From ???@??? Sat Jan 02 22:57:27 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad WaddellSubject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) Spencer Gifts, which was carrying a line of exclusive Monkees merchandise before Christmas, has marked TWO of the items down to half-price as of December 26---the Monkees pajamas and the Monkees robe. Even if the merchandise is not labeled as half-price, the deduction has been programmed into the cash registers chain-wide. All other Monkees items at Spencers are still full price, except for the blow-up chair which is and has been $10 off the marked price. maggie +++++++++++++++++++++++ From: "Jessica Leepard" Hey all I saw Mike and Davy's Birthday's in the USA Today yesterday (12/30) in the LIFE section. It says that Davy turned 52...but they made a mistake. He turns 53. And it said Mike turned 56. Just a fun tidbit of info for y'all! \ | / - O - Sunny Girlfriend / | \ Join my .COM Club (Crazy Over Monkees)!! +++++++++++++++ From: Sheila Nash This week I spotted a White Honda Accord with the license plate "Monkees". The car was in Northern Virginia (Fairfax, to be exact). Even though there are an overabundance of vanity plates in this area, I thought it was great! Thanks for the exposure! A Fellow Virginia Monkees Fan The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Sun Jan 03 11:26:10 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Michelle Clary Subject: Video Collection on Vh-1 According to clicktv, on 01/13/99 at 11PM on Vh-1, on 01/16/99 at 3PM on Vh-1, and on 01/17/99 at 6PM on Vh-1 the Video Collection of Teen Idols 2 will be on. The Video Collection is videos and clips by David and Shaun Cassidy, Rick Nelson, Jackson 5, the Monkees, Bobby Darin, and more. It is a hour long program. Monkeelover The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Sun Jan 03 14:15:02 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Bernita Myers In the December 28/January 4 issue of Newsweek there is a section of the best cartoons of the past year. On page 111 there is a cartoon of a guy brushing his teeth while his wife is videotaping the event. The caption reads: "YES, I mind if you put this on the Internet!". The man is dressed in polka dot boxer shorts and a t-shirt that says "Monkees Reunion Tour 1983". : ) -Bernita The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Sun Jan 03 19:03:07 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Subject: Micky mention in "Entertainment Weekly" 1/8/99 On page 14, there is a list of celebrity answers to the question: "What are your plans for December 31, 1999?" Micky responded, "Probably trying to keep my computer from crashing." Jen :) The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jan 04 15:29:12 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "kirk white" Subject: M. Nesmith in Daily Telegraph 4 Jan 1999 The following article is part of a feature taken from todays Daily Telegraph newspaper in England and features a contribution from Michael Nesmith WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INVENTION IN THE PAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS? Introduction by John Brockman A year ago I emailed the participants of The Third Culture Mail List for help with a project which was published on EDGE as "The World Question Center." I asked them: "what questions are you asking yourself?". The World Question Center was published on December 30th. On the same day The New York Times ran an article "In an Online Salon, Scientists Sit Back and Ponder" which featured a selection of the questions. Other press coverage can be found in EDGE In The News. The project was interesting, worthwhile....and fun. . This year, beginning on Thanksgiving Day, I polled the list on (a) "What Is The Most Important Invention In The Past Two Thousand Years?" ... and (b) "Why?". I am pleased to publish below* the more than one hundred responses in order of receipt. I expect many more entries and, in the spirit of The Reality Club, robust discussion and challenges among the contributors. There will also be an open public discussion of this question at FEED Magazine. Happy New Year!! JB p.s. I get the last word. (*Please note that the length of this document is 41,000 words which prints out to about 75 pages.) EDGE IN THE NEWS January 4, 1998 Newsweek and "The Power of Big Ideas" By Sharon Begley Was the light bulb more important than the pill? An online gathering of scientists nominates the most important inventions of the past 2,000 years. Some of their choices might surprise you. January 4, 1999 The Wall Street Journal and The Wall Street Journal Interactive (Subscription Required) "The Nominees for Best Invention Of the Last