davy Jones Home Page The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Feb 10 22:29:41 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Roseann Flickenger LAST UPDATE: FEBRUARY 10, 1999 Shoe Suede Blues appearance dates: Club Caprice 1700 S. Pacific Coast Highway Redondo Beach, CA 90277 For more info, call 310-316-1700 Saturday, February 20, 1999 Doc's 95 Prescott (Cannery Row) Monterey, CA For more info, call 831-649-4241 Friday, March 12, 1999 The March 14 appearance at the Brick by Brick in San Diego has been cancelled. The band hopes to reschedule another date in the area soon. =============================================================== Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley scheduled appearances: Date/Time Venue/Comments Phone/Contacts ========= ============================ ============== Thursday, Towne Crier May 13 Pawling, NY More information will be posted as it becomes available. Friday, Mays Chapel May 14 Timonium, MD (Baltimore) More information will be posted as it becomes available. Saturday, Fulton Opera House 717 397 7425 May 15 12 N. Prince Street Lancaster, PA 17603 Tickets for this show will go on sale on or about April 1. This is a *Special Show* ... it will be professionally videotaped for sale at a later date. For this show only, **NO** videocameras or audio tape recorders will be permitted in the venue. Still cameras will be permitted. For ticket information, stop by the Fulton Opera website at Sunday, Tin Angel 215 928 0978 May 16 20 S. Second Street Philadelphia, PA Tickets are available over the phone (215) 928-0978 noon - 10PM, 7 days a week or in person at 20 South 2nd. Street after 4 pm 7 days a week. There is a $1.50 per ticket surcharge for ordering over the phone. For more information, visit the Tin Angel website at Saturday, Lewisville Lawn Party May 22 Lewisville, NC More information will be posted when it becomes available. Confirm dates, show times and ticket cost with venues Appearance schedules are available at: or The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Feb 12 16:11:49 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Sara Hi everyone! Mike was mentioned in People magazine for the week of 2/22/99. It's under Passages(pg. 85). It reads: Awarded On Feb. 1 a federal jury in L.A. found the Public Broadcasting Service guilty of fraud in a deal it had made with former Monkee Michael Nesmith, 56, and ordered the network to pay $46 million in damages. In 1990, Nesmith's company, Pacific Arts, established a home library of PBS shows like Masterpiece Theatere and The Civil War, but Nesmith claimed that when his enterprise ran into financial trobule, PBS surreptitiously acquired the rights to the programs. © 1999 PEOPLE Sara The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Feb 12 17:29:59 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Kimberly Pearce Varnum" Just caught Micky and Ami Dolenz on a "teaser" for Monday's Hard Copy. The story is on celebrities who have had unauthorized nude photos put on internet web sites. The snippet showed Ami viewing a site with her photo and Micky commenting that there are some "real sickos out there". The full story will air on Monday so check local listings. peace and love, Kimberly *********************************** Every Step of the Way...An Official Davy Jones Home Page The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Feb 12 23:09:44 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Denise McCabe I saw this in the current edition of ROLLING STONE. It might actually be the last one (Laryn Hill is on the cover) I don't know how true it is, but I thought that I would pass it on. In the ROCK AND ROLL section, there is an article on upcoming oldies packages tours for the summer. The article claims that one tour, called the Summer of Peace and Love tour, will be featuring Micky Dolenz sharing the bill with Byrds founder Roger McGuinn and other 60's rock luminaries. Like I said, I don't know how true this is, but maybe someone in Monkeeland knows more. Cheers, Rob McCabe The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Sat Feb 13 17:39:16 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Lily Adams In the new issue of "Entertainment Weekly", There is an article for the 100 greatest moments in TV history. On page 34 in the 1950's section there is a mini section that says "TV, Planet of the apes". In there it has a pic of the monkees and has a bit to say about them. It says "The Monkees. Okay, so they're not actual monkeys. But these pseudo-rock stars were almost as evolved as your average lemur. Much like 'Laugh-in' and 'Mod squad', the unthreatening prefab groovesters showed TV's remarkable ability to co-opt a social revolution." Peace and Love, Lily ++++++++++++++++ From: Happy 57th birthday today to Peter Tork!! Check your local newspapers if they list celebrity birthdays. He should be there. : ) Ashley The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Sun Feb 14 15:41:57 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Katie Brown" The Monkees are in the new Guiness book of records, for the most no1 Albumns in one year. LookSmart … or keep looking. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Feb 15 15:32:24 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: In the February 8th issue of Video Business Magazine, which a trade publication for the video industry, there was the following article on Michael Nesmith. News from Variety By Janet Shprintz In a case dubbed "The Monkee vs. Cookie Monster," Michael Nesmith won a $46.8 million verdict last week when a federal jury found that PBS had committed fraud by inducing a mass termination of video licenses held by Nesmith's company, Pacific Arts. Henry Gradstein, Nesmith's lawyer, said, "The jury found that PBS did not treat Nesmith fairly and honestly." A spokesman said PBS was "frankly shocked and plans to vigorously contest the verdict." The dispute stems from Pacific Arts' distribution of the PBS Home Video Library-- including such programs as Masterpiece Theatre and Ken Burns's Civil War series-- in the early 1990s. Through Pacific Arts, ex-Monkee Nesmith licensed the PBS logo from the broadcaster and dozens of PBS programs directly from producers. Facing a cash crunch, he decided to sell the library in late 1992, but, according to his lawyers, PBS persuaded him to try to recapitalize or slowly wind down the library to avoid a disruption of distribution. Subsequently, Nesmith's lawyers alleged, PBS orchestrated a massive termination of Pacific Arts' license agreements and its solicting of other distributors to take over the library, with the intention of capturing the underlying rights itself. PBS sued Nesmith and Pacific Arts in 1995 for past-due royalties. Nesmith filed a countersuit claiming fraud. The verdict gives $14.6 million to Pacific Arts in compensatory damages based on the value of the library, plus $29.2 million in punitive damages. Nesmith received $3 million, including $2 million in punitive damages. ---This story first appeared in Feb. 3 Daily Variety. I thought everyone might find this interesting. Deb The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Feb 15 15:49:58 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Hooloovoo > In the ROCK AND ROLL section, there is an article on upcoming oldies > packages tours for the summer. The article claims that one tour, called the > Summer of Peace and Love tour, will be featuring Micky Dolenz sharing the > bill with Byrds founder Roger McGuinn and other 60's rock luminaries. Rolling Stone was printing mere rumors. Micky will *not* be touring this summer either with this tour or any others. His plans for this summer are to pursue more directorial work. -Hoo Hooloovoo -- --------------------------------------------- The Mark Philippoussis Archives ------------------------------------------------------------ Micky Dolenz - Corey Feldman - Marco Sanchez - Monkees FAQs - Michael Nesmith Lyrics - Dolenz, Jones, Boyce & Hart - --------------------------------------------- Spiral Edge: The Todd Eldredge Mailing List --------------------------------------------- Eagles may soar, but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Feb 16 11:27:27 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Jay Votel Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley are scheduled to perform at May's Chapel in Timonium, MD, May 14 at 8 p.m. This is one of the most popular intimate folk venues in the Baltimore area. The ticket information number is 410-922-5210. -- Jay Votel ++++++++++++++++++ From: Last week Davy met with the label staff of the new Delta disc records in Hendersonville, Tenn. He has a friend there and wanted to check it out to see if he wanted to record here. Dana The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Feb 16 20:13:51 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Roseann Flickenger For all those planning to attend the Shoe Suede Blues show at Club Caprice in Redondo Beach, California ... the following message was just received from Tadg of Shoe Suede Blues: Emergency message!!! The Gig this Saturday the 20th of February at Club Caprice in Redondo Beach has been CANCELLED. ---Zan The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Feb 17 21:09:45 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Tiffany As posted before, the issue of Rolling Stone with Lauryn Hill on the cover (Feb. 18th), the same article (pg. 24) that Micky's name appears in for the Summer of Peace and Love Tour, in last paragraph, it says- "Indeed, it seems that there's a classic-rock package for everyone: Silverman recently had the Teen Idols - Davy Jones of the Monkees, Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits and Bobby Sherman - performing New Year's Eve at Disney World. 