Two Millennia Are . . ." By David Bank Staff Reporter ofThe Wall Street Journal John Brockman is the premier literary agent of the digerati, so when he asked 1,000 scientists and other techno-thinkers to suggest the most important invention of the past 2,000 years, the responses sounded a lot like proposals for yet another millennial book. WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INVENTION IN THE PAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS? Michael Nesmith: After reading the various answers to the question, I'm going to sneak through the door opened by Philip Anderson and nominate a discovery instead of an invention. And it is the Copernican Theory. Generally it was a counter-intuitive idea, and it ran opposite to the interpretation of senses (not to mention the Church) I mean, one could "see" the sun going across the sky. What could be more obvious than that? A nice move. It took a lot of intellectual courage, and taught us more than just what it said. MICHAEL NESMITH is an artist, writer, and business man; former cast member of "The Monkees". From: Kirk & Sue White The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Jan 05 18:43:26 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Stephanie Kung" Subject: Peter Tork's "Shoe Suede Blues" Delivers Great Time in Santa Monica My aunt cut out this article for me in some LA/Santa Monica newspaper, but I'm not sure which, probably from sometime last week. Peter Tork's "Shoe Suede Blues" Delivers Great Time in Santa Monica by Gary Davis Peter Tork's new blues 'n' oldies band, Shoe Suede Blues, played its first of four Tuesday night gigs at Harvelle's last week, and a great time was had by all. Tork, best known as a member of the 60's band The Monkees, has put together a great set of early rock 'n' roll standards and upbeat blues numbers, which his talented band presents in a free-form, improvisational manner. I almost felt like I had walked in on a dress rehearsal last Tuesday night at Harvelle's. The crowd was sparse but attentive, and Tork, dressed in a red shirt and black vest, sporting shoulder-length blond hair and a short goatee, led his band through a delightful series of old-time rock/R&B songs, including "Lucille," "Mustang Sally," and Baby, It's All Right." There was no pre-determined set list, in fact, Tork seemed to be teaching his bandmates some of the material as he went along. This (possible) lack of preparation only added to the spontaneity and higlighted the excellence of the musicians in keeping up. The upbeat set only occasionally slowed down to a Chicago Blues style, and for these numbers, keyboard and harmonica player Tadd Galleran took over vocal duties. Frankly, Tork is a better singer and perhaps he too needs to learn to sing the blues. Other band members includ Michael Sunday on bass, Stevie Gur on guitar, and Bruce Logan, of the Uninvited, on drums. Tork and Gur trade off on the more demanding guitar parts, allowing each to show his prowess as a blues axe man. The only Monkees song presented was "I'm Gonna Buy Me a Dog." The only new song was a neo-blues number penned by keyboardist Galleran entitled "Even White Boys Get the Blues." This "revisionist" blues tune portrayed how even a Harvard educated suburban businessman can spend the night in jail for drunk driving, and offered such other notable situations as "When the American Express comes due, even White Boys get the Blues." Between sets, Tork made himself very accessible, hanging out around the bar. A small contingent of youngish, middle-age female fans produced old (and new) Monkees picturebooks for him to autograph, and he chatted amicably with fans and reporters. Las month, according to Tork, his band did two benefit performances of this material, which were better publicized and much better attended. Harvelle's fancies itself as the city's premier blues establishment (since 1931!), but the long, narrow room reminded me more of a converted lunch counter (a dimmerd wash of white flourescent lighting didn't help). The small stage at the far end of the room is protected by a short banister, which seemed as much to keep the musicians from falling off as the dancers from falling on. A small tin bucket for tips prominently desplayed a $1 bill. The checkerboard dance floor went unused most of the night (certainly no fault of the music), which left a large empty space where the fans should have been, so much so that when Tork went into the audience looking for females to help sing "Mustang Sally," the microphone couldn't quite reach the suddenly shy fans. Hopefully, the crowd will grow over the next few weeks. Hearing one great song after another really was more fun than spending the night with the latest "alternative" bands at the Whisky or Roxy, standing around a packed room for hours hearing music you've never heard before, just waiting for that one radio hit. On the other hand, Shoe Suede Blues really is nothing more than a cover band playing standards in a strip-mall lounge, and enjoyable as the show was, it is arguably just another example of white musicians exploiting (and recycling) black music. Shoe Suede Blues will continue its run at Harvelle's for the next three Tuesday nights. The show starts at 8:30 p.m. and the band plays four sets running through 1:30 a.m. Yes, Tork is the opening band, the cleanup band, the support band and the headliner all in one! You can drop in at any time and enjoy the show. Cover price is just $8. You will have a good time! For anyone living near Santa Monica who wants a chance to meet Peter, I highly recommend stopping by (you get great music too!). Peter will usually take the time to hang out for a while, inc. pictures and autographs, even if he has to go outside because you're not 21 (happened to me this summer). It's definitely worth the trip...even from as far as San Francisco. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Jan 06 19:23:01 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m Monkee Business Fanzine Monkees News Update January 6, 1999 PETER TORK Peter will spend 1999 recording a new solo album. He'll also be playing a number of dates solo and with the Shoe Suede Blues Band. Current date is listed below: Date Venue ---- ----- Jan. 22 Peter Tork and Shoe Suede Blues at Rusty's Surf Ranch, Santa Monica Pier, 9 pm, $8 at the door, all ages welcome DAVY JONES Davy Jones is co-starring with Peter Noone and Bobby Sherman on the Teen Idols concert tour: Date Venue ---- ----- Mar. 28 Macomb Community College, Mt. Clemens, MI, 810-286-2000 May 6 Soaring Eagle Casino, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 517-772-8900 Davy will also embark on a few solo dates: Date Venue ---- ----- Jan. 14 Prairie Meadows Racetrack/Casino, Altoona, IA, 515-967-1000 (must be 21 to attend) Jan. 23 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, Protix 800-905-3315 Feb. 5-6 Lady Luck Casino, Bettendorf, IA, 319-359-7280 March 9-14 Sweet Basil, JAPAN April 10 Robert Morris College, Moon Township, PA, 412-262-8200 April 20-23 Flower Power Festival, DisneyWorld, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 407-WDISNEY MICKY DOLENZ Micky is working seriously on his directing career in 1999. Look for him to direct an episode of the ABC-TV sitcom "Boy Meets World" in the near future. MICHAEL NESMITH Nez's novel _The Long Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora_ has just been published by St. Martins Press. The publicist tells us that Nez is scheduled to do two booksignings in January: Date Venue ---- ----- Jan. 25 booksigning at Book Soup in West Hollywood, CA, 7 pm, call 310-657-1072 for further info Jan 29 booksigning at Barnes & Noble, 600 5th Avenue, New York, NY, call 212-765-0590 for further info SPENCER GIFTS As previously announced in the December issue of Monkee Business Fanzine, the Spencer Gifts retail chain is the exclusive distributor of a line of Monkees merchandise this winter. Some MBF readers have reported that not every Spencer Gifts is carrying the Monkees product line---for the location of the nearest Spencer that IS carrying the Monkees stuff, you can call 1-800- 321-2497 (their customer service department). Yes, some stores WERE carrying the Monkees line and have dropped it now that the Christmas season has passed, but Spencer's customer service people tell us they are committed to helping you find the Monkees items you need, even if they have to do it by mail!!! Please note: the Monkees robe and pajamas have been discounted to half-price as of December 26 chain-wide. Even if they're not marked as such, the discount will appear in the computer when your purchase is rung up! MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus ( 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Jan 07 23:14:55 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "J. CORSINO" Hi there. I was watching Jeopardy today and during the part of the show when they announce the prizes, one of the prizes mentioned was from Rhino Records. They showed some of the cds, etc. available and one of the items featured was The Monkees Lunchbox! Just thought I'd pass this along. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jan 11 19:18:28 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Peter on TV Now! Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Subject: Peter was on the King of Queens Peter was just on the tv show the King of Queens. He played the band leader at a wedding. At first I thought I was just seeing things, but sure enough the credits said it was Peter Tork! Debbie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jan 11 21:37:45 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: JLC Subject: SSB Video Announcement Hey Kids! Here it comes! That exciting new Peter Tork & Shoe Suede Blues video, "Thank You, Lovers of the Opera"! Be the first on your block to own this dramatic piece of Music History! "Thank You, Lovers of the Opera" is an hour-long performance video of Peter's band Shoe Suede Blues, filmed live on location in Orange County at TODJ's American Legion show last Oct. The video includes 8-9 full songs (sorry, I've lost count!) including "Werewovles of London", "Crosscut Saw", "Blue Suede Shoes", "Shake Rattle & Roll" & "Hootchie Kootchie Man", as well as the Tadg Galleran modern classic "Even White Boys Get the Blues." Also, at no extra cost, you get exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of various band members at random moments in different places doing things that band members do. SEE Peter mercilessly taunt the college reporter! LAUGH as Mary Jo & Bruce trade bad lawyer jokes! AMAZE at Stevie & Peter & Tadg's a cappella rendition of "Monster Mash"! And who can ever forget Chef TODJ's feast? No-one - he won't let us! Yes, TODJ & his dinner are here too! That's right, all this and muchmuchmore heading your way in "Thank You, Lovers of the Opera", filmed in spectacular digital JLC-Vision! Hit this link for ordering: Videos will be ready for shipping in two weeks. Order early. Order often. And if you're in the first 100 orders, you'll get an autographed copy, direct from the pens of Peter Tork, Tadg Galleran & Michael Sunday - nifty! Buy your copy today! You really should - they're all such nice boys.... Leavin' Here JLC The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Jan 13 20:53:37 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: dave jones Rusty's is now accepting reservations for Shoe Suede Blues on Jan. 22nd, but only for dinner tables. If you plan on eating, you must get a dinner reservation. If you're not eating, reservations are not required. For those of you who get Howard Stern, you may know of a show following Stern called the Johnathan Brandmeier show. Shoe Suede Blues are tentatively scheduled to do a live set on J.B.'s show, most likely the morning of Jan 22nd, before the Rusty's show. If you can't get to L.A., this will be the next best thing to being there. This is not yet in concrete but keep listening for updates. I think Johnathan Brandmeier reaches almost everybody on the Real Radio Network. The radio station's website is at You can give comments, suggestions, and generally talk them into putting SSB on the air. todj The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Jan 15 22:13:20 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: dave jones Shoe Suede Blues (featuring Peter Tork) has confirmed the following California appearances for February and March. There will be more show announcements soon. Doc's in Monterey, California on February 12th. Phone (831) 649-4241 95 Prescott Street in Cannery Row. The Club Caprice in Redondo Beach, February 20th. Phone (310) 316-1700 1700 Pacific Coast Highway, Redondo. Brick By Brick's in San Diego, Calif. March 14th The phone # that information gives you is disconnected, and Tadg didn't have it in front of him, so no address yet. These dates are very advance notice (today) so even the clubs haven't posted the info yet. todj The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Jan 15 22:57:02 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Nadine The address of Brick By Brick in San Diego, for the SSBB appearance is: 1130 Buenos Ave., Bay Park (619) 275-5483 nadine The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jan 18 12:06:49 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: dave jones Subject: Shoe Suede Blues on the radio Shoe Suede Blues will be on the Johnathan Brandmeier Show this Thursday Jan. 21st. According to Tadg, they will tape their set, then broadcast delayed. So, it should be on sometime between 11:00 AM and 3:00PM PST. John's show is syndicated in L.A. and Chicago. In Chicago, John's show (I believe) comes on right after Howard Stern, on the Real Radio Network. SSB is on the air! todj The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jan 18 21:41:34 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Just noticed in the local papers that Peter Tork has two concerts coming up in the Los Angeles area Fri Jan 22 - 9:00 pm - Rusty's Surf Ranch 256 Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica (310)393-7437 $10 cover Sat Feb 20 - 10:30 pm - Club Caprice 1700 Pacific Coast highway, Redondo Beach (310)316-1700 $16 tickets Donna Grayson +++++++++++++++ From: I got this off of Video Collection Wednesday 01/27/99 1:00pm VH1 Teen Idols II Videos and clips by David and Shaun Cassidy, Rick Nelson, Jackson 5, the Monkees, Bobby Darin and more. (1 hr.) The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Jan 20 11:09:14 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m Subject: Michael Nesmith From: "Sunny A. Weldon" In our paper this morning there was a brief note on Michael Nesmith that read.... Michael Nesmith ex-Monkee guitarist, will be out with his first novel next month. "The Long Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora" is set in New Mexico, where the ex-rocker now lives. "Two of my sons just signed record deals", noted Nesmith. Sunny The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Jan 20 20:56:00 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Subject: The Monkees mentioned on "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" Hiya, Listers. This is Paige21 (AKA Lydia) I was watching "Whose Line IS IT Anyway?" a few minutes ago, and to my suprise, they happen to metion the monkees for a brief second in the middle of the episode, and I immediatly knew I had to post it. There was a clip of video they were showing that contained a bunch of baboons in the wild, and these guys had to give hints to the guy who was talking about it, so he asked whether Mike Nesmith was there, and he replied that all the monkees would be there tonight. Not much of a mention, but it made me smile, and I just thought everyone who can still catch it should try to look for it. It's on ABC, so hope some of you try to look for it. That's pretty much it, happy to share my Monkees sightings whenever I can... Peace, love and Monkeeshines forever! Lydia. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Jan 21 19:50:10 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) Monkee Business Fanzine Monkees News Update January 21, 1999 PETER TORK Peter will spend 1999 recording a new solo album. He'll also be playing a number of dates solo and with the Shoe Suede Blues Band. Current date is listed below: Date Venue ---- ----- Jan. 22 Peter Tork and Shoe Suede Blues at Rusty's Surf Ranch, Santa Monica Pier, 9 pm, $8 at the door, all ages welcome DAVY JONES Davy Jones is co-starring with Peter Noone and Bobby Sherman on the Teen Idols concert tour: Date Venue ---- ----- Mar. 28 Macomb Community College, Mt. Clemens, MI, 810-286-2000 May 6 Soaring Eagle Casino, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 517-772-8900 Davy will also embark on a few solo dates: Date Venue ---- ----- Jan. 14 Prairie Meadows Racetrack/Casino, Altoona, IA, 515-967-1000 (must be 21 to attend) Jan. 23 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, Protix 800-905-3315 Feb. 5-6 Lady Luck Casino, Bettendorf, IA, 319-359-7280 Feb. 9 Texas Station Casino/Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, 702-631-8380, if under 21 you must be accompanied by an adult Feb. 13 Conestoga Valley Middle School, Lancaster, PA, tickets sold via the Fulton Opera House box office, 717-397-7425 Feb. 14 Isle of Capri Casino, Blackhawk, CO, 1-800-THE-ISLE March 9-14 Sweet Basil, JAPAN April 10 Robert Morris College, Moon Township, PA, 412-262-8200 April 20-23 Flower Power Festival, DisneyWorld, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 407-WDISNEY Sep. 18 Homer Hamilton Amphitheatre, Tennessee Valley Fair, Knoxville, TN MICKY DOLENZ Micky is working seriously on his directing career in 1999. Look for him to direct an episode of the ABC-TV sitcom "Boy Meets World" in the near future. MICHAEL NESMITH Nez's novel _The Long Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora_ has just been published by St. Martins Press. The publicist tells us that Nez is scheduled to do two booksignings in January: Date Venue ---- ----- Jan. 25 booksigning at Book Soup in West Hollywood, CA, 7 pm, call 310-657-1072 for further info Jan. 29 booksigning at Barnes & Noble, 600 5th Avenue, New York, NY, call 212-765-0590 for further info Nez will be doing a number of media appearances to promote his book and his booksignings: On Monday, Jan. 25, look for Nez to be interviewed on KTLA-TV (ch. 5), Los Angeles, CA, on the "Morning News" show. He is scheduled for a five-minute interview at about 8:30 am. On Thursday, Jan. 28, Nez will appear on the Steve Mason show on WNEW radio, 102.7-FM, in New York City, from about 7:00 to 7:30 am. Listen and call in with your questions for Nez! Also on Thursday, Jan. 28, Nez will do a short interview sometime in the 8:00 hour on cable network Fox News Channel on "Fox and Friends". And on