'Peter Noone says the girls still throw underwear onstage,' says Silverman, 'It's just the size of the underwear they're throwing that's a little different.' -FRED GOODMAN" -Tiffany The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Feb 18 00:18:17 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) The Peter Tork and Shoe Suede Blues gig scheduled for Feb. 20 at Club Caprice in Redondo Beach, CA, has been *CANCELLED*. Peter says the cancellation was "due to circumstances beyond our control". If you are in touch with other Monkees fans in the southern California area who are planning to attend the show, PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. maggie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Feb 18 00:53:30 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) Monkee Business Fanzine Monkees News Update February 17, 1999 PETER TORK Peter will pay a visit to Indianapolis on March 11, thanks to oldies radio station WGLD. Peter will be the on-air guest of the WGLD Gold Morning Good Guys from 7 to 9 am on March 11. He'll do an in-store personal appearance and autograph signing later in the day, location to be announced. Listen to WGLD 104-5 FM for further updates and details, or call the station at 317-842-9550 for more info. Peter's appearance is part of WGLD's "Throwback Thursdays"---every Thursday in March, the station brings a '60s TV celebrity to town. Other guests during the month include Larry Storch from "F Troop", Russell Johnson from "Gilligan's Island", and game show host Gene Rayburn. Peter will spend 1999 recording a new solo album. He'll also be playing a number of dates solo and with the Shoe Suede Blues Band. Current dates are listed below: Date Venue ---- ----- Feb. 20 *CANCELLED* Club Caprice, Redondo Beach, CA, 310-316-1700 Mar. 12 Doc's, Monterey, CA, 831-649-4241 Mar. 14 *CANCELLED* Brick By Brick, San Diego, CA, 619-275-5483 Peter Tork and James Lee Stanley will tour this spring: Date Venue ---- ----- May 15 Fulton Opera House, Lancaster, PA, 717-397-7425 May 16 Tin Angel, Philadelphia, PA, 215-928-0770 May 22 Lewisville Lawn Party, Lewisville, NC, e-mail DAVY JONES Davy Jones is co-starring with Peter Noone and Bobby Sherman on the Teen Idols concert tour: Date Venue ---- ----- Mar. 28 Macomb Community College, Mt. Clemens, MI, 810-286-2000 May 6 Soaring Eagle Casino, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 517-772-8900 May 15 WFOX Festival, Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA, 770-953-9369, or listen to WFOX 97.1 FM Aug. 14 Itchycoo Park '99: The Camping Experience, Arts, Crafts & Music Festival, Manchester, TN, toll free 1-877-ITCHY99 or see the website Davy will also embark on a few solo dates: Date Venue ---- ----- March 9-14 Sweet Basil, JAPAN April 10 Robert Morris College, Moon Township, PA, 412-262-8200 April 20-23 Flower Power Festival, DisneyWorld, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 407-WDISNEY June 12 Franklin Quest Field, Salt Lake City, UT, 801-485-3800 Sep. 18 Homer Hamilton Amphitheatre, Tennessee Valley Fair, Knoxville, TN, 423-637-5840, concert free with paid fair admission Oct. 23 Murphy Theater, Wilmington, OH, 937-382-3643 MICKY DOLENZ Micky is working seriously on his directing career in 1999. He recently directed an episode of the ABC-TV sitcom "Boy Meets World", which will air Feb. 26. MICHAEL NESMITH Nez recently completed a bicoastal book tour to promote his new novel, The Long Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora (1998, St. Martin's Press). Michael Nesmith's long-running legal trouble with PBS was finally concluded in early February when a federal court jury awarded him a settlement of nearly $47 million dollars. PBS plans to appeal the verdict. SPENCER GIFTS As previously announced in the December issue of Monkee Business Fanzine, the Spencer Gifts retail chain is the exclusive distributor of a line of Monkees merchandise this winter. Some MBF readers have reported that not every Spencer Gifts is carrying the Monkees product line---for the location of the nearest Spencer that IS carrying the Monkees stuff, you can call 1-800-321-2497 (their customer service department). Yes, some stores WERE carrying the Monkees line and have dropped it now that the Christmas season has passed, but Spencer's customer service people tell us they are committed to helping you find the Monkees items you need, even if they have to do it by mail!!! Also, now that the Christmas season has passed, Spencer has added six different Monkees t-shirts to their stores. We've been told that the red one, the one showing the Monkees on a vintage TV set, is a Spencer exclusive. Another new one is due out this spring, "in time for Spring Break," says Spencer Gifts. MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus ( 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. maggie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Feb 19 11:08:54 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Kimberly Pearce Varnum" The Teen Idol Tour has added another date to their line up for 1999. Davy, Peter and Bobby will appear May 29th 1999 at the Nashville Arena in Nashville, Tennessee. peace and love, Kimberly ************************************** Every Step of the Way..An Official Davy Jones Home Page The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Sat Feb 20 15:10:36 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: My sister caught Micky on petcetera on Animal Planet about thirty minutes ago. They were interviewing celebrities about their pets. Animal Planet usually repeats itself daily, so check the schedule. monkees rule, whitney The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Feb 22 11:34:07 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: C Smith In the TV LAND 1999 Classic TV Awards, Davy won in the category of BEST GUEST STAR in his role on the Brady Bunch! He got 44% of the votes! Hey, we KNEW he'd win! To view the results in all the categories, go to the Nick-at-Nite home page at and click on the Classic TV Awards. Charlyne The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Feb 24 10:36:57 1999 Message-Id: <> To: From: Brad Waddell Subject: Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> X-Eudora-Signature: password 4dmp&m list monkeealert help From ???@??? Fri Feb 26 15:13:04 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) Although the "Boy Meets World" production office had told us weeks ago that the "BMW" episode Micky Dolenz directed would air Feb. 26, a glance at tonight's TV listings shows that no episode of "BMW" is scheduled for tonight. Today a spokesman for the show said there's no set air date for Micky's episode, but two possibilities are March 12 or April 2. Episode title is "Bee True". maggie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Feb 26 20:09:07 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Amato, Jim" Just confirmed today that Michael Nesmith will be a guest on "The Live Mike" with Mike Romigh this coming Tuesday Night (March 2, 1999) at 10:00 PM Eastern Time for an entire hour on KDKA AM 1020 in Pittsburgh, PA, "The Pioneer Broadcasting Station of The World." The show can be heard in 38 states, half of Canada and Mexico via 50,000 watts at 1020 on the AM Dial. He will be taking calls, talking about the new book, his music, TV, and anything else that may pop up. So tune in to hear a legend on a legendary station! Jim Amato Late Night Producer KDKA Radio Pittsburgh, PA The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Feb 26 22:19:34 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: In the March 8,1999 issue of People Magazine on page 50, there is an article on Michael's book The Long Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora. Thank You, CHasbro396 The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks! From ???@??? Sat Feb 27 11:14:27 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Nadine Mike Nesmith was on "Extra" this morning (Saturday, Feb. 27). It was a two minute clip. nadine ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still wet behind the ears preminum grade pictures of Peter Tork and the Shoe Suede Blues band (on and off stage) from their performance in Orange, CA, Oct. 24! - Grizelda's Rare Audio, Video and Picture Page Peter Tork Songbook The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To submit an item for the list, send to: For info on posting to, subscribing, or removing yourself from this list, send an e-mail to: for an automatic response. Thanks!
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