Friday, January 29, he will appear on the Joan Hamburg show on WOR radio, 710-AM, in New York City, from 11 am to noon. Listen and call in! While in New York, Nez will also do interviews for VH-1, for syndicated entertainment news show "Extra", for WBAI-radio's "All Mixed Up" show, and will be recording mini-interviews for a number of radio networks for soundbites that will appear in their network newscasts. The publicists tell us that there's no way of knowing when these additional interviews will air. SPENCER GIFTS As previously announced in the December issue of Monkee Business Fanzine, the Spencer Gifts retail chain is the exclusive distributor of a line of Monkees merchandise this winter. Some MBF readers have reported that not every Spencer Gifts is carrying the Monkees product line---for the location of the nearest Spencer that IS carrying the Monkees stuff, you can call 1-800- 321-2497 (their customer service department). Yes, some stores WERE carrying the Monkees line and have dropped it now that the Christmas season has passed, but Spencer's customer service people tell us they are committed to helping you find the Monkees items you need, even if they have to do it by mail!!! Also, now that the Christmas season has passed, Spencer has added six different Monkees t-shirts to their stores. We've been told that the red one, the one showing the Monkees on a vintage TV set, is a Spencer exclusive. MONKEE BUSINESS FANZINE Maggie McManus ( 2770 South Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08610-3622 Four issues per year, $12 per year. Make check/money order payable to Maggie McManus. maggie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Jan 21 22:08:57 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m ---------------------------------------------------- An Electronic Postcard from Monkee Business Fanzine Date: January 21, 1999 ---------------------------------------------------- Peter Tork and Shoe Suede Blues will play the following upcoming shows: Date Venue ---- ----- Feb. 20 Club Caprice, Redondo Beach, CA, 310-316-1700 Mar. 12 Doc's, Monterey, CA, 831-649-4241 Mar. 14 Brick By Brick, San Diego, CA, 619-275-5483 maggie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Mon Jan 25 20:34:41 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Taken from Billboard Online VH1 will dramatize the stories of the Monkees and Blondie in two of five new original TV movies in development at the network. Rhino Films will produce the story of the four actors-musicians who were cast in the 1966 TV series "The Monkees," while Paramount Network Television will produce the story of Deborah Harry and how she fell in love with guitarist Chris Stein and formed the band Blondie. Emily Johnson +++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Last night, on the Golden Globes, Jack Nicholson was presented with the Cecil B. DeMille Award. During his speech he thanked many people, including Bert Schieder, and Bob Rafelson!!, who, of course, had a lot to do with the Monkees and their creation. MonkeePower! Ashley +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Don't forget to watch for news of the Nesmith book signing today in LA and Friday in NYC! The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Tue Jan 26 07:54:09 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Colthart J J (Bus)" Hi there I just heard something cool that I thought I should share with fellow MonkeeNuts. Michael Nesmith will apparently be on Ric Mitchell's breakfast show on Oldies98 WTRY in Albany, New York on Friday (29 January) morning. I'm listening to it here in the UK over the internet with Windows Media Player, so no matter where in the world you are, you should be able to tune in and hear Nez on Friday too. You can listen live from their website at or from Enjoy! jjc xox +++++++++++++++++ From: "Kimberly Pearce Varnum" Brad: Just received these...take care! NEW TEEN IDOL TOUR DATES May 15,1999 - Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA WFOX Festival - 2:00 pm August 14,1999 - Itchykoo Park, Manchester, TN - 9:00 pm peace and love, Kimberly ************************************** Kimberly's site: Every Step of the Way - Official Davy Jones site The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Jan 27 19:49:11 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) According to Nez's publicist, Nez has CANCELLED his Thursday publicity schedule for New York City. This means that his WNEW interview and Fox News Channel appearances will not take place. He will STILL do his satellite press tour on Friday morning, along with his WOR-radio (710 AM) interview on the Joan Hamburg show (11 a.m. to noon, listen and call in with your questions!!!) and his booksigning appearance at 12:30 pm at Barnes & Noble, 600 5th Avenue, New York City. maggie ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: >From the "People" section of the Dallas Morning News, which is compiled from various wire reports: HEY HEY IT'S THE HORSES: Davy Jones is as much into horses as Monkees these days in Albuquerque, NM. "I ride all the time, of course," says the 5-foot4-inch singer who made his mark in the '60s group The Monkees. "But today, I'm more interested in developing horses and sharing that sort of thing with others." Now 53, Mr. Jones said he once wanted to be a jockey. Mr. Jones performs about 200 dates a year. He's scheduled to appear with Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits and '60s heartthrob Bobby Sherman on the "Teen Idols Tour" this summer. The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Wed Jan 27 20:14:00 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) Nez's New York publicist also says there's a possibility he'll appear on NBC's "Weekend Today" on Saturday, Jan. 23. maggie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Jan 28 15:20:42 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Sunny A. Weldon" There was a brief article in our paper this morning about David Jones: FORMER MONKEE IS JOCKEY JONES Albuquerque, N.M. (AP)--Davy Jones is as much into horses as Monkees these days. "I ride all the time, of course," says the 5 foot 4 inch singer who made his mark in the 60's group the Monkees. "But today, I'm more interested in developing horses and sharing that sort of thing with others." Now 53, Jones said he once wanted to be a jockey. Jones performs about 200 dates a year. He's scheduled to appear with Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits and '60's heartthrob Bobby Sherman on the Teen Idols Tour this summer. "I'm my own man when I tour," he says. "I sing some Monkees songs. I sing some originals." Sunny The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Thu Jan 28 19:58:58 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m correction: From: ( MAGGIE MCMANUS) Nez's New York publicist also says there's a possibility he'll appear on NBC's "Weekend Today" on Saturday, Jan. 30. maggie The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Fri Jan 29 13:50:16 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Kimberly Dee Stout Inside the St. George, Utah's paper, "The Spectrum" on page A3, dated Wednsday, January 27, 1999, is a big picture of The Monkees (the picture was taken a few years ago). Under the picture is a caption that says: Members of the rock band The Monkees pose for a group portrait in this file photo. Davy Jones is as much into horses as Monkees these days. Jones, now 53, said he once wanted to be a jockey. "I ride all the time, of course," sayse the 5-foot-4 inch singer who made his mark in the `60's group The Monkees. Kim ++++++++++ From: "Ellen O'Clair" The Monkees will be spotlighted on an oldies station in the Albany NY area Saturday 1/30/99 from 6 to 10 pm. The station is WTRY, fm 98.3 and am 980. -Ellen The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Sat Jan 30 07:38:56 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: "Torka" Ellen reported that The Monkees will be highlighted on a radio broadcase on station WTRY 98.3 in the Albany NY area on Sat. 1/30 from 6 - 10 pm Eastern time. For those who are out of the Albany broadcast area, station WTRY is also available over the Internet at, so you can listen to the show no matter where you are, as long as you're near a computer at the right time (remember they're in the *Eastern* time zone!). It will require at least a 28.8 modem connection and the Windows Media Player. There is a link on the WTRY station page at to download the Media Player. Happy Listening! ==Torka ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why do they call it a TV set when you only get one? Visit the Cybrary Reading Room and join the Campaign For Justus! The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks! From ???@??? Sun Jan 31 10:06:57 1999 Message-Id: <> To: alert From: Brad Waddell Subject: Monkees News Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: In-Reply-To: References: Message-Id: <> password 4dmp&m From: Kelly Hoffman The program the Monkees will be spotlighted on tonight is actually a live request program (Rock N Roll's Greatest Hits With Dick Bartley) that is available all over the country. ~Klelly The Monkees Alert list is moderated, meaning you cannot post directly to the list yourself. To send an alert to the group, forward it to us here at: and we will send the alert if appropriate. Thanks